Worldpower Delavy

World-Power Delavy

Most people have no idea, where in our world could be the real power.

99,999 Percent of folks don't even know how function politics, banks, insurance, conglomerates, the liberty for rich VIPs, banks, Boni-criminals and enterprises not paying taxes world-wide and the fact, that we do not have a "climate-change" with a warming up our Earth, but a surplus of heat with the aim of getting a collapse of climate and coming gigantic disasters in our weather-mechanics, killing humanity.

Now, under such premises, it is interesting to know, what STUPID IDIOTS - our elites and masses - take for power:

US President und US Parliament

Those idiots like Reagan and Trump administrate only the complete downfall of USA and the coming crash of its banking industry and the coming total fall and breakdown of neoliberalism in USA and the rest.
This goes too for Blair, Kohl, Merkel, Kissinger, Putin and the rest of geopolitical idiots in "power".

The 9 Idiots of China

The powerful men governing China, a dead and bankrupt State, as before in Japan, Greece, Ireland and in fact USA and most European countries, and some time to come also India or Brazil and 100 other nations, just administrate a land that is on the Edge of falling to hell, having immense waste land and deserts, no water anymore and a coming climate disaster never seen before on this globe, making an end to the explosion of pops of idiots.

The Big Four

The Big four of Accounting, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, EY and Deloitte have great influence on all conglomerates and banks and the freedom for tax fraud for the rich class of the globe, but like the rotten Rating Offices, they do just the job of destroying Middle class and the Poor, like Trump does.

The Federal Banks

All Federal Banks like Fed, ECB, Bank of China, Bank of Japan and Deutsche Bundesbank just prepared the bankruptcy of global finance systems and prepared the financial death of banks and all States in which they did their criminal work during the last decades.

The Banks too big to fail and Hedge funds

All Banks of the globe only were occupied about criminal shit with worthless cash, using up for nothing the saving and rents of middle class and poor, of workers and employees, and they created shit papers in derivatives, ABS, CDO, CDS and worthless State bonds and rotten subprime shit in trillions of Dollars and are in fact bankrupt since quite a long time, like the nations USA, India, China, Japan, Italy and Greece.


All Universities of the globe just look that our youth gets crazy with the Mont Pelerin Ideal of Neoliberalism of Milton Friedman and seeks for profits, growth, killing any company or nations not being the ones in which they live, they have a mind of a robot or a child of 6 years and a brain full of shit, to destroy our planet for all times within less than 50 years of time.

René Delavy

The only thinker and writer of this globe, who made an exact analysis of the reasons and origins and later effects around the coming disasters in finances, economics, geopolitics, philosophy, ecology and fast growing stupidity of folks and the crimes of the Elite, that more and more made some per mille to be possessing all fortunes of the globe and the rest of 99 percent to fall in total misery, the one who wrote those books and editors letters has a name and this name is René Delavy.

When it becomes clear that in the 21st Century the whole mass of 10 billion of idiots tumble to hell, it will be time to study the fact, who in fact and reality had power on this globe.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on June 23, 2017