USA soll alleine verrecken


Die gesamte Welt sollte ab sofort die USA total ignorieren.

Die Gründe:

1. Dieser Drecks-Staat hat die gesamte Welt mit ihren Juden und Bankern an den Abgrund der Welt-Finanzen geführt.

2. Der Neoliberalismus, übernommen von allen Staaten, ist ein Selbstmord-Kommando.

3. Die USA exportieren Gewalt, Unethik und Hollywood der Grauens. Alle Kinder und Erwachsene in Europa, China und auch sonst sind von den USA verblödet worden.

4. Die USA unterstützen einen verblödeten Staat mit Israel, der alle Länder des Islams destabilisierte und zum Terror brachte, zuletzt auch noch den Maghreb.

5. Die USA ist verantwortlich für die Schweinerei in der Ökologie, also Vernichtung von Klima und Wetterkollaps der Globus. Dieses Verbrechen ist 10000 x höher zu werten als Auschwitz von Hitler.

6. Die USA haben Millionen an Sozialisten in Vietnam und Südamerika vernichtet und zu Tode foltern lassen. Dieser Drecksstaat vernichtet nun sich selbst, plus China, Europa, Indien und dem Rest, infolge des Kollapses des Kapitalismus.

7. Die USA hat das optimistische Denken von Verblödeten in der Welt wie keine andere Nation befördert. Nicht einmal das Japan des Kopierens, das Deutschland der Juden in SS Auschwitz, die WEF Schweiz mit ihrem gigantischen Tax Fraud, China mit der Cheap Production des Niedergangs und Indien in der Implosion der Massen, sind so dreckige und vertrottelte Staaten wie die USA.

Wenn jetzt nicht entschieden wird, diese Kultur und alle Geschäfte aus den USA plus Juden und Banker zu boykottieren, wird diese Welt des Kapitalismus bis 2020 verreckt sein und ein Plan B ist am wenigsten am WEF in Davos zu finden - Arschlöcher um Schwab, Reding, Merkel, Monti, Obama, Draghi, Bernanke, Morgan, Cameron und andere Schweine des Denkens.

Noch Fragen - verblödetes Amerika?

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 26, 2013 


World-Finance Crash completed by End of 2015

Yesterday I wrote a German Article with title "USA ist TOT" or in other words:

- USA as State is DEAD and all lands should boycott this rotten State for their crimes in finances, economics and ecology. - But let's extend the actual situation of the globe by showing the program, as if the whole world would kick the bucket in finances, until end of year 2015.

Sure this is some FAKE and SYMBOLIC, however, you can put instead of 2015 some 2018 or 2025. You can turn it your bloody way, but you could never in the world deny that you face here a final FACT.

Take the example:

A local Engineering Office near to my home did in NZZ let speak the CEO as follows:

"We have great success and growth (in the only honey-pot in existence - Switzerland) and are expanding. Sad is that my Lawyers have more work than my IT office, in order to get realized the projects against opposition in folks of politics, However, my major problem today is, that the debtors won't pay anymore their bills…. etc." - copy of firms dead when living like Swissair, seen 100 times in my professional career.

But this IT Bureau is the true situation of the whole world:

- Our God for Humanity became from 1945 to 2015 to be only Profit, Success, Growth and idiocy and now the bill is presented and not one company, land or person on this globe can pay the BILL.

And note furthermore some PSYCHOLOIGAL NUMBERS:

When the downstream starts, all folks will get nuts, we face wars, riots, revolutions of masses against the Rich and Powerful, never seen before -- and in addition, the Crash will hit the exploding POVERTY first, but immediately followed by driving to hell all rich and powerful VIPs of this World.

And there we go:

- Until end of February 2015, Japan will have realized that this State is broke for all times. There is no way out of complete bankruptcy and the rating offices and other States will react to leave this idiotic nation no chance nevermore. Naturally, Japan is a symbol too for USA, Europe, China and all the rest.

- USA are dead since a very long time. USA have not 16 trillion Dollars of debts, but 250 trillions and each American owes to the world one Million of Dollars if counting: Debts of USA, of 50 States, of all towns and counties, mortgages not covered, Chapter 11, credit cards, leasing, rents and infrastructure costs not covered etc. etc. - But USA will try to hide this true situation further on with lies at the WEF. But in fact, USA will never be able to lower the deficits, and if done the whole economy goes to hell. Therefore, by End of March 2015, people, experts and rating offices will have understood - that USA are DEAD by Middle April 2015.

- Southern Europe, to say Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal are bankrupt by End of April 2015 due to Finance Crash of the Jews at Wall Street and funny deficit spending politics from 1975 to 2015. Those deficits are bound to further increase or - as alternative, economy go down to hell. This tears France, Belgium, England (being a copy of USA) and all northern Europe down to hell.

- Germany, living from criminal export and EURO politics goes down the drain, since Helmut Schmidt, Kohl, Schroeder and Merkel will prove, looking from End of 2015, they have been the greatest idiots of all in Europe from 1975 to End of May 2018.

- Switzerland and other Tax Fraud Crooks are facing trillion CLAIMS of other nations and be forced to give up finance place and fraudulent politics and go down the drain - more than the poor Countries in Africa or South America. The idiocy of letting pay the RICH CLASS no taxes (source of national deficits), is known by now by the 90 percent Class of Poverty and those will kill any rich person or politicians, having ever seen WEF in Davos.

- The Investment bankers and Hedge Funders and Jews are recognized as the Shit of Persons of Neoliberalism of Popper and Friedman and there business gets in pieces when it is recognized, how stupid those crooks were, such BIG SHIT of humanity.  The WEF in Davos and other stupid congresses will no longer dare to open their doors - or any participant will be massacred on their way already.

- By mid of 2015, China will see its rotten Cheap Politics of exports go to hell and riots of the 1,5 billion of idiots will do the rest. The 3000 MPs of Beijing will be massacred. China realizes that U.S. treasury bonds and all other papers are of zero value. China goes to hell and when next drought comes, one billion of idiots may be dead as dead can be.

- By End of September, great parts of India, Africa, South America realize that the finance Crash did not only tear the finance World to bottom but the whole building of rotten ECONOMICS of WEF, Popper, Ronald, Thatcher, Pinochet, all Jews of Wall Street, City of London, Zurich Bahnhofstrass etc. would be burned out completely and without any PLAN B in existence, because the Plan B to Z were in the books of DELAVY.

- By End of November, in fact the whole world is hit by the Crash of nations, banks and finance cripples of the worst, Jews and bankers being upheld by Lagarde, Bernanke, Obama, Draghi, Merkel, Putin, Singh, Xi, Berlusconi, Cameron, Klaus Schwab of WEF and the cripples of the 7 Dwarfs of Berne.

Now can start the other facts, not yet accepted by the public of paranoia, the famous 99 percent.

- By End of 2015 (here rather end of 2030) the ECOLOGIC TIME BOMBS will explode and produce the end of Australia and all other countries with gigantic droughts, water floods, super-storms and monster-waves in Oceans.

- In addition are faced the missing of water and nourishment for the most crazy politics of any idiotic SPECIES in our Universe: The EXPLOSION OF POPS over 5 billion of crazy shit-in-brains, believing in rotten Dynamite Prize idiots and technological FREAKS on top of the pyramid of stupidity on EARTH.

The End of humanity is given by 2099 for sure, but to close the sack on End of the year 2015 made much more fun than anything else.

I wish this rotten HUMANITY to go very fast from board of this rotten planet.

And so do too some God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha and other cripples of Ratzinger and Mohammed Shit of mind, but I am sure that the 99,999 percent of paranoid folks on Earth, did not get one simple phrase of this marvellous TEXT here.

And now - folks - go to hell and do it as fast as ever possible.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 27, 2015