Tod der Verleger

Tod aller Verleger und Medien der Welt

«Und sie irrten umher und sprachen wirres Zeugs» 


Sobald mein «Ultimative Kritiken von A bis Z» herauskommt, kann man die Bibel, den Koran, alle Sachbücher, Philosophien, Belletristik und den gesammelten Mist der Menschheit ein und für alle Mal fortschmeissen.

Daraufhin werden alle schuldigen Verleger, Medienidioten und andere Arschlöcher einfach mal eingesammelt und an die Wand gestellt. 

Was kein Problem ist, denn: 

Ohnehin werden bald einmal die 99 Prozente alle Reichen, also unsere steuerfreien Säcke der Welt - und alle Politiker und andere Experten und Verbrecher der Welt (das oberste Prozent),  einsammeln beim CRASH aller Verhältnisse und in Auschwitz etwas Helium oder so blasen lassen, worauf sie rauskommen und man sagen darf mit dem ungezeugten Sohn des Gottes:


«Und sie irrten umher und sprachen wirres Zeugs». 

Es ist eigentlich müssig die Verursacher des Todes von über 20 Milliarden bis 2099 durch die jüdischen Entwickler der Atombombe und des Neoliberalismus per tödlichem Fortschritt und grauenvollen Wachstum einem Gas oder anderen Methoden auszusetzen, denn ohnehin verrecken ALLE schon bäldigst an den FAKTEN des Textes: 

«End of Humanity» - que voici.... 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on December 31, 2022 

Der Tod der Verlage 

Nach dem Tod der Touristik, der Reise-Industrie, der Hotellerie, der Restaurants, des Flugzeugbaus und von Kreuzfahrtschiffen, der Halden von TESLA und Autoindustrie, des Frackings und der Ölindustrie, von New York, Venedig, Las Vegas, Rio, Orleans, London und allen vom Tourismus abhängigen Städten, dem Brand aller Wälder, dem Fehlen von Wasser unter allen Städten, dem Einbruch der Einkaufscentren und Millionen von überflüssigen Unternehmen als Opfer von Amazon, Crash des jüdischen Neoliberalismus mit allen Banken und Börsen, totale Überschuldung und Pleiten aller Staaten, Crash der Exporte und Importe in China und Indien und anderen überbevölkerten Drecksstaaten und dem baldigen Zusammenbruch aller Konsumfantasien----- 

--- hat sich der Crash aller Verlage schon längst angekündigt. 



Mit der Erfindung der Sozialen Medien und des iPhones ist die Totenglocke der Verlage angeklungen und eine Rettung war niemals mehr möglich. 

Statt den Trump-Mist und dessen Verbrechen zu lesen, oder jene von Hillary, Bush oder Obama, hatten die Kleinen Leute jetzt ihr Netz. 

Da blieb keine Zeit mehr für die Fake News und Verschwörungstheorien der NZZ, SPIEGEL, New York Times, Le Monde oder was auch immer. 

Die Werbung verschwand im alle überwachenden Netz von Facebook und Apple und dann waren die Zeitungen und Journaille im Eimer und nur noch die Beste aller Welten von Steven Pinker nach Brandexperte Guido Mingels oder die Ideologie zur totalen Überschuldung aller Notenbanken und Staaten nach Reiermann und Milton Friedman war noch in Mode. 

Die Idiotie, halt nun auch noch Quatsch-Texte der etablierten Idioten ins Netz zu stellen, in Konkurrenz mit Blogs, den Twitter von Trump  und dem Wahnsinn von Facebook, war eine Verzweiflungstat, die den totalen Pleite-Boom aller Zeitungsverlage lediglich etwas in die Zukunft schob - dann sind diese Idioten erledigt. 

Im Übrigen kriechen alle Medien weltweit den Juden in den Arsch, die ihre Trump-Verbrechen an der Wall Street, City of London und allen Banken abfeiern, den Steuerbetrug der Reichen und Mächtigen abdecken und alle Bilanzen von Konzernen fälschen lassen - und per Staat Israel die Palästiner vernichteten und deren Land und Besitz raubten und dann den 9-11 provozierten und schliesslich die Verantwortung tragen für die AMI-Verbrechen in Afghanistan, Irak, Iran, Syrien und am WEF in Davos…. 



Mein Jott und Allah und die Sieger des Corona in Israel: 

Was wollen die Buchverlage eigentlich? 

Die Mönschen lesen schon längst nur noch per Netflix ab den TV Screens und die Weiber tippen wie blöde auf ihre Tablets herum und schnorren den ganzen Tach in ihre stupiden Phones. 

Und die Männer kommen nicht einmal mehr zu ihren Events und Massensport - aber lesen, den Schmarren der Buchverlage, das tut nun kein vernünftiger Mensch mehr. 

Die Verlage werden immer gemeiner und dümmer in ihren Romanen und Sachbüchern und versuchen den letzten Dreck unters Volk zu bringen, und wer die Wahrheit schreibt über den Status quo und die realen Finanzverhältnisse in der Welt, wird sofort angeklagt und den Richtern zum Frass vorgeführt. 



Das Ende des Liedes wird die Revolution der 99 Prozente gegen die verbrecherischen und steuerbefreiten Milliardäre, Banken und Konzerne sein und ihre Helfershelfer, die Verlage, die Zeitungen, die Medien, die Politiker um Trump und dann gibt es kein Halten mehr - während der Klima-Kollaps den Rest wegfegt und dann ist herrliche Ruhe in unserer abgebrannten Erdenfantasie - Idioten…


This is the State of Humanity after the year 2000

A proof about the future World-Collapse in the 21st Century 


considering Every day's World - Systems - the Unknown 




This world could be conceived as consisting of: 


1. Chapter - Every Day's World of Humans 

2. Chapter - SYSTEMS 

3. Chapter - The Unknown 



1st Chapter 




This is the planet Earth as we know it in general:  

It consists of all activities and news and history of all Times. All professions, all what normal people know about politics, culture, economy, ecology, progress and technology of Today. 

This world is a complete CHAOS and all activities are made to destroy slowly our planet and the future of humanity - although all books and news pretend the contrary.


This FACT is proven by the comments under SYSTEMS. 

What we conceive as happening in reality is a bluff, given by politicians and experts, who do only overlook about 10 percent of what in reality is destroyed every day, more and more at present times. 


Water and Food 

Humanity will die from lack of Water. There is no groundwater under Mega-Cities. By the next huge drought, they die per millions. In fact, by 2099 will billions be dead (most of Megapolis) - because of missing Water and Food and no God or Allah will prevent the disaster. These inexistent religious idiots will grin their heads off.

Sea sand

Towns and infrastructure are made of concrete (Beton). Lack of sea sand will let go rotten all buildings and infrastructure in the next 20 to 50 years.

Oil and Gaz and Coal

US Fracking is slow suicide of USA and water reserves. Each drop of oil spread worldwide in billions of tons - driven by an explosion heap of pops - will destroy our climate and lead to terrible weather catastrophes in the next future.

Energy Craze

Idiots want to maintain the illusion of a luxury world with 10 billion of folks. Now take what you want: Atom for death, coals and gas destroying climate forever, water destroying rivers, wind and solar energy using up all raw material for nothing - and future generations - even before 2050 - can starve without any further chances. 

Seldom Earths 

Alternative energy depends on such material, becoming priceless very soon. Technology (also based on Seldom Earths) is the reason for our downfall to hell. Electro- and TESLA Cars are the greatest SHIT of progress, worse as Petrol- or Diesel Cars. 


Atom works of nations will not be "built back" by trillions of Dollars. This would ruin all States. Death danger of AKW will remain for eternity where these are today, as SIGN of a deathly neoliberal shit-world - not recognized by the Apes of masses.

aste Removal and Dismantling

Waste Removal and Dismantling of AKW, mines of all sorts, oil fields, Fracking,  wind mills, cruizer ships, electro-batteries for cars etc. will cost trillions and send all States in their ruin, in addition to all other damage. And  then, all responsible apes can cry me a river, because their heads will be cut off and perpetrators eliminated in 1000 ways.

By the final count with billionaires and politicians, 

blood will flow until the last day of humanity...


Cash has no value. It is a belief like religions for a God. It will soon decay when banks tumble to hell like Domino stones. When the global and Jewish Crash of world finance industry, banks and States under neoliberal capitalism occurs, we shall learn that currencies were pure intellectual shit to destroy our planet and humanity in the 21st Century.


Capital gains are never taxed (realized and unrealized) and rich folks and companies such as conglomerates prevent  all taxes by help of 50 Tax Fraud States. Rich VIP and Enterprises do not pay their true taxes on worldwide income and live on cost of middle class and poor, being forced to pay taxes on any dime of income. This is the greatest injustice in the present reality of stupid neoliberal fake-capitalism.


Cars are cheap, airlines are cheap, computers are cheap, Cruise ships are cheap in 2018 - and they destroyed the planet and used up all resources. Weak intellect of folks is grounded and intelligence became cheap and already today, cheapness killed our future.

Computers and Digitalisation

A minor problem wanted by 90 percent of humans. Total control on individuals and consumption. Late change not feasible. Great number of professions will get down the drain without any other and new chances.


The explosion of populations going on and on, it is the major reason for the death of humanity during the 21st Century. No resources anymore for 10 billion of crazy idiots.


The model democracy is the most ineffective and stupid system of all sorts of governments. In times of dull majorities, above all in the USA, it is nothing but a "Dictatorship for dull majorities", unable to resolve the gigantic world problems of the future.


Death-Perpetrators for migration from Africa, Middle East or Mexico were USA, Israel, Switzerland, neoliberalism, WEF, Worldbank, IMF, AIPAC and worse. Those folks should stay at home and try the best instead of migrating to Europe or USA and organise an economic chaos. All religious Jews and Islamists should be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

GROWTH and Progress

The attempt to produce further growth in China and all nations will lead to killing humanity before the year 2050. It uses up all rest-resources, accelerates the climate collapse and together with digitalisation and progress and growth, we have the major reason for the forthcoming breakdown of our species in the 21st century.

Philosophy and Science

In all times, philosophy based alone on "Behaviourism" and human stupidity. Science tried to create growth and speed and founded the base for the final destruction of our planet and humanity in the 21st Century.


To prove this statement, look at my comments as to some of the most important Systems of today's humanity: 

The present is under dictate of our idiotic systems, not by human behaviour. 



2nd Chapter 




1st Catastrophe - DEBTS in the World 

Humanity has immense DEBTS in all Nations that can never be paid back. 

This means: Our nations are in fact in bankruptcy.


Take USA: 

It is meant that USA have debts of 20 trillions of Dollars. This is wrong:

USA have debts of 250 trillion, taking all 50 States, towns, rotten infrastructure, under-covered rental systems, Chapter Eleven, all not  covered mortgages on all real estate, the crimes of the banks etc. USA are dead and out, like China, Japan, England, Italy, Greece and even tax-fraud oasis Switzerland. 

The whole world has debts of about 2000 trillion of Dollars,

nevermore to be paid back.


There are only 3 methods to pay back debts:


1st method - Debt-cut 

This would destroy several times (highest accounting rules by Delavy) the assets and fortunes of the globe - method impossible to be implemented. 

2nd method - Inflation and Deflation 

Same as deathly and stupid debt-cut - but over long period of time. As I proved in an article, deflation is even worse in effect as inflation. 

3rd method - Huge State profits 

If tried and done to get the contrary of deficits, the neoliberal systems would implode. Nations can no longer try to produce State profits. The system would be tumbling to hell. 



2nd Catastrophe - Neoliberal Capitalism 

The mainly Jewish economists invented the system of neoliberalism,

to fight the communist system according to ideals of Thatcher and Ronald and Donald. 

It produced rich VIP and great conglomerates, paying no taxes with help of the "Big Four", tax oasis, tricks and capital gains being not taxed. 

Middle Class and Poor 

financed alone the States and the infrastructure, used by the rich class for free. Therefore, those rich criminals have to be eliminated - just as banks, WEF and other destroyers of our economy. 


3rd Catastrophe - DULLNESS OF MASSES 

99 percent of folks are dull, paranoid, ignorant to systems, they are blind. 

According to my "8 Steps of Thoughts" only step 1 and 2 are capable to understand your systems or read the future - about 10000 persons on our planet Earth. The rest is the mass of idiots. 


4th Catastrophe - Explosion of Pops and Climate-collapse 

The explosion from 2 to 8 billion of humans in the 20th century was the major reason for the coming final climate-collapse (not "Climate-change"). 

Each year more exponential weather catastrophes will occur: 

- century droughts

- century floods

- super-storms

- and next to come: monster waves in oceans 

and this will make life impossible towards the end of the 21st century.

Increase in world-degrees however is purely incidental and adds almost nothing to the future catastrophe. Our death will be our deathly and irrevocable weather collapses - idiots.

5th Catastrophe – Guaranteed DEATH in the 21st Century 

In my text “10 Commandments of Death”, there is explained why humanity shall be destroyed in 10 different methods. Each of them is independently fit to kill billions of folks on Earth - before the year 2099 has come. 


These FACTS are irrevocable and guaranteed.



3rd Chapter  




The real World was never understood by 100 % of dull Folks on our Planet. 

All our wrong-turned brains will never know what there are: 

- The universe, the world, is there a God, where do we come from, what is life and death, what is infinity and eternity, what is time and space, what is a brain, an eye or whatever is not made by human's technology etc. etc.


Get the only valid knowledge of humans that makes sense: 

There has never been any beginning or end in whatever we could think of, the Big Bang is a fairy tale such as a million of other craziness of a sick mind, we know nothing about how and why there is a universe, why and how life and nature can exist, why and how sperms can bring in existence a living creature to die any time, why the creation of humanity was a crime, why our brains are full of stupidity - and why our nature always was struggling for death and wars.


Note that, human science and philosophies and religions were a fake 
in any period of history.

We know nothing about, how and why the development and evolution of humans will end in a complete and deathly breakdown within a very short time and if such an invention as God or technologies would have made any sense at all, except to destroy ourselves and our planet Earth. 

To live in an unknown world, means to be a mouse in an AKW and believing to know God personally. 




We understand right now that we know nothing and will die and starve during the 21st Century and there is no existing hope or any Plan B: 

Our dullness and mistakes killed us - our humanity and our planet. The death-effects are irrevocable. By 2099 all will be done for all times.


Humanity has gone over the Abyss and is

in his Free Fall.  


René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth 

Written on March 15, 2018