American War - El Akkad

"American War" by Omar El Akkad

In his famous book "American War", El Akkad assumes that towards the end of the 21st century, we shall see a civil war between Northern and Southern USA.

Great part of Texas, California and some west south belt would be under protection of Mexico what apparently became rich.

USA has got very poor and the south is completely dependent of help from rich China and some new State comprising North of Africa and Middle East, sending help and organizing camps by the Red Half Moon.

This is complete Junk.

It might well be that USA will break into pieces, with civil wars or without and great misery comes over America. This is covering the perfect view of Delavy.

But the rest is so dull that I cannot believe it:

First, China will break into pieces with rotten banks, lost exports, not covering its needs per imports and having deadly catastrophes in the field of ecology.

Second, India goes like all overpopulated nations of the globe down the drain. They can't survive the collapse of finances, rotten world economy and the final collapse in matters of water, environment and climate.

Third, same goes for Africa, South America, Australia and even Mexico, losing ground and jobs now, even before those predictions, by new politics of USA.

Russia can be saved in looking for autonomy like under the Soviet Union and stopping all oil and gas deliveries to Europe.

Japan, the Middle East and part of South Europe are already dead today and the rest of Europe losing all chances by force of the neoliberal shit they took over from USA.

Also the question of ENERGY is stupid in this book:

All cars and other mobility and housing etc. seem to function by solar energy around 2080, when in fact humans will no longer have any chances for survival.

All this is nuts: If one billion of cars and houses must be re-arranged by solar batteries and seldom, earths shit, the downfall of our Earth goes even 10 times faster as written in my books. Nothing will function in future:

- Not the finance industry, not the nations, not any sort of economy or market - this world will have come to an impasse for all times.

The idiots writing books today have no idea of the huge extent of non-covered debts by nations, banks full of crap and the ecologic breakdown producing in future one gigantic drought, flood and super-storms after the other - and all this with 10 billion idiots believing in a future paradise to be made without cash, market, intellect and a planet going down.

Omar El Akkad can write whatever he wants, like HG Wells, Jules Vernes and Orwell and other fantasists, but I prefer the truth about the present situation with respect to some great catastrophes still to come.

My book "John Demaster" alone explained the future of humanity from the side of some sort of ET, but the German and Swiss book market have taken my book out of the stores - and this was not the last word for them when going to Auschwitz.

Therefore, at least Switzerland will be destroyed, when the crimes of international Tax Fraud become a subject for other suffering nations, based on my  scripts, to demand trillions of lost taxes from 1960 to today for conglomerates and billionaires, not having paid taxes on profits, of which over 80 percent of world gains were hidden by experts and the "Big Four".

But so far, just note that USA is lost - but the rest too, exception made to Canada, Russia and Scandinavia.

Still questions? Read my books.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on August 4, 2017