Fight for Ideologies

The Fight for Ideologies
Or: A Perfect World
Or: The End of Humanity

Is it true that we could have had a perfect World and is it true that we are experiencing NOW the End of Humanity and is it true that this end is the effect of a Fight for Ideologies in the last 2000 years?

All this is right and can be proven right now.

And for a while, read the most important text on human nature - given for all times - some conclusion on my writing of about 20'000 pages on this subject.

The Fight for Ideologies

Humanity from the start was fighting for Ideologies - which go:

- What is the right und true God? What is the best philosophy? What social or economic System should we have? How should we look into the world and understand our "condition humaine"?

The truth is that any real ideology was a crime and was nuts:

- Islam, Christian faith, Jewish cash systems, capitalism, Marxism, neoliberal Shit, the belief in technology, growth, "progress", evolution, atom bombs, cars, planes, banks, Dollars, U.S. greatness, the theories of Friedman, Marx, Mao, GW Bush, Ronald and Thatcher, the idiocies of the Roman, Napoleon, British, Communist and U.S. Empires - all was nuts.

What is filling in about 100000 Books of history for nothing about the stupid behaviourism, basing on totally stupid philosophies, science, politics, theories in economics, religion and other shit - is nothing but "human behaviourism" for little children with crack in their brains.

There was never any idea or ideal to be of a nature, not leading finally to the destruction of our globe by human force and stupidity.

What we have today in all Universities, Wall Street, WEF or in China, Japan, Greece or else, are some dog bubbles of believing in our intellect, when there was never in this world anything that would be worth to be called:

- IQ - intellect - higher knowledge - decency - fine character - animal nature of high standing for humans - a real God for all or realistic thinking,

but there was nothing but:

- Bluff - force - wars - torture - science destroying our brain and finally our Earth - rich and tax free idiots bringing the end of worthless cash and papers - a climate going to end in an ultimate catastrophe and people being to over 99 percent more dull than any snake.

Assuming all THIS HERE is true - and it IS true - you know now, why humans could in 70000 years of their existence, never have  

A Perfect World

Stupid folks tell us that we could never have had a perfect world.

Now, this is a lie of Marx, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Obama and Merkel and WEF Schwab and all bankers and stupid Jews in our world.

I can prove here, that humans simply missed our perfect world, since what we got from nature are the 1000 "Gods" in which we try to believe, and so we missed a possibility, what was nothing else but a "Perfect world":

- We got nature, water, air, climate, oceans, lands, mountains, resources, plants, animals, trees, days and nights, warm and cold areas and we got all to be happy on Earth under the following conditions:

1. Being never more than about 100 Million of humans.

2. Staying to the "Laws of the planet" in science, politics, economics, growth, "progress".

3. No wars, no religion, only decent and normal philosophies on liveable Systems and not on human feelings - and what we missed most was respect of animals, water, trees, grass and all the rest.

4. No nations, no cash, no stock exchanges, no idiotic inventions like cars, planes, atom works, sky scrapers, weapons, armies, congresses for fools, politicians being the greatest assholes of the globe and prizes of dynamite for the most idiotic VIPs on Earth.

5. Recognizing any foolish developments from the start and giving all matters in the finest and wisest characters we had, to say the ones out of millions, who had a brain and not the usual shit in their heads.

Naturally, there should have been some other FACTS and figures, but for understanding my theory, you stupid should have read my 15 books or some 3000 editors letters of mine.

But since we had Islam, Jewish Doctrine of neoliberal Shit, Christian Science and progress and science of the worst, we have NOW a Status quo that will lead in the 21st Century to

The End of Humanity

What about soon 10 billion of idiots, to say our human quark of nothing, can see when they wake up in the morning, is a STATUS QUO that is nothing but the beginning of the End of Humanity and the final ways and roads to hell in the existence of your Species in the 21st Century.

We were successful with our mechanics of feasibilities and growth and intellect of Zombies, to create a World - que voilà:

1. We are a crazy mass of soon 10 billion of idiots, knowing nothing about the functioning of a perfect World.

2. We have all GADGETS of science, technologies, cash and worthless papers in banks, leading to the final bankruptcies of all nations, end of resources and energies, a coming collapse of your climate within the next 100 years, the fall of USA, China, India and the rest into total misery, no idea how to stop the Craze of the Jewish neoliberal shit, being the worst economic systems ever found in history, we see the end of drinkable water and our geosphere, short before a total collapse of anything in any country.

3. We have seen an ideology of GROWTH and "PROGRESS" of fools for a mass of idiots, believing in IPCC, WEF, Fed, ECB, AIPAC and the wars in Vietnam, torture in Chile, two World Wars, the religious fight of Arabian Islamic shit against U.S. Christian Shit of Tea Party and Evanglicans, and we have Niggers in the White House, more dull than Ronald, Merkel, Berlusconi or Putin and we have congresses like COP21, fully blinded and stupid to the max, believing the End of our Climate could be the start for a "Perfect World".

4. We see a world that is governed by the dirtiest Jews in Universities, white or black or yellow Shit in all governments of the globe, scientists believing in the progress that led to the present Status quo and some writers of novels explaining for the millionth time, how stupid are:

- feelings - human behaviourism - the daily dramas of shit humans - the belief in some cultures, arts, music and philosophies that created the CHAOS we are living in today.

But worst is the ecologic belief in temperatures of 2 degrees, when the intellect of humanity created by energy load of death in our climate that could go down to ice time or all being a hot desert and the crime was the wanted destruction of our Earth, and now basing on some crazy and paranoid belief in Degrees, trillions of worthless papers and computer Dollars go down the drain just NOW - and we look into some successful China, short before the greatest Bubble of all times, will be exploding, after all the crimes of Mao. being replaced by those of Friedman and Popper.


Yes, a perfect world was in principle possible - contrary to what pretend about 99 percent of idiots, we call our best intellectual VIPs such shit of humanity ever had.

Yes, we have today a Status quo having led for all times into a complete CHAOS and collapse of climate, resources, water supply, energies, nourishment and a mass folks ideology, where soon the revolutions will explode when USA and China and Europe clash for all times, all money becomes worthless and the mass will massacre the guilty Elite and there will be a "Mad Max World" instead of a "Perfect World" - and there will have been ONE person to overlook the real situation on Earth and now you can read

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 12, 2015

NB.   In my book "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz" I wrote about the principles, not to save humanity, what is utterly impossible, but to have a save landing in the human catastrophe of the 21st Century - in all respects.