Good and bad BANNON

Good and bad Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon is out. He has made the criminal and stupid Donald Trump to win over the very crazy Hillary - what is the proof that our modern world got so much paranoid, to bring the most stinky character of all times in the highest relation - the White House as President of USA.

Now, let's look who - as Steve Bannon - is against the Hillary clan, like Tillerson, Jew Cohn, Javanka, Kushner, McMaster and Mattis and all dirty Wall Street Jews around WEF and Fed and AIPAC.

The good Sides of BANNON

Following facts are good with BANNON:

1. The white workers were held for poor idiots by US government and parliament, the Tea Party and all Republicans and Democrats since Ronald Reagan.

2. The dirty Jews of Finance and tax-freedom for the rich class were protected by US politics and stinky Ronalds and Donalds.

3. USA were condemned to collapse with gigantic debts, dictated by Jew JM Keynes and Milton Friedman of Chicago School and Shock Doctrine of Naomi.

4. China has in reality destroyed USA and its workers for all Times - but also financed the deathly deficits of USA before the total crash of USA still to come.

5. Mexican Wall is a good idea, because the stream of idiots from the South has and will further destroy USA as it was.

6. The Intellect of the Hillary Elite is junk of mind and all higher Americans and Billionaires like Trump should be murdered and Jews brought to Auschwitz for the crimes they committed, when lowering taxes for the rich class and increasing charges for the poor without any medical care.

The bad Sides of Bannon

There are 1000 bad sides of Bannon, a right-wing shit of mind, in fact not so dull as Trump, but still being average of a rotten folks of Idiots -  representing US population.

1. It is a crime that the folks made poor by the Jews and the rich class without tickle-down effects, not paying taxes, must die when having no Obamacare.

2.  It is the idiocy of USA when China and India and other Junk Nations become great, before these lost States will collapse with huge over-populations, death of geosphere and a subprime crisis 20 times higher as it was in the USA.

3. It is a crime when the most stupid und criminal American, Trump, got power by help of dirty BANNON.

4. The finance industry of the Jews of Wall Street, Fed, IMF, Weltbank and ECB destroyed the future of Africa, Brazil, China, India etc., and produced the misery of US middle class, the Nigger problem of slaves brought by white Bannons from Africa to USA, for killing them as minor class until this day.

5. The lie about the true death of environment and oceans and geosphere of our Earth by will of Hillary, Reagan, Thatcher, Yellen, Greenspan, WEF Schwab, Joe Ackerman and the Swiss Tax Fraud systems of Bannon - are of a quality to bring Bannon now to Auschwitz with all Hillary idiots mentioned above.

Short, like all US Presidents since Roosevelt, the US folks inclusive Bannon should be brought to death by 1000 atom bombs sent from North Korea, China und Putin's Russia, before Bannon, Trump and the Finance Jews of WEF will have destroyed our planet - altogether.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on August 25, 2017