I - will - destroy - You

I - will - destroy - You

"I will destroy You" - What does this mean? Well, read the following and you shall know more about human history as you have ever found in 100000 Books in your lifetime:


"I" is nothing else but René Delavy. This man has written about 15 books and 3000 Editors Letters in German, English and French language.

It goes about history, politics, finances, economics, philosophies, religion, ecology, culture, science and take what you want.

The texts cover all times of the existence of the human race and all areas and races and Gods.

The only reason for writing by René Delavy was not to become famous, but to realize what is truth, justice, sense of life, origins and effects and how function all humans, our nature, our societies, what are the systems and technologies of the world, how function nations and banks and why this heap of shit, what "normal folks" call humanity, goes to hell in the 21st Century, by automatism of foolishness of the 99,99 percent of humans.

The scripts of Delavy are nothing but the true mirror of what happens not in fiction of daily life, but in depth of the truth in our reality.

When I started with writing books, I was convinced that any editing company or media club in the world would understand any sentence I was writing. By some time, I realized that perhaps one person out of 20 would get my texts. Today I know, that not one person out of a million could be able to get the sense of any of my texts, including this one here, since I discovered, that the 99,99 percent of humans have at the highest about only half of my IQ and one tenth of my knowledge. Impossible for such humans, to understand my texts as they were written.


What means "will"? Well, where there is a will, there is a way. When a human individual decides to do something, there is nothing behind than his will to do it.

And by accident, you will become U.S. president, a Dynamite Prize Holder, a writer, a worker or a person to be tortured to death.

You are the victim or the perpetrator of your times and room. You come on Earth against your will as human instead of an ape or worm and in a given month and year in eternity. And when you die, it is according to Friedrich Duerrenmatt your personal and true "Decline of the Universe".

Whatever was before your times and after your life, is for your person of no importance, it simply is literature and some will, to understand the world and change it, according to your will.

It was the capability of VIPs to create our world. In principle, this world is perhaps the result of not more than 200 brains of the past, those who decided to convince the rest to create those systems and gadgets and philosophies, according to what the majorities in the "Dictatorships of dull Majorities" would call "Reality".


Why is the word "destroy" so important? Because about 90 percent of folks think, that growth, "progress", optimism, the making of matters, speed and gadgets would be important in your world.

The "Makers" of matters are very restricted in their doings:

- Some Einstein was only able to help building the atom bomb and useless matters about time and space - some Shakespeare could only write in his language about simple matters on geopolitics and human behaviour in daily life - Nietzsche could only believe the humans would be God and had no idea about human nature - Bach only could compose text about Christian belief and Bach classic - Dylan could only write stupid texts in his sing-song style of nothing - Van Gogh or Picasso could only paint in their limited style - Friedman Milton could only destroy our world by neoliberal shit - and Obama could only ignore the destruction of USA by Dollars on basis of theorems of Popper, Ronald, Thatcher and Pinochet -

and so we can say, that all systems we got, be they called: Marxism, neoliberalism, technologic gadget world, dictatorships of left or right stupidity, any other inventions of spirit in the last 2000 years - all our national speed of craze was here to destroy humanity and provoke the end of most life on Earth for all times, about 2000 years after an Idiot with name of Jesus.

The funny thing is that out of 7,5 billion of idiots living today, only Delavy has got the idea and truth in reality, plus all the lies of others, about the real situation on this globe and how it will get on with humans, by automatism in CRASHES to come in the USA, China, Japan, Africa, Europe and all finance systems, followed by a complete crash in world economics, how the missing resources and of water of 10 billions of mass-idiots will be replaced by alternative foolishness, the written and true facts about the increasing dullness of the mass of folks, the criminal deeds of your Elite and finally the coming ultimate collapse of our climate and weather mechanics in the 21st Century - destroying our planet, at least the existence of humans, on Earth for all times.

And since there was not one person to discover these Mechanics of self-destruction, Delavy had to write his texts for nothing, since not one Person or VIP got ever during his life the contents of these scripts.


"You" is the person reading these lines. Any person not understanding our world systems in geopolitics, philosophies of shear behaviourism, the automatisms of destruction in finances at the Wall Street, the crimes of the Jews around Popper, Friedman, Keynes, Pinochet, von Mises, Hayek, Ronald and Thatcher, Greenspan and WEF Schwab, of Bush and Obama and the rest of killers, will never get, in what world we are living today.

And there exists a "Black List" of those to be taken for the criminal perpetrators for the systems mentioned here and they must be destroyed, in history or in reality.

It is not the will or the intention of Delavy, to kill those idiots being the major VIPs in the soup of dull humans, but when the crashes of all systems come over us, the mass will by automatism massacre all Elite Idiots, responsible for this text here.

But in fact, I write such editors letters only, because I can.

What will be after my life, which will have been my personal "Decline of the Universe", is not so important.

Important was, that not ONE human on Earth ever understood one sentence of my literature and this led to the ultimate death of humanity, before the year 2099 had come....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 15, 2015

NB.   In my book "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz" I wrote about the principles, not to save humanity, what is utterly impossible, but to have a save landing in the human catastrophe of the 21st Century - in all respects.