An incredibly stupid NIGGER

All folks of the world pretend that Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump would be the apotheosis of an incredibly stupid politician of the globe.

It is sure that Ronald brought by Friedman, Popper, Schwab, Kissinger and Greenspan with help of Margaret Thatcher the deathly neoliberalism in the world, what will kill USA, China, India and Europe and the whole world in the 21st century.

And it is true that Donald is the most idiotic person in politics of all times, a terrible bankrotteur, tax fraud specialist and dirty character, worse as any Jew ever seen at Wall Street or WEF in Davos.

But the worst and most stupid politician was a NIGGER with name of

Barack bin Laden Obama.

And hear now what the crimes of Obama were:

1. Obama extended the criminal Jewish finance industry shit of GW Bush even more than Bush or Donald or Ronald could have ever done.

2. Obama instead of bringing all Jews to Auschwitz and all shitty bankers into jail, invested 4 trillion Dollars of tax money stolen from middle class and the poor,  just to save the dirty Banks and AIG and the willingly killed house market and such started more than ever the over-indebtedness of USA, ending soon in the total breakdown of this Failed State.

3. By doing this, Obama caused in the world a damage of 50 trillions of Dollars by allowing the dirty Jew Business of finance crimes in USA, Britain, France, Russia, China, Tax  Fraud Switzerland etc. and such preparing the complete downfall of all nations on Earth in the near future.

4. The Nigger allowed to keep idiotic papers like derivatives without any value, CDO, ABS, CDS in the crazy casino market of zero values and allowing electronic business with our savings and rents and such destroyed by free will all cash and currencies flowing around our idiotic world.

5. The Nigger allowed the method of Fracking, such destabilizing the whole oil and gas business and thus destroying Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and the ground water of USA and in absolutely any countries, copying such technological shit.

6. The Nigger lets in function the theory of warming up our world by 2 degrees. In fact this is as casual and accidental secondary effect of having created by billion tons of shit in the geosphere and oceans a deathly primary effect of an environment catastrophe und destabilisation of our weather mechanics worldwide and for all times to come - thus creating the primary effect of terrifying future droughts, floods, super-storms and monster waves in oceans, killing all societies of the globe before 2099.

7. The Nigger introduced some idiotic medicine care stupidity of no value, when at the same time the amounts for health idiocies, wars, weapons, armies, interest payments on huge debts and the complete deterioration of all infrastructures and towns of the globe was the future program and all folks are dead, when the finance system collapses, the cloud explodes, the world economics see their grounding, all folks on Earth got shit in their brains from Media, Silicon Valley produces the greatest human shit ever, growth theories kill our planet, all being a great casino und wars getting higher and higher and the final primary climate-collapse will kill all 10 billion of idiots before 2099 - and leave a desert for all times.

8. The Obama Friendship with War and Terror producing Israel in the Middle East has made war against Russia and enlarged the battles in Afghanistan and Iraq and he mounted hatred against Iran and he believes in the Jewish doctrine of having huge armies, no longer to be financed by cracking nations - and thus he produced the danger of Trump.

This asshole had a unique chance around 2009 to kill those elements who destroy our world's middle Class and the poor by a terrifying economic WEF model of big shit and got therefore the Prize of Idiots for Peace,

We have come to the end of human developments on Earth and no Jew did more for this effect of suicide than a dirty NIGGER with name of Obama bin Barack.

Now,  who has no brain - I am talking of 99,99999 percent of humans now on Earth, will not understand one single word of this text - and about 25 billion of brainsick shit will die therefore - very soon and for good reasons.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on September 10, 2017