Pragmatic Life in 2050

Pragmatic Life in the year 2050

In the year 2050, all folks in all nations of the globe will be happy like hell and live in the Best of all worlds possible. Singing they will wake up in the morning, jumping around with flowers in the hair and going happily to work in the best professions of all times.

Professors, experts, politicians and media geniuses will congratulate themselves in newspapers, TV, Radio and internet for an achievement of the paradise on Earth, achieved by the best brains ever seen in the human past.

In the year 2050, the droughts, floods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans will have increased exponentially by a factor of 10 as compared to the year 2000. This is the result of an explosion of pops from 2 billion to 10 billion in 150 years and the emission of atomics, poison, gas in billions of tons in the geosphere and have spoiled all water in oceans, seas, rivers, under the ground and billions of folks are kicking the bucket just now.

Before, the collapse in finance industry, the bankruptcy of States under trillion sums of debts and the crazy invention of computers, banks, internet and Facebook will have produced the death of banks, nations, currencies, the economic life on this globe - and idiotic media folks and experts did not even understand the reasons for such happenings.

Pandemics of unknown nature decimate the masses and hospitals are closed, since all mega-towns, all villages, all infrastructures are in decay, because there was no longer any money, sand, workers and energy to maintain such matters in former values of 1000 trillions of Dollars.

The enfeeblement in mind and the craziness in the heads of the masses produced wars and civil wars in all nations, the miserable are looking out for Jews, bankers, politicians, media idiots, scientists, writers and other shit, being at the origin of what happens in the year 2050.

All is not the result of the future of today. It is the result of what humans did from 1900 to 2010. The effect of 2010 to 2050 will only follow after 2050, with further increased exponential self-destruction of the globe until 2099, when there will not be left one single soul.

All folks will kill each other, all animals, create a Mad Max world without any State controls that started with Jewish neoliberalism and capitalism of the west, having as effect for China, India, USA and the rest to tumble to hell slowly after the election of Donald Trump and other miserable creatures, after such junk like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Greenspan, Kissinger, WEF Schwab, Milton Friedman, Obama, Bush, Ronald, Thatcher and the Jews of Israel, Wall Street, Chicago School, Shock Doctrine and liberty of paying taxes for the rich class and all conglomerates of the world from 1950 to 2020.

There will never have existed any Plan B or any other ideology to prevent the total death of life on a planet, from the start of the Mont Pelerin Society until the craze of globalisation, privatisation, deregulation and destroying nature, having a holocaust of animals and the masses being driven in paranoia of cash, growth, progress and happiness by the most stupid elite and establishment - ever seen in the universe of eternity and endlessness of space.

And still, the folks run around in happiness in 2050, flowers on the penises and whores and children got free for any sort of sex - and anyway, you idiot should just think one second on normal and pragmatic terms, and you could have written all this yourself.

But now you kick the bucket and there is nothing left to be done.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in April 2017

NB.   How is a development in Craziness to be explained?

There is some wonder in your world:

How can it be possible that all society and individuals of the present society developed in all concerns and human system ahead in not preventable collapses and disasters of whatever we could think?

Why out of 8 billion of folks, not one seems to be intelligent enough to see, how our "progress", growth, money systems, finance industry, craze in USA, China, Europe and all lands for our future is comparable to a TGV containing 8 billion idiots, accelerating into a tunnel with a bend downwards to hell?

There is not one single field of human life in any country that in the next future must not pump into a wall, where there is a possibility to escape a final destiny of mutual death.

How come, humans have collectively become so stupid, they cannot interpret their own End of the Game in a house of cards, they built themselves in science, geopolitics, religions, wars, terror, no land or water or resources left to survive?

The answer can only be a collective paranoia and schizophreny and general dullness, where functioning brains were replaced by some sort of shit of reflection.

This is the true reason for the existence of all my books and the real breakdown of humanity in the 21st Century.