Save Europe!

Save Europe
"Cretins" must be thrown out

I am really in a total misery: "Cretins out of Europe"? How can I justify such a title for an article, meant to make sense? Let's develop of fast forward-strategy. I name first the "Cretins" and thus critics may lower immediately: First naturally the Jews - as always, then the Islamists, the Popes, the Roma, Ex-Yugoslavian, US-Americans, British and finally the Swiss. Ufff! Thanks heaven, I'm save now - isn't it? What? I may have worsened my position - by showing openly ugly anti-catholic and anti-semitic feelings? And thus Delavy is the first real cretin, condemned to be thrown out of Europe?

Well, there must be other ways for saving my soul. Let's start with logics. Perhaps it helps if I start with the last mentioned first - and end up with the "anti-semitic" comments on the Jews at last:

Now let us throw the following "Cretins" out of Europe:

SWISS:  Well, the Swiss already today do not really belong to Europe. They are in midst of it, surrounded by high Alps and deep Lakes, but they refuse to become 51st State of the USA and even to be accepted as a member of EU - and this for good and cunning reasons: The Swiss Bankers want to "abzock" the whole world. They do it assisted by Swiss bank secrecy laws and special tax heaven models for the richest companies and persons of the world. Further, when you entrust them your portfolios, the bankers push it around all days and nights, earning profits with each transaction - so after 200 sales and repurchases your account will be gone out of gas. And the "7 Dwarfs", the government of Switzerland, want all the advantages from EU - without giving their own. So the Swiss are known as being perfect "Rosinenpickers". Now it's time - let's throw those Swiss out of Europe who possess zero morals and ethics with the rest of nations surrounding them, stealing even their taxes. Just get rid of the Swiss profiteers and fill their lovely paradise with French, Italian and German - leaving Austrians out, they have already some nice Alpine mountain peaks and lakes in all colours.

BRITISH:  This land does not really belong to Europe. They are sitting in the ass of GW Bush and lick whatever is best from Wall Street. And they have decided to dig a channel between them and France inclusive Rest-Europe, so to be on a little island for them alone and undisturbed, just accepting Scottish and Irish folks, not forgetting the poor chaps in Wales and North-Ireland. They love however Eastern "New Europe" of Rumsfeld, also creeping in the ass of America with inland torture-prisons and troops in Iraq. Further, British have colonized the whole world for 200 terrifying years and destroyed very intelligent cultures, based on instructions received from Huntington and Fukuyama, they have buried for good the original heritage in Africa, Asia, India and Europe. What - India is part of Asia? Why was I not told so? And China and Japan as well? Anyway, let's fix some huge motors at the eastern coast of England and push that island slowly over the Atlantic, down to New-England in the USA - where all the British belong now.

US-AMERICANS: Yes, there are still some people left from WW II in their colonies and army-camps in Italy, Germany, Britain, Guantanamo, Iraq, Saudi-Arabia and Japan. What, my geographic knowledge is in the basket? Thanks for telling me that Guantanamo is not in Europe - and God thanks to Castro's Cuba for this fact. But we still have too much American influence in old Eastern Europe, especially in Russia and China, from Milton Friedman, the Chicago Boys and Karl Popper. This capital error, this empty Americanisation, must come to an end. Send double-select and new-born GW Bush junior plus senior in deepest bush right in the blackest heart of Brazil, take Anti-Vietnamese and Pro-Zionists Henryk M. Kissinger and Karl Rove back to their right-wing Nazi-fugitives in Paraguay, our Gossip-girl Koondalitza Rizze back to pre-US-slavery homeland, gentle Obama US-Laden back in his Barrack, take wonderful Aladin Gruenspan and send him back to his financiers in Israel and grasp handsome Hillarious Clinton together with awful Bush and Bill dynasties, shoot them all up in direction of the moon - where never Americans, as CIA and FBI informed me, have ever put a foot on, since this achievement was arranged in splatter-films and put on FOX-TV, produced by Hollywood's director Kudelsky or so.

EX-YUGOSLAVIAN: When they came to Western Europe, chased away by Milosevic and his square-headed Nazi-monsters, not one European nation on this Multikulti-Continent gave those criminals some instructive sheet of paper in their hands, telling them how to behave decently, just like normal and civilized humans. They were not aware that they should accept the rules and laws of Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, England and Copenhagen - and they should not be going into markets of drugs, traffic of girls, working black and seeking tricks for getting expensive social rents and health renewals. They just were expected to freely accept the habits here and not kicking in the ass of those hosts who financed that craziness in Yugoslavia, not stopped by Europeans, however far too late by the US-American army. Let them go back to Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia and all the rest. People asking for shelter because they arrange civil-wars at home, and then kicking their hosts and savers in the ass, should go where they came from - outside Central EU, back in some strange and uncivilized parts of Europe, where they can behave as they like, but on their on accounts.

ROMA: There was a family near Zurich that did cost several millions to a commune over the Lake of Zurich and this for a time of several years. The Roma's daughters slaughtered nearly a troop of Swiss girls at Central Station, asking first for their money, followed by mobile phones and even shoes. The males of that family were criminals and made money, added to about 10000 Swiss Francs social rent received monthly from Kilchberg (Thomas Mann) Switzerland, for the "survival" of that disastrous family, living in a great apartment in luxury. The mother did nothing but tell to Swiss media how poor she was and her husband was only thrown back to Rumania after having menaced to massacre the whole family. Other Romas drive around with their luxurious monster-cars in all lands in Europe, shout for nice and clean places to stay a little bit, forcing all houses around to be well closed - and when they are gone, costs of thousands of Euros are required to clean the misery and bring away all junk, they leave behind. How to get rid of that funny and anachronistic culture of living, not behaving like normal Europeans? I'm afraid they and most people will not understand what is written here until it's too late.

POPES: I know well - Popes are not in Europe. They live in Vatican-City and this cannot be named Europe. It's another universe. But they used to be in Europe in earlier times. Remember: about 30 years after the year zero, Jesus was not killed by Christs, not even by New-born Christs, he was killed by Jews - and in fact we all were Jews at those times. So, WE have killed Jesus Christ, we all, whether we became later Catholics, Protestants, New-Borns or even Moslems. Now, remember too the Christ's Sermon on the Mount: "Whoever, in later years, will be talking in the name of Jesus and Maria, should not have cloths on the back in the United Colours of Ben-Bishop - especially not shades of purple-red or crimson or violet. If they live in richness and hypocrisy and mention thy name, they should be shot on the moon by God's missiles. They should never burn alive normal women per hundred of thousands on funeral piles and never call those victims of false faith "witches". They shall not - in the name of holy ghosts - slaughter to death all folks in South and Central America, bring to slavery black people in Africa and wipe out old natural cultures in Asia and any other region on Earth. They shall never dare being talking in thy name without knowing what and who God really is. This would be of highest sacrilege. If a Holy creature lives in Rome and other "normal" men of any religions are living throughout the world, in the year 2007, who give no equal rights to women and children and animals and all living subjects on the planet, take them and shoot them out of God's universe." The dull majorities of the new Christians applauded like hell.

ISLAMISTS: In fact, it’s the fault of the European themselves. They have occupied lots of Islamist countries in Asia and Africa - and now they have minorities in their Multikulti societies who walk around, males with fierce convictions and their females buried under towels or worse, showing that they belong to Arab countries by their religion and its application in a way, not even the old Greek dared to do, below any civilized and humanly habits, below any decency of God. When will the first woman be stoned on Trafalgar Square for reason that her husband had lust to take another and younger wife? When will we no longer hear our own voice due to loud noise of the shouting of Mudshaheddins and Jihadists from slim towers? When will we see us forced having separate schools, bathes, rooms in any hotel, for Islam males and females, just as we have now for smokers and non-smokers? Why did those crazy believers come to Europe when they had decided, from the start, to develop their inhuman habits here too? I should make it absolutely clear, that they can do in Asia or Africa whatever they want, as long as they would not treat children, animals and women in insane and inhuman ways as they are used to do. They should accept the original culture in foreign countries. And if that egoistic behaviourism would not be enough, some of them let bombs explode in Madrid and London, for reasons they cannot easily explain. Just because Europeans do not function like Taliban? There are no ready-made excuses, since I have written about all crimes committed by Europeans and Americans and other folks during colonisation, going still on today. But this fact can only be one side of the medal. The truth: All religions, philosophies and civilizations on this planet have grown crazy more and more, including the new-born Jesuses, and nobody saw it coming. And now it's too late for turning watches back to times when hope was justified that the exploding population on this planet would become normal and decent, see realities as they are, worldwide, and would give children, women, animals, resources, water, air on the planet Earth the chances, all these participants in daily life need in order to survive the next twenty to fifty years.

JEWS: It is very hard to write about Jews. The crimes Nazi have committed on six million Jews, suffocated and murdered in any kind one could think of, in Auschwitz and dozens of other concentration-camps, weigh hard on German and European souls. And for good reasons so - and so, this item here has to be written and read with utmost care. First of all: Many scientists in the World were and are Jews, many of our most important philosophers, theoreticians in economics, artists, film-producers, politicians and bankers - et j'en passe. We know it. And I must add that I am not at all happy about most achievements with technologies, money-world, science to give our planet the rest, making humans believe to be their own Gods, in whatever religion we may think of - and that the rest of the planet would be pure shit. But I have written 1000 pages on that subject. This is not the place here doing it again. However, let's think of the following: Why do Jews behave as if they would not belong to our world? Look at their behaviour in Israel. Their criminal Nazidom is not seen in its full consequences, because the veto-power USA covers all not implemented UN-resolutions and any stupidity, Pro-Zionists may commit in the Middle East to the detriment of Palestinians - in fact to all Arab countries. Who is saying so? About 20 percent of Israel's intellectuals, the brightest and honest ones, say so - and even in harder tones than I do it here. They are ashamed of their own new nation of criminals, not only under Sharon, already long before, all covered by other hegemonic maniacs of power, all played through in front of our open eyes, those concentration-camps called Gaza and West-Bank. Then they were smashing, for very superficial and hypocrite reasons, the Lebanon in pieces, without asking the world before, only their friends in the USA, thus producing thousands of innocent victims and senseless damages for billions of Dollars - and then begging cash back from idealistic and stupid Donators in Europe who steal that money to their tax-payers, in order to recover the criminal effects of Israel's and US-politics. No, we cannot send all Pro-Zionist Jews down to Asia's Middle East joining orthodox New Yorkers, but at least those writers and authors that continue pretending that this writing here would not be true and would be deeply anti-Semitic, when it only was anti-Zionistic. Jews have to justify and pay for crimes, just as well as any other folks on this planet should do, under equal circumstances.

Dear Reader, are you still of the opinion that the title of this story meant taking great risks? Well, if a thinker, not yet indoctrinated by present ugly times, want to make a point of reality, he just has to take outstanding risks, and he has to use irony, sarcasm, distorted comparisons, humoristic remarks and other means, if he wants avoid opening a Box of Pandora, in its full seriousness that is required to cover any aspect of a given topic, that might risk to ruin our globe by the end.

But in that case, I would be forced to write the same idiocies, as our Kraut-und-Rueben "philosophers" are nowadays accustomed to write on thousands of pages in books and newspapers, without getting the real point at all. Reality is not pragmatism of an insane kind. Some odd "thinkers" may be able to deconstruct and falsely reflect their restricted "truth" about reality, at the beginning of the 21st Century, but they will never understand the chaos in which they are living in and that they helped - with all intellectual consequence - to be produced. But it is not my intention to lose my time telling those hypocrites why they have wrong logics and superficial reasoning, when they only wish to see confirmed, once more, their heaps of wrong life-conclusions. (For more details, please go into Letter "Nothing but a silent cry").

Have I left anything out? Naturally so, since I assume that you would have named some other people to be "Cretins", you certainly would have thrown other folks out of Europe, for better reasons than I have put forward here - I'm dead-sure. So just do it instead of shouting that such intellectual stuff should be thrown "down the drain". There is no space left there, in that drain, because our whole planet goes, just now and within the next fifty years, that way.


Poverty - Africa - The Roma

We have today some difficulties between France of Sarkoy and EU of Barroso.

Some eager female commissioner of EU had the bright idea of comparing the expulsion of the Roma out of France with some facts around the Jews and Roma under Hitler during WW II.

This was not a good idea:

Position of EU

Minorities of the European Union have some rights to exist, in Romania, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Switzerland --- and France. They must survive and should have in great Europe a better living than the 20 percent of U.S. American folks, being very poor. This is alright.

Position of France

Whoever comes to France should not simply take over any land, make a mess, be stealing and prostituting, invest in some burglar and beggar activities and leave a bloody mess when leaving the place to the charge or Paris, Lyon or Marseille. Not with one other minority, such a stupid behaviourism would be allowed, not even inside the EU. This is alright.

The Truth

We can forget about EU when it is not possible to keep the Roma in Bulgaria and Romania with money out of my pocket, sorry, the one of Middle Class Tax payers, so they have not to go and steal land in China-Style in Israel, Africa, Rome, Vatican ---- and France. Okay - this is a Joke, but some truth is in any joke- Friends.


Africa is starving, also because of the rotten economic rules of the U.S. Chicago Boys and go, not as minority, over the little Ocean to Italy, when that land should alone have the charge about what can be done with black folks out of Africa.

Now, the UN and the G-20 and the WEF of Davos just missed to understand the world situation in Africa, in the Slums in the USA, around the broken California and the Palin Tea country near Texas, and therefore there is not one solution for the African Minority problems, that risk, like for the Poor in the USA, to become a Majority within the next 10 Years on a worldwide scale.


Poverty in the world will explode due to collapses in ecology, Wall Street economy, rotten life-style out of our bright forerunners USA, Japan, China and France - and anyway, who has not yet seized what it's all about, should become an EU Commissioner around Barroso and Sarkozy.