Power x Stupidity = USA

Power x Stupidity = USA and Rest of the Globe

The World POPs and VIPs are so dull that they do not even notice that times like 1970 shall never come back. For the reasons to be mentioned, the whole Globe does NOW go down the drain, and no power, no God, no circumstances can save an irrevocable RIDE TO HELL.

And here are the reasons about FORERUNNER USA and the other blind mice and lemmings, running behind:

- USA as forerunner of world destruction have so gigantic DEBTS in nation, 50 States, towns, banks, companies, private and the rest, that USA is bankrupt since a long time and no power on Earth can prevent the finance COLLAPSE of this rotten land. USA is the fine example what shall happen to Japan, Europe, China, India and the rest of folks not only in Finances, but also in the Spiral going down to Hell in matters of Economics, Ecology, Culture of Stupidity and blindness of lemmings to kill each other and not being aware of the facts.

- Occupy Wall Street is so dull and not powerful that they believed to have lived on the best "God's own Country" ever - but run blindly behind Ronald, GW Bush, Popper, Friedman, Greenspan - and prepared with bankers, Jews and rotten economics the present situation, they are not able to understand, such as do OCCUPY Paradeplatz, Frankfurt and 100 other WEF-Idiots with an average IQ of 35.

- Tea Party is so Allah-damned idiotic, that they believe in the Chicago School scrap to get advantages, when the richest Skunks pay no taxes, produce State Deficits and finally the scenario written about USA above - and the idiotic MEDIA cannot correct this childish view on U.S. Reality.

- Europe has lived like USA during 30 years on the never coming Tax Income of their Children and now - not only Ireland, England, Italy or Spain inclusive Greece are dead, but the Spiral down to hell has only started in 2006 and shall find its climax in 2020. And from there, not only finances go down to hell, but the whole economic and ecologic building of criminals without any brains.

- China copied Japan and USA and tried to be better with Capitalism than with Maoism. Well, Maoism was big shit like Marxism, but the Road to Hell with neo-conservative Liberalism Scrap shall start in 2012 and liquidate this rotten State without own resources and one billion too much of idiots, until 2016 at the latest. If not - time stands not still.

- India is overpopulated and the next drought will make an end to illusions, to come on the level of USA for 1,5 billions of illusive folks, of which 90 percent count nothing like Gandhi, another bluffer of behaviourism in favour of the richest CLASS of this dead State.

- The rest of idiotic States goes the way of Africa, of USA and of China and they do still think, that national borders can change anything against a wild globalisation, that brought deregulation, privatisation for the richest, freedom of those who had all before, and human rights only for Blood-Dictators, U.S. Presidents and Jewish Bankers in all Lands of our Globe.

- The Arabs and the Russians believe in OIL and GAS and don't see that they have no program for "afterwards". In addition, this world can no longer pay for the rest of energy Junk that killed the Planet with one billion of Cars and ten thousands of Planes and anyhow, nations being bankrupt cannot finance idiots like the Arabs and the Russians.

- The Media all on level of Murdoch and Berlusconi without any exception, did never analyse the system of going down to hell, with 7 billions of blind mice, believing in the deadly SCRAP all VIPs without any brains were pretending in G 20, WEF, UNO, all rotten NGOs and other PI-Alibi Organisations, being childish, feministic and political correct to the max until the final fall to HELL - and that's what our Internet and Facebook World has become.

- The Dynamite Prize idiots and other scientists got prizes for the invention of technical gadgets that increased the misery on Earth, made disappear nature, created Mega-Towns of nuts, accelerated the deadly overpops situation of a little planet, that has come to the end of all possibilities in the year 1975, point of no return.

- The Bankers, Jews and other Finance Scrap have been invited by Ronald, Pinochet, Thatcher, Greenspan and other idiots to take free market concepts as invitation to create mass-destructions financing in trillions of dollars, to say ABS, CDO and CDS and other structured products, destroying not only all savings of workers, farmers, employees and normal tax-payers but also our pension funds for all times to come. By 2020, there is nothing left.

- The Swiss and other Tax Paradise Crooks were allowed by all governments, Popes, parliaments and all the rest of Think Tanks, not to make contribute those who have stolen the world's CASH from Middle Class and Poor, to national charges and thus being the major reason for today's deficits and State over-indebtedness, never to be cured except by a World Finance Collapse.

- The destroyers of Climate and Weather Machinery pretended that with billions of tons of deadly gas the planet with its GEO-SPHERE would not be changed to produce ever greater droughts, water-floods, super-storms and monster-waves. The contrary is true and from now on, the whole planet shall be killed by the ECOLOGIC DESASTER alone and no power or God ever, can change the situation back to the year 1800.

- The Junk of Literature over all the same feelings had no value at all. To know how function the feelings of Scrap of men, women and children, under the influence of brainless VIPs, is only of interest for APES without higher interests. There are 100 books to be read, the best ones, and the rest can be thrown in any basket you may find.

- The murderers in Religions killed billions in the name of their given GODS without knowing if such a God would be in existence. Afterwards, after the HOLOCAUSTS and burning alive of women and torturing to death "other believers", only history tells us that all Popes and Religion Leaders were the best of SHIT ever invented by the various Gods in the Universe.

- The low Brains in Philosophy only created a creature that believed, having a Planet for total destruction and funny gaming, when only be interested in "condition humaine" and never in the "reality as such". So all philosophers made no difference to the political VIP Scrap that financed those rotten Idiots, that created the World of Humans, as we can see today, explained above.

- The Zero-Minds in Theories of Economics, as written in my books, invented Greed, Growth, Shareholder Value, Cash, Stock Exchanges and all the scrap of mind, saying that the more we have, the more happy we should be. Marx believed in workers shit, Smith in production of no value, Keynes in taking over the bankruptcy of bankers by tax-payers and the worst, Milton Friedman and Karl Popper, preached the free market in the interest of the richest JUNK to be financed by the poor folks and all richness of a Planet going to hell during the Progress program, to say the destruction program of a platform of living.

- The Cultureless Folks of our Globe believed that the specialist idiots like Shakespeare, writers of Theatre plays and Holly-/Bollywood scrap of mind and the always same believing in a Species of vanity, could write important matters, just because the brainless critics in Feuilleton wanted to have a living. Never ever there was Culture. Specialists made as Bach some Bach-Music, as Mozart some Mozart-Music, as Van Gogh some Van Gogh paintings and so on, and never ever it was seen, that THIS was the only matter they could do in their lives - and this would not save the Planet Earth from tumbling down the Drain.

- Einstein and other idiots were talking of Relativity and then produced the Atom Bomb, then wanted to go against their own crimes, got the Dynamite Prize, and in the meantime, the Scrap of Wall Streets in all Nations, fooled middle class and the poor in all lands of a rotten planet, without EMERGENCY EXIT.

All this and much more, is fact, is stupidity, is a truth, that now with endless power and gigantic blindness, in slowness not perceived, destroys our Planet Earth, because the Maxim:

- "Humans are Gods - and the Planet our Asshole" -

has been the only possible program of a mind of APES, taking themselves for godly Geniuses, when they were merely the destructors of the only PARADISE we ever could have - our

- Planet EARTH -

The voyage comes to an end until 2099 - and the idiots mentioned above still pretend the contrary, until the POPS shall massacre all VIPs - as a Prize for the idiocy of a Species - called "Homo non sapiens".

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 3, 2011