End of Game for 7 Billion

7 Billion - all of them with hollow Heads

How would you call a folks of which not one single person has the slightest idea about their "Condition humaine", about their State of affairs, of the effects of living on a rotten Globe, of World-Finances, of deadly Technology, of the End in Ecology, of any sorts of Philosophy and of any kind of principles - on this Planet EARTH?

Would you call them geniuses, normal people, common folks or just idiots with hollow brains?

Let's tell what the 7 billion don't see:

1. They have not the slightest Idea about "Highest Accounting", even if it would be explained in all bloody details.

2. They understand nothing of late effects of technology and cash in view of capitalism, neoconservative liberalism, socialisms or other Scrap of a stupid ideology.

3. They understand nothing about the situation with resources, pricing, limits of growth, end of the game of greed - in a very limited world.

4. They have no idea about the real state of Ecologic Collapse - never more to stop, producing gigantic droughts, water-floods, super-storms and monster waves, with a weather machinery got completely out of order based on the effects of the last 100 years, extended now by more issuing poison than ever before.

5. They know nothing about the fact that 7 to 10 billion of idiots cannot live on, over the year 2099, with all nations gone NUTS including themselves, with bankrupt States, energy and resources gone out, each year accelerating collapses in climate and weather and the impossibility to correct just one percent of the given disaster - even if we still had 20 quadrillion of worthless Dollars at disposal.

And now something completely different:

How do you call a person that exactly all this predicts in all details since 1975 in all his books and 500 editors letters, including the origins and effects and solutions, in a way, any child could have understood the principles, the real life of humans every day?

- and, at the same time, the responsible idiots of experts, dynamite prize heads, finance-Jews, bankers, governments, NGOs, congresses full of stupid shit-in-brains and theorists of economics and philosophers not understanding just one percent of the overall problem of self-destruction?

Is such a guy a genius, the best thinking man of all times, better in his sights than any other person of past and present, is such knowledge 10 to 100 times above other folks views and his understanding of reality outstanding - in view of a rotten Globe short before its real ending Game?

There is no fishing for compliments:

Getting some compliments of 7 billion of shit-in-brains, ignoring any sight on the real facts and sending in the basket 10 books and 500 letters of the best this world could ever offer, is of no use and not even a great Mercy, when finally the 7 and more billions shall "see" the Crime, their own stupidity and the End of this shit-in-brains Humanity.

Now, the laughter of those who are full dull to the max, made crazy and without sight by their parents, by school, by universities, by simplifying congresses and by a criminal Elite of VIPs without any intellect - will start now and be ended by 2099 for all humans that will no longer be able to live in rotten circumstances.

And to start with:

- By 2020 all Nations of this world will - based on "Highest Accounting" - be dead as dead can be - bankrupt and tearing in this collapse the whole rotten world of cars, planes, industry, resources gone out, energy becoming priceless and presenting to God a "culture of stupidity in general oversight" by humans, being based on worldwide stupidity of mind - instead of the truth of my books-

- and now - you all - just drive down the Road to Hell - it was not dullness, stupidity and sheer coincidence - it was a wanted "Act of will" to stay dull, wanting to live without any knowledge in the heads and wanting to live on cost of all future generations, tearing down all species in a "Holocaust of Animals" plus exhausting all the resources of billions of years produced by nature on this Globe, with useless money and cash and highest towers in debts, planned by the richest and tax-free Sacks without ethics, without morals, without brains and without any empathy for those - they have dragged down into the desert of a dead Globe from 1900 to 2099.

Is this geniality or just poor facts for simple hollow Heads exceeding 7 Billion?

Still questions - idiots? Hope not - just get lost.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 27, 2011