The Tunnel - or some one-way Fall

The Proofs about STATUS QUO

The Pre-Story

Assume a person - who for a lifetime, writes texts about the true effects of living of a given species. Assume that man writes 10 books and 1500 Editors Letters, rejected by all book editing companies and all media of the Globe.

Further assume that any argument about origins of systems and effects on humanity would become true during this given life in the 20th Century - End of Humanity.

And assume that - when about 50 percent of predictions were fulfilled - the wise humans of this rotten world would still shout: "All this is rubbish, Society is not a TGV in a Tunnel to hell, but can be influenced by the high intellect of Elite, science and philosophy. We think René Delavy got nuts."

Now, there is a chance, the NUTS can be judged here and now - right away…..

The Status Quo

There were Predictions about the financial and economic situation of humanity, when craze of capitalism would get on, the masses of folks explode, the exhaustion of a planet go on and come to its natural end - and still the stupidity of Elite and masses would not be lowered, but on the contrary explode to new PEAKS, not of oil or gas, but of paranoia and general schizophreny.

Now, taken this situation, given in the year 2013: Normal folks if not got nuts would assume, to have a serious problem - but instead, you hear and see on TV and Radio and Press nothing but the sound of Murdoch about what happens at the rotten moment in politics without one single analysis about the fact, that the CRASH in finances and economics cannot be stopped and the system has become a self-runner without any realistic issue.

But to explain the Status Quo of February 4, 2013, it is necessary to talk of the past and the future.

Logics and Developments

The Past

In the past, the Elite, the Jews, the bankers, the politicians and all of science believed that any idiocy could be done and would be excused by times, by developments, by God or Allah and by general Paranoia of stupidity.

And so there was capitalism or State-capitalism, better known as socialism or communism. Then there were huge armies to kill each other. Then there were banks and financial streams, making some few Jews rich and lead the rest into misery. Then the free goods of a planet were burnt down by the rich Class by ways of stupid technology and mass-laws - and when the planet was exhausted, the idiots pretended to find modernism to come out of CRAZE.

And all this happened when having been predicted by Delavy from 1975 to 2000 in all books and other texts. And the funny thing is that the intellectual cripples of WEF, FED, IMF, UNO, G-20 and all the rest did not get 5 percent of the real and very evident problems, because the heads of CEOs and Chiefs of States including there "Experts" were full of shit and not understanding for one second, about what was going to happen in the past, at present and in the future to come.

Finances and Economy

Now - predicted or not - the fact today is that nations are caught in the sole DILEMMA between endless austerity to produce surplus instead of 30 years of crazy deficits or finance growth for a Devil of idiocy. Further the dead banks full of shit (derivatives etc.) in all balance sheets must be saved, which cannot happen with dead nations.

Further the idea of GROWTH was the major reason for downfall of our planet, exhaustion and finally of Weather-Machine out of order and a climate standing in front of gigantic collapses with droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves- all ignored due to having in the heads of the paranoid 99,999 percent no intellect anymore, but pure shit of mind.

The proof is the past, the fact that all this could happen when politicians, economic master-minds and VIPs of nothing were not lying in the their beds, but provoking with open eyes the final EFFECTS we can see today.

In other words, it is more than normal that in a few years we face the complete FINANCE CRASH worldwide, followed by logics by a normal WORLD ECONOMIC CRASH - and no nation, no ORG, no VIP or "Genius" can have one single good idea, how to come out of this first global downfall of humanity due to effects of neoliberalism of the Jews escaping Auschwitz and running to New York or Jerusalem.

Politics and Craziness of Folks

As I said before, we had some fine Democracy or Dictatorship of dull Majorities, knowing nothing of origins and effects and believing in the shit-in-brains of politics, an Elite being even duller than the masses of the 99 Percent - and therefore, the result of democracy was, only to give some fine examples:

- Hitler, Stalin, Mao, JFK, Nixon, Ronald, Thatcher, Pinochet, Greenspan, Popper, WEF Schwab, GW Bush, Hu and Wen, Singh, Lula, Mandela, Berlusconi, Merkel, Obama, Putin and all the dirty Jews of Wall Street and tax fraud idiots from Switzerland - all of which had shit in their brains - even Mandela sold out South Africa to the white Jewish Shit in London.

- We have USA, Japan, and Europe in bankruptcy and Sharia in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Libya including Iran and Iraq and we have Tea Party in USA and Berlusconism in whole of Europe, heading politics and economy to hell.

- We have China and India and Africa and South America short before complete economic implosion, very evident, but not seen by one single brain on EARTH.

And this here was only some Peak of the Iceberg - Friends.

To say it very clearly - Out of the financial situation does not lead one single way, except complete bankruptcy of Capitalism on globalized basis, as was wanted by fools of Chicago School with their fine Mechanic Schools.

Not Quadrillions could help

Well, had the States instead of some trillions of debts, some trillions of CASH, would this help?

I have very bad news: Naturally, with debts in all States on Earth, the SONG of modern times has come to its end. But what would happen if humans had some quadrillions of Dollars on Jewish Banks too big to fail?

Well, funny enough, the contrary of what idiots may think:

It would be used up to accelerate deadly growth and greed, it would lead to total inflation, it would be used to finalize the idiocy based on eager 10 billion of idiots on Earth and finally would be found by Skunks, that Dollars, Shares and Bonds and other shit cannot be eaten and the effects of rotten ECOLOGIC Crimes and exhaustion of resources and energy stuffs cannot be cancelled by having several quadrillions of rotten CASH such as Dollars, Yuan or Euro - Idiots.

The Tunnel

Some may know the story of Friedrich Dürrenmatt about "The Tunnel".

It goes like this:

A Train full of people enters in a tunnel. After some time, folks in it realize that it becomes fast and faster, The whole rotten train is shaken like hell - and the tunnel never ends and the train accelerates all the time. Finally the people get that the Train is being in Free Fall down to the nowhere or hell and nothing can be done. And the story is written as a true report and not as a dream or nightmare.

Now, learn once for all, the Tunnel is not a fairy-tale but the true situation of humanity in the year 2013. The Train cannot be stopped, not be turned back, not getting out of the Free Fall to Hell.

Now the idiotic VIPs having driven the train in today's situation may cry: "What a shit, a society in freedom and free will, with free press, with democracy - is not a train, but can be influenced by our huge WISDOM of nothing. We, the Jews, the bankers, the Chiefs of State and the Experts and Dynamite Prize heads having driven the train in this tunnel, can still find ways….."

Have a big laugh: I pay one million of Dollars to any person who - except me- would be able to find ways out of the given free fall and dead-end wanted by 7 billion of heads full of nuts. And even I would only have found ways to stop the craze by 1975, today I would reject any attempt, to take me in responsibility within the predicted craze of zero-brains.

In fact I take profit of the misery of humanity be keeping up best quality of life as long as it gets. There is a good chance that I will reach death in good shape, but if 20 years to come I would still be living, about 90 percent of my books would have been translated by the FOOLS of a completely idiotic and paranoid Society in 200 nations, to what was written from 1975 to 1999 - first on my typewriter and then on the computer or laptop and finally in this Gazette - Friends. More was never possible to be done.

Effects about 70000 years of human history

Recently I wrote a text about the BBC-Doc on FOX TV basing on the crazy history of "Success" of a given species meant to be Homo sapiens.

I wrote then "70000 years of Human History according to Delavy" and explained that never ever any reasonable principles were found in politics, economic theories, philosophy or religion - all was behaviourism of higher Apes with the rotten idea that a planet being a paradise can be made a paradise by destroying nature, oceans, woods, animals and the intellect of the Homo idioticus in elite and masses, by some finances of pure craze and ideals of self-destruction.

The Effect of 70000 years of human history was from the start nothing but craze of destruction, wars, torture, inquisition and sharia - who tells other shit can be hanged or gassed in Auschwitz.

The Origin of the CRAZE of these days is due to humans having become during the given 70000 years all the more paranoid and nuts, the higher the amounts of cash became, deathly growth and ever more stupid masses were finally achieved - and all made possible by the craziest technologic world of higher mental idiocy ever seen.


And to prove all this needs nothing but an IQ of 50. And so it is proven, that humans have an IQ of 25 and the higher the function, the lower the IQ would be. There was one NORMAL person in history, and this person was writing these lines here, possessing double the intellect of any other person on the globe and 10 times more of knowing and Savoir-vivre - than any other Cripple being presently in the year 2013 at life.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 4, 2013