2 best Books in human History

Best Books ever

Dear Dallas

It is my will that you have in your computer the two most important texts ever written:

Das Buch der Kritiken: This book in German explains all the errors in theories of economics, philosophies and other, having led to the present situation of a craze in neoliberalism, debts catastrophes, end of nations and crash in USA, Europe, China, India and the rest. It contains the reasons, origins and effects of false thinking in all respects and why all past efforts in science, religion, politics, economics and so on must have had as effect, that in the 21st Century we will see soon the complete breakdown of finance systems, world economy, cultures, increasing stupidity of Elite and Mass and for sure a climate collapse 10 times more dangerous than assumed today.

The Collection of Editors Letters is just a summary of English Studies on about the same and explaining the situation we have today worldwide.

Now, some may say, we have more important books in the past. Let's look at them:

The BIBLE is a fairy-tale about an invented God with human rules, leading to war, crimes and stupidity. Jesus was just a legend, running around and gossiping about behaviour of humans. This killed more folks as anything.

The philosophic books and science books led to World Wars, a craze of technological gadgets, same with Einstein and other theories, being here for nothing and not changing anything about the crimes done by politicians, bankers, media folks and the masses, condemned to die soon. We are at a loss with resources, energy, sand, seldom earths and money and don't get it as much, as the idiotic economic experts got in time the death by neoliberalism and State debts.

NOVELS of the best writers are nothing else but stupid talking about feelings, the fate of idiots, telling what has been in the past and zero facts about the reasons and effects of today's total breakdown of all systems to come, when the mass exploded from 2 to 10 billion in 100 years.

And so we have only my 2 books and the other 10 of mine, explaining all reasons, why we ended here, where we are.

Anyway, just keep the texts warm. I guess that by 2025 at the latest, first all finance systems on Earth will break in pieces, there is no alternative.

Thanks for your goodwill. Perhaps sending it to Christos too, since WN tried at least, to prevent the worst....

Have a good time and stay healthy.

René Delavy - From "Berlin and Bournemouth" - today December 6, 2015