1933 und 2023 - Aufstieg des Untergangs

SS NAZI – 1933 und 2023 


TV ARTE brachte eine DOK über den Aufstieg der NAZI unter Hitler aus dem Jahr 1933 zu Berlin - in allen Details. 

Hier die ersten Richtigstellungen:


NAZI 1933 und 2023 

Es ist klar, dass im Jahr 1933 die SS NAZI aus Deutschland die politische Macht übernahmen und später die Juden und Europa ins Verderben stossen würden. 

Wie Putin den russischen Staat, brachte Hitler Deutschland zur stärksten Militär- und Wirtschaftsmacht – und damit zur Katastrophe 1939 bis 1945 und als Vorreiter der heutigen Zeit des Untergangs der Zivilisation. 

Denn heute ist es viel schlimmer: 

Die SS NAZI von Trump, Bolsonaro, Thatcher, Reagan, Selenski, Schwab, Friedman, Popper, Merkel, Bockbaer, Feminismus, WOKE-Kultur, Modi, Greenspan, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Silicon Valley Juden und Banker der Wall Street und 1000 andere NAZI Parteien sorgen heute wie damals für die Zweiteilung der Welt in einen 

Drecks-Westen der NATO mit USA, Germany, England und einige andere Idioten-Nationen 


Ost-Nationen wie Russland, China, Arabien, Indien und grosse Teile aus Südamerika und Afrika. 

Der Atomkrieg ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit und ohnehin verrecken bald 20 Milliarden am Wahnsinn von Finanzen, Weltkonsum, Digitaltechnik, Verblödung der Massen und dem Klimakollaps und Tod der Ozeane und Landschaften auf allen Kontinenten.


Umwelt 1933 und 2023 

Als Hitler an die Macht kam und das Empire der Queens am Verrecken war vor dem BREXIT, war es noch möglich, dass der Totalcrash der Welt hätte vermieden werden können. 

Heute im Jahr 2023 ist es so, dass diese Menschen-Idioten an meinen «10 Geboten des Todes» noch im 21. Jahrhundert verrecken werden, also an Kriegen, Atombomben, Umweltzerstörung, Klimakollaps, Massenverblödung und Fehlen von Wasser und Nahrung etc. 

Weit haben wir es gebracht. 


Die Juden 

Es war schon immer so, dass etwa 20 Prozent der Juden die Finanzindustrie und die grössten Konzerne der Welt in ihrer Macht hatten, per 1933 und per 2023, und diktierten, was die Reichsten und die Unternehmen NICHT an Steuern zu leisten hätten in 200 Staaten. 

Und die Juden der unteren Chargen. also normale Menschen wie alle Christen, wie auch die Kommunisten und Sozialisten und die Tunten und die Franzen als Sündenböcke 1933 ihres eigenen Versagens – wie heute 2023 - und ihre geistigen Verbrechen?.... 

Genau so ist es auch heute noch mit dem Unterschied, dass die Juden heute als Führer der Welt den Untergang von Milliarden vorbereiteten, zum Beispiel auch mit ihren Medien, die nicht sehen wollen, dass wir einen Krieg der NATO und USA gegen Russland führen, wobei Putin als riesige Reserve für die Welt sein Russland erkennt – 

- und die besten Klimavoraussetzungen, allen anderen Saaten überlegen sieht, denn auch China und Indien und USA werden nächstens verrecken an ihrer Gier und Blödheit der Massen, Korruption der Eliten oder der Überbevölkerung oder einer gewaltigen Trump- und WOKE-Verblödung der Parteien. 


Vorläufiges FAZIT 

Es ist keineswegs so, dass wir heute im Jahr 2023 in einer besseren Position wären als unter Hitler um 1933. 

Ganz im Gegenteil: 

Wir sind am Krachen in allen Dingen und sehen nicht einmal, dass dies eine unauflösliche Tatsache ist - ohne jeden Ausweg aus der Gefahr des Todes. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on January 25, 2023


Western Ideology - inferior to Eastern Ideology?

Why should Capitalism be more ethical than Socialism?

(Wrong views on World-Systems)

We have to learn: Neo-liberal Capitalism is good. Communism or Socialism is bad. And exactly this theory is followed now by the media of the whole world, especially in Germany. Whoever can be brought in relation to former Communism seems justifying to call him a political Swine. And this is particularly done by right-wing Boulevard that were the first, and would be first today, to creep in any arse of a new Hitler.

A. The bad, bad guys in collaboration with Nazi-Germany

Want to hear about good examples for this theory?

Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, FAZ, NZZ and FOCUS don't get tired pointing at former writers like Martin Walser, Siegfried Lenz or Dieter Hildebrandt, having been "near" Nazi-Party NSDAP of Hitler, not mentioning that all these persons were conditioned during their whole youth, by a system similar to today's reasoning of hegemonic lands in West and East. And the young Nazis didn't know about the "superiority" of a U.S. system, in the service of some new masters of the Universe…

Guenther Grass (Blechtrommel) and other folks were in Hitler's SS for some time. Shall I name all the Chancellors, Ministers, CEO, lawyers, accounting experts etc. having been under the spell of the former Nazi Systems in GermanyItalyJapan - or in today's Nazi system of United States of America? I would come to very high numbers for respective folks, always the richest ones, those with highest chances for Prizes of Dynamite in Stockholm or Oslo – or else as the highest Stars at conferences like G-8 or the WEF in Davos.

B. The false ethical Difference of systems

Are you believing that there is an ethical difference between right-wing criminal Capitalism and left-wing Socialism of States? Forget it, once for all! And here are the reasons:

The parallels to above hypocrisy are given in Communism: Thousands of people are now accused to have helped Communism in Ex DDR, also as "collaborators" of the STASI (somehow an equivalent to CIA, SS or SA under Hitler) or Services of Ex Stalin-Russia, or the ones of Eastern European Nations, freed from Hitler, to have "collaborated" with the capitalistic system, their governments, intelligence services. The argument is that they collaborated for establishing listings for individuals, having been in favour of western Capitalism of happiness, freedom and demo-crazy.

What a shit! If World-Communism had won over Capitalism, it would just now be the other way round - and all media world-wide would play that brain-less game of pointing to criminals, that were not on the right side of ideology, and thus they would not have been OUR criminals. What a joke, what a hypocrisy, what an injustice, what a stupid level of reflecting about realities and systems!

C. It's always a question of Perpetrators and Victims

The perpetrators that win are afterwards always the great heroes of their times and in history books. And perpetrators with bad luck and all VICTIMS of successful and loser-types criminals are nothing but eternal losers and therefore can be taken for the last shit ever seen on Earth.

Now learn something about other chaps, accused having "been" near to Communism:

West-Lover Michail Gorbatshov was very near to Communism in the past. In fact he was the last arse-creeper of Stalin and Lenin during years and major responsible for today's misery in capitalised Russia - and today no German, U.S. and English Media would make out of him the Swine he has always been. On the contrary, he gets immense honoraries for his useless speeches in front of western Cash arse-creepers. This reminds me of Hilarious and Suck Clinton, as well as the coming brain-amputated Bush and some other Greenhorns, wanting to take the whole world for idiots.

Bush-Kisser Vladimir Putin and his personal Ras-Putins were in the top Lead of Intelligence Service of UDSSR, and thus responsible for killing folks, like the Chechnya population, Politkovskaya, Litvinenko, many of individuals of newspapers and other media - and great number of other nice characters representing adversary parties against "modern" Communism, called by me "Putinism".

About 90 percent of Russians were Communists, belonging to some Russian "NSDAP" without being taken for the last idiots on Earth these days.

D. Fairy-tale about the perfect capitalistic System

But now learn something about chaps, belonging to the very good, decent, democratic and freedom-like Capitalism, the highest system in normal reasoning on Earth with world record in Ethics:

GW Bush accepts proudly any criminal acts of Ronald Reagan, Kennedy and other VIP-killers of folks in VietnamChileArgentina and dozens of States in South America, Asia and Africa. And most naturally, he is not a Swine, relating to killing innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan and many other areas on the Globe? Just because some other members of right-wing NSDAP like Karl Popper, Milton Friedman and other "wise" cynics of Western freedom confirm this state of affairs to be good politics? Like HuntingtonFukuyama, Glucksmann, Levy, Habermas or any other stupid writers with hybrid brain of no value said so, since all these folks are convinced that this money cash-system is much superior to social systems, because those theories never worked properly due to human vanity and stupidity?

Wake up little Susy! The Winner takes it all, the ethics, the morals, the victims of their own Theories. The Losers will be far over 90 percent of future world population. And still, the mass producers of future poverty in the USA are meant to become the hegemonial "Hitler Sieger" of the world, as viewed in the year 2007. Hitler was a Nazi, what can, still today, be called an equivalent to argue in extreme right, national, hegemonic, cash-oriented, war-oriented – exactly as today's USA and their friends in neo-liberalistic IsraelGermanySwitzerlandEnglandPolandCzech LandsHungary, Estland, Lettland, Litania and even more cynical Eastern Frogs like the square-headed Twins of Poland.

Wake up little Kevin! The Communism in Ex Soviet Union, China, CubaVietnam and other countries was in fact terrible. But compared to the most murdering Nation of them all since 1950, the USA, they were little clerks of witch-craft, and nothing else. No nation killed and helped torture to death more persons than the US presidents with their CIA and FBI. Didn't you know this? You see, Dick Cheney and Ann Coulter, how stupid you have been taken all of your time during life-time! Go back to dinner - and learn history of the 20th Century anew.

E. Recognizing the Reality behind stupid-making Ideologies

One would never think, Capitalism and Communism fought together against Nazi-Germany, Fascist-Italy and China-killing Tenno-Japan, in order to free Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, China, part of Africa and finally the USA and the whole of the World. Yes, fast forgetting Reader: Had Hitler started his aggression only 5 years later, he would have had the globe's atom power, all the missiles, the planet's resources and energy stuffs - and could dictate and govern, until today, the policies of the whole world.

But the former idiots from Rumsfeld's "New Europe", maintained by the present idiotic U.S. government, lead by the most stupid President of all times, have no memory, think that capitalism means richness, freedom and democracy, when it is the final nail to the coffin of the species Homo sapiens.

That's the game of all times: The winner takes it all, and excuses his own criminal acts by simple lies, pointing with all stinking fingers in direction of the ones that were less successful in living decent principles with a little bit of social mind. Today we are in hands of the most stupid money systems with their stock exchanges, greatest trap ever build on a planet in the Universe. So we have all reasons to thank God, Allah, Buddha and the Pope in Rome for having gained "freedom" with highest debt-towers ever seen, fast lessening resources on the Globe, air becoming unbreathable for all people soon, clean water getting very rare, climate and weather completely out of normal balance and a multitude of disasters coming in masses.

F. Always the existing system at present is sold as "The Best"

Always the existing system is the best. May it kill millions of people or torture to death the youth and intelligentsia of the own country like in any nation in Central and South America for Decenniums - under the guide of U.S. folks and their criminal Presidents. Vietnam and other places in Asia or Africa have seen state-terror much superior to any thing we have seen under Stalin or Mao, when we think about the source of spirit it came from.

Numbers of killed people in own lands, due to mass deportations, or as a result of dictating stupid agriculture methods, may be terrible. But killing high percentages of population because those wise and young people were not ready to say: "Capitalism is God and Communism is of the Devil" represents one of the highest crimes ever seen and stands for a western model of ideology and the most idiotic theory ever established on Earth.

Now think a few seconds about these lines, creep further in the Ass of western Media and their lies, understand that the system is not better in Russia and China - and be ashamed to belong to the human race of Homo non-sapiens. Spiritual shit always stinks, come it from Nazis, Fascists, Hegemoniacs, Fanatics in their beliefs, or just plain 99 percenters of hybrid-brains, believing in any stupidity he learns day by day from VIP without any ethics, IQ or functioning brains.

Still happy? Stupid people are always happy - until they learn why they have gone or will go down the drain of stupid World Systems.

René DelavyBerlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Criminal acts in politics" / "Nothing but a silent cry" / "Hit-Parade of most hideous crimes" and 50 other reports and errors of reasoning on our emptied Planet