END of Evolution of Humans?

Documentary of ARTE TV

ARTE TV sends often Documentaries of ZERO Value. What is the problem? The problem is that documentaries that solely treat "WHAT IS?" Questions only show, what happens in reality, so as a little child would explain why a plane stays in the air.

However, a clever and intelligent documentary should always and solely expose the problem and then discuss WHY something happens and go through the long CHAIN of origins and effects. But this - evidently - is something for Geniuses and there are zero geniuses with FOX TV and ARTE TV and any TV Stations of the whole globe. In Media, there is not one genius to be found.

Now, what did this worthless documentary of ARTE say?

A young scientist showed the development of the situation on Earth of the last 3500 million years and especially the development of bodies of humans in times of the last 20000 years when Homo sapiens appeared. With bones of old skeletons is shown by the ever same stupid scientists, how the bodies became different in the long time of evolution.

Then this happy girl showed how different bodies and blood streams and other corps conditions may be, when living under extreme situation like for example in Nepal or Tibet with low oxygen in the air.

Another question was how very difficult life conditions forced the fittest to become better in order to survive, as Darwin said. Now, when technology makes it possible that ALL FOLKS on Earth survive the first 25 years of life, evolution may have come to a STOP - as many scientists pretended.

Surprisingly, according to this stupid lady, this is NOT the case. On the contrary, the evolution of humans has accelerated under the new conditions and nobody can tell, why this could be the case - contrary to the founded RULES of DARWIN.

I abbreviate the dull story because it was so low IQ, that I must now come to more interesting conditions of reasoning in writing.

Evolution according to Darwin and Delavy

The Rule of Darwin is to some extent explained by the sentence of "The Fittest of Humans or Animals or Plants shall survive and look for further development - to say bring evolution on the planet Earth on an ever higher stage."

I do not agree, because the whole theory is much more complex, but in a way it is much better than pure CREATIONISM of the Tea Party out of USA.

If the NATURAL SELECTION program of Darwin has been extended by Herbert Spencer to a "Fittest Program" does not really change the fundamental Errors of Darwin.

Anyway, in accordance with my Theory of Evolution, the following is true:

1. The Genes of the fittest geniuses and of the most stupid idiots of the world, in all times since Adam and Eve, had been given on to coming generations. The Stupids have won the race long time ago over the geniuses, and this is the reason WHY we have TODAY  the given Circumstances of Death in Finances, Economics, Ecology, Culture, Philosophy and the rest, that make no sense in a Money and Technology World, coming to the End by the year 2099.

2.  Evolution is an adaption of everything, of corps, of bodies, of brains, of blood, of behaviour, of animals, of plants and of the universe to the changing conditions, like climate, weather, temperature, air and water and all other influences. Some sort of a CONTINGENCY, CHANCE or CAUSAL EVENTS (in German simply ZUFALL) dictate in all areas of the Universe the continuation of LIFE. Some matters and creatures get out of order and die - and some others develop in a way to have a time of survival, until other conditions force the living matters, to adapt anew to the overall conditions on a planet.

3. It is normal that since 200 years, the humans have accelerated their evolution to the max, because life conditions have artificially changed so much, that without immediate adaption to circumstances, the whole living building would have collapsed already. As we can see today, it took some time, with a CRAZE in Cash and capitalism and technological idiocy, to stop the race for the IMPOSSIBLE, but still, there was an adaption in how people look like in modern times:

- women became more handsome, men more technocratic, children are dull already in the age of 5 not understanding reality, the whole world is measured in MONEY amounts, and culture is a bluff and the humans play theatre instead of being able to read the firing SIGNS on the Wall, saying: "Stop the Craze, it is not a quarter of hour before midnight, but it is 3 hours after midnight - the whole planet is going down the drain - right NOW."

End of Evolution by 2099

A genius becomes a universal genius like a master in ARTS would create a MOSAIC WORK.

Stone by stone of knowledge is found until the picture of the World-Theatre is given and the mosaic is a full picture - only readable by the Master of Arts himself - the rest of the World's folks are completely blind for the given reality.

Now, as is the case, no longer I am able to predict the future, the more it goes the other way round:

--- "Whatever I dictate or write - becomes true in the life of humans"

This is a funny experience I made --- whatever I write today proves to be true after some time - and this goes since I was a child. I must not correct any texts written in my books or published by World News. Naturally, the matters are somehow different, in little details, since I am not God and not even a clairvoyant - would be a shame if I was, but at large, I am never wrong. On the contrary, all is logics, commonsense and reading reality as it is.

Somehow is true what I said to my former wife in the car back home 25 years ago: "Listen, lady, I made the experience that I cannot write SHIT because my brain does not allow to write wrong matters. I tried it, I wanted to write pure idiocy - and out came pure truth. My brain does not allow lies and stupidity - except if I want write stupid matters, and even then, these prove not to be pure idiocy…."

Now, if I tell you - folks - that by 2099 the evolution of Humans shall have come to the dead-end, what I pretend since 1975 in each of my books, it's simply logics:

- Humans have built their own Mouse Trap with capitalism, with Cash, with richness for the few, with technology killing our Earth, resources transformed in deadly poison, resources and energy come to an end, because 7 and more billions of idiots wanting all not feasible things in Life

- and having a planet that turns into hell just now with nations and banks in bankruptcy, economic development ended due to eternal and deadly greed and growth, climate in collapse, weather machinery out of order and producing ever higher degree droughts, water-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in Oceans, killing all Life

- but worst is, the humans will be ended in evolution by 2099 from Finance Crash alone, from missing intellect and culture alone, from climate collapse alone, from missing resources and energy alone and from the MASS LAWS of Delavy alone based on the Rules of the Big Figure.

And there is no God or Allah or Buddha to change anything to the final downfall of humans - the one that shall end their developments and thus of EVOLUTION.

Why 2099?

Well, the year 2099 is a year like any other too. But by 2025, the finance and economic World of humans will be dead. By 2050 the ecologic conditions shall have come to a stage, where already 80 percent of humans will have gone. Further we will have pandemics from manipulations in agriculture, gene manipulations, experiments in pharmacy with animals and humans and the quality of rotten air and water, insects and bees dying and so on - and the outcome is more than evident.

I am not going to repeat here all my book contents, but it is evident that somehow by 2099, humans shall not be able to have survived and extending any evolutionary situation.

It's a real SHOCK - Stupids - n'est-ce pas?

Well, this exactly was the reason for having written this fine report - Friends.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 6, 2011