Mont Pelerin Democrazy

Democrazy - and Mont Pelerin destroyed our World

This text will prove, that Democrazy and Mont Pelerin Society destroyed the future of humanity in the 21st Century.

As always written in all my books, Democrazy is nothing but a "Dictatorship of dull Majorities".

Dullness and crimes and richness in decay cannot govern any nation:

"Checks and Balances" of any sort in the USA and other regions were ever of zero sense and value, if the U.S. Jews of Mont Pelerin Society and AIPAC around Wall Street dictate all roles of politics and economics in the USA and the world. This criminal MAFIA of Jewish Skunks had nothing but Cash in the brains instead of common decency and no future in any survival for humans, having become automatic monsters wanting to destroy any future.

When the U.S President is the same Swine like his Parliament and his judges and exclusive privileges and sole  rights for the richest - but no common sense of very stupid folks in the USA, and the same goes for Russia, Germany, France, England, China, Africa and the whole rest, we can never count on a future of living creatures. All systems are now on the way to hell and there is never anymore a way back to living conditions on an Earth - in state of death and decay.

It is impossible to teach folks about reality.

All governments and all economic forces of our globe have destroyed any intellect in the heads of 99,999 percent of human members by neoliberalism and cash ideologies.

There, humans prepared since 1900 the total breakdown of humanity by the free will of complete idiots and apes, which our humans have become during the times since the years of enlightenment, each year made folks more dull in technological times and when the Skunks of Chicago school entered in the heads of the 99 percent, the AMEN of God was given to destroy our planet for all times, without any chances of recall.

And here are the reasons:

1. Technology and cash of capitalism allowed to create a destruction machinery, to destroy our planet within the time of 1800 to 2050. There is no chance today to come out of this automatism. Whatever governments try to do, all systems are just NOW crashing and there is not one person - except me - to have any idea how to stop the CRAZE.

2. The neoliberal Junk of Jews introduced since about 1975 the total Regime of Neoliberalism and the idiotic idea, that free market, free industry, free banks without State controls and trillions in worthless crap, say Dollars, Bonds, Shares, Derivatives and other Junk, would help to nourish 10 billion of idiots without any chances to survive the 21st Century. And the Skunks were successful, in condemning the other 7 billion to become blind and stupid to the max.

3. The ideology of Growth was the major Crime of all Governments, WEF, Fed, Chicago School and the U.S. liberal idiots and Swiss Tax Fraud schemes, of the political left and the economic right of commerce and finance industry. We have reached the End-State of existence. It was clear for me from the start, that if Democrazy accepts the concept of eternal Growth and Progress of destruction, at the latest in the year 2000, humanity will get never more any chance to prevent the destruction of all resources, all infrastructures, all towns, all human future and our climate and weather mechanics for all times. We are dead already - and don't check the puck.

4. The capitalistic WAR against nature, the effect of at least 500 trillion dollars in DEBTS, the destruction of our ecologic world and the wanted stupidity of the 99,999 percent of folks under any sort of liberal governments, the worst of which would be our Democrazy, could by force only lead to wars, terror, end of ecologic conditions of death -  and all was due to the ultimate breakdown of capitalism, by USA, in China, India, Europe and the rest - without any solutions or Plan B to come after the year 1975 - the time my "ORAKEL 2099" had been written.

5. The brain of humans - according to my "8 Steps of Thinking" - only was made for about 100 persons on Earth, to read our "world-theatre", in order to realize the true effects or our behaviourism, creating deadly systems and humans without any intellect, in order to govern nations, congresses, science, cultures, banks, religions and masses of dull folks, all not even capable to smell their own shit they had in their distorted brains.

It may be funny to read such critics, but seen backwards from the ultimate CRASH of all systems in all lands on Earth around the years 2000 to 2050, it will be evident to any child, that what we call "humanity" was never anything else but a fight for cash and power for the rich ones having slavery forces over the masses, a system of idiocy in favour of those, who had shit in their heads and wanted to see a misery for the majorities, to feel better - not considering, this would be the END of themselves and their capital - since our humanity as a whole and even of our planet, was prepared by dirty Jews and bankers and Presidents to let disappear the idiots of dull masses from the surface from a formerly beautiful Earth.

In short, all systems, philosophies, theories in economics, religions and politics of the world, since 1650, were of a nature to produce a dead planet EARTH from the start and the "success" came like written from 1950 to 2050.

It is clear that any left or right-wing human system under these religions, philosophies and dullness of human brains, be it neoliberalism, communism, Marxism, liberalism, socialism or any sort of religions and science-fiction, must by force and logics have led to the death of humans, when getting in numbers over one billion and inventing techniques and cash systems and the possibility to destroy nature, animals, oceans, our geosphere, all resources and the world-climate for all times to come.

From the start of human existence, since Adam and Eve in principle, our evolution developed the human brain to be full of shit, in which the "Laws of our Planet" never found any place. It could have been possible to create some sort of a paradise on Earth, but it was clear to me since my youth, that humanity was preparing again in old times and later on more and more, the complete downfall of this race and by coincidence, this FACT fell into my life-time - and it was good so, because thus I was able to prove that humans knew about their craziness and really wanted to die as a collective heap of great shit in a state of ignorance.

From the start of the existence of the "Homo sapiens", it was impossible to create a culture or a philosophy to be understood by the masses. Not even one percent of "normal" humans could understand, how ethics and morals for a survivals of the planet could function. And worst: Our pragmatic philosophy of "Behaviourism" never was of use, since humanity is not directed by feelings, but by deathly systems in "Technik.Kapital.Medium". You just should finally understand: The effect of self-killing will never be discovered by the 99 percent of folks. They were driven by the neoliberal and other Junk into a cash-world, where the useless capital governed our reality whereas in the human brains grew some shit instead of an ethical and fine intellect.

This human Mont Pelerin Society had only a chance, if from the start, since the Old Greeks, only the wisest and most moral men on Earth of highest ethics and common decency would have had the power for governments, all power in defence, in science, in politics and in general thinking - in all countries of our just now experienced development towards a rotten world full of creatures without any feeling for nature, animals and a future to live on in peace and according to the fundamental rules of our planet.

Since this way of living  was never the case and not even as a concept thinkable, it was a must for humans to go ahead by general stupidity of religion leaders, of dull philosophers, crazy inventors and eager economists of highest greed, to bring into the world the shit ideologies in the USA, spread on to  China, Japan, Russia, Europe etc., by our great Mont Pelerin Society our WEF, AIPAC, Israel, Swiss Tax Fraud Junk and the belief, we need some rich criminals of the rich class, the stupids of Silicon Valley  and in addition some masses of fools, to destroy our Earth, not only by WARS, but in the end-effect by the neoliberal scheme of growth and death, we have today as our general and globalised Status quo of a very stupid PRAGMATISM.

We were and are governed by criminals, having made dull to the max any folks of Democrazy - and the fine and blind victims think to be part of the criminal and unjust game of those who govern the world now, short before its complete breakdown.

We had a wrong and paranoid belief in the "governments by folks", our idiocy of DEMOCRACY, and only from the end of existence, we will see that dull masses did never prevent some crazy ideals of self-destruction in politics, economics, ecology, culture, religion and other human shit.

It was impossible to prevent with crazy masses of demo-shit, the total collapse of all systems in economics, finances, nations, nourishment, holocaust of humans and animals, provoking the final death of our planet by ecologic crimes wanted by the famous Mont Pelerin Society around criminal JEWS, some of which are known as Popper, Friedman, Hayek, von Mises, Schwab, Kissinger, Ronald, Thatcher, Greenspan, the Big 4 and all Jews of Wall Street and Silicon Valley -  and all other SHIT you believed in-

-yes, it is to be repeated, you idiots were prepared to believe in all governments around Ronald, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, Pinochet and Videla and Putin, convincing all dirty medias around Murdoch or Berlusconi, naming New York Times, Le Monde, Stampa, Zeit, NZZ, Fox TV  and Pravda and all editing companies in 200 nations, to be living in the best world ever, on the best way of "progress", growth, cash and worthless shit in stock exchanges and banks, driving nations into a globalised state of death and disorder, when in fact the House of Cards fell on your head and destroyed any future of human race...

This terrifying STATUS QUO led to the End of world for humans that was accomplished by the year 1975 - the point of no return according to my "ORAKEL 2099" - when all automatisms came over our world, blinding the 99 percent of fools, very much to the pleasure of idiots of richness and power in our lost world of complete FOOLS - having become long time ago some human computers in wrong and stupid thinking and arguing.

This Society, not only in the USA and Israel and Switzerland, the greatest Junk Nations on Earth, are DEAD and out, but there is zero hope for any country, to prevent now the final downfall in finances, economics, culture, stupid folks having shit in brains and an ecologic condition, killing our humanity before the usual and useful idiots recognize, how they all are dead since some time.

By 2099, only birds will sing the song of a dead civilisation for the sake of human shit.

And now go to hell - dear JUNK having destroyed a Planet. It's about time to disappear…..

Rene Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 31, 2015 (the year 2016 will be just ONE catastrophe)