Dallas and idiocy of USA

Dallas and the idiocy of USA
or: Dallas knows nothing about US Americans

I pretended in a former Letter that I will crash the Visage of Jesus Christ, because that man would not get anything about the nature of Americans.

One of the best Professors and media writers of USA, my friend Dallas, pretended that - contrary to his Jesus, the US Allah - he would well conceive just anything about US Americans.

Now, we prove that Dallas knows NOTHING about his co-idiots in his USA:

The idiocy of Donald Trump

Dallas expects some nice things to come about Donald Trump. But Donald will be worse as Adolf Hitler. He will do nothing for workers and the poor mass who elected him. Donald creeps in the Ass of Jews of Wall Street and finance business. Donald lowers the taxes for the rich class and tax-free conglomerates. Donald destroys anything in the import and export with China, Mexico, Europe and else. Trump will start a war against Russia and have Putin as his worst enemy. Donald will in fact continue with Ronald and Thatcher politics, in order to destroy our Earth and he will kill in future some 21 billion of folks on Earth.

It is a shame that a criminal asshole with his casinos, 4 bankruptcies, tax fraud and other shit can become President of a most rotten nation - USA, but as for England with Thatcher and Blair, Germany with Hitler and Kohl and Russia with Stalin and Gorbi - USA is entitled to bring at power of Moises Naim the most stupid American of all times ever.

The idiocy of religion

The most stupid sects and religious idiots of Europe went 200 years ago to USA and stayed such stupid until today. Although we will kick the bucket with our explosion of pops, those idiots want to forbid any abortion to any nigger and poor Chinese in any Africa and Asian land, going down the drain just now.

Only such a stupid nation like USA, can accept rotten laws when deciding who goes in jail, instead of recognizing the crimes that were actually done by its elite, what is some other religious God's belief of idiots in God's own country - being just one big merde.

The idiocy of US Universities

USA has the best Universities of all? Forget it: The idiots with name of Milton Friedman and JM Keynes and other shit are responsible for the coming bankruptcy of USA and the end of capitalism and of the decline of the Dollars and of US industry and the complete enfeeblement in mind of 99 percent of Americans, including their professors and experts of nothing.

The major crime are the media and some shitty internet with Twitter, Facebook and Google, just invented to make US Americans more stupid as any dictator Obama nigger from Africa and any Pinochet from Chile.

The idiocy of geopolitics of USA

The geopolitics of Napoleon was not the best, not better as Adolf Hitler's geopolitics or those of Stalin and Gorbi in Soviets or the idiocy of Thatcher and Blair within the British Empire. Not one nation destroyed more  of future humans than this State USA, that should never have existed and seen light on this rotten planet.

But be sure, the wars of USA were the most unjustified on Earth, destabilising the Middle East, Arabia, death of Israel soon, Afghanistan lost, same for Iraq and Syria. The torturing to death of any socialist in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Guatemala and 50 other States proves the shit in the brains of Americans, that should be shot to hell by Putin's atomic power.

The idiocy in view of Jews

You know nothing about the Jews? They govern USA, all Wall Street banks and those in the City of London, Jews are the heads of Deutsche Bank, WEF, Fed, ECB, IMF, Worldbank and any shit of derivatives or hedge funds in the western world.

Those Mont Pelerin Society idiots of Chicago School are the worst criminals ever seen and they are responsible for the coming collapse of China, India, USA, Europa and the rest. There is a need to reopen Auschwitz, to kill those who killed by now about all 200 nations, with shitty banks too big to fail, given as aim for US geopolitics under Donald Trump.

The idiocy in the destruction of the Earth

The world has destroyed the environment and the climate of this Earth for all times. None has done more for this crime as USA and above all this idiot of Trump.

We can see the end of all mega-towns and infrastructure that get rotten, when Universities in USA pretend the contrary, because those types have nothing but shit in their brains.

The idiocy of being American and having shit in the brain

To be born in the USA means - Americans can't possibly know - and this was known by Alexis de Tocqueville, Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, Blaise Cendrars and René Delavy - can't possibly know to what terrible extent US Americans have just figures and profits and bonuses in their rotten heads, full of shit and stupidity.

They destroyed our world by finances, economic power, stupidity of masses, worst universities of the globe and the final destruction of all resources, sand, cash, climate and humans. Never humanity had seen more of crap as are the present US Americans.

Where you can read more about all this:

You can read all this in the following books:

Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction - CHAOS - 10 Maximes - Das Buch der Kritiken - Collection of Editors Letters - PLADESNIEKANT - Orakel 2099 - 8 Steps of Thoughts - and new: Reflexionen und Maximen - incl. Weltbürger Alexis.

And now go to hell for all times and hope, USA will be bombed back to Auschwitz and thus creating the sand, China needs to build further subprime-cities near Hong Kong.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in Feber 2017