Worldwide CRAZE of Politicians

In USA, when the Republicans pretend that the Bankers and Jews on Wall Street are NOT responsible for the total breakdown of World Finance Systems, bringing USA and Europe and all the rest into bankruptcy - why then are not all Republicans put in jail, hanged up on the next trees or sent into the desert?

In USA, when the Politicians are mainly responsible for Wall Street and the situation of the State, why then are they elected by Folks? Because those folks have been conditioned to worship Cash, Banks, Greed, Growth and the Craze of Politicians going over their feeling, to what extend they are already crazy and soon dying.

In USA, when Obama and the Democrats do exactly what GW Bush would have done since 4 years, why are these Crooks still in power instead of being thrown in the Atlantic? And when the bankers by deregulation and privatisation in the "Free Market" developed a trillions craze, why should the ones who initiated those Laws have more responsibility than the criminals as bankers that applied the Crimes?

In Italy, when a media tycoon like Silvio Berlusconi could find ways to bring Italy down to bankruptcy, like in Greece, Portugal, Spain, USA and some England etc. - why should Berlusconi be responsible, when his Italians and the European governments let him do whatever in crimes this stupid head wanted to do?

In Germany, when all Kanzlers were stupid enough to worship industry, growth, export stolen away to other lands in Europe, based on the dictate too of politicians - why do the idiotic German folks still want higher growth, exports and advantages for Germany over all others? To some extent, this can also be said for most other European Countries, except the Southern part, that were clever enough, not to enter into this Protestantic TRAP, but continue the Catholic way of the Popes burning some other Witches for no reason at all.

In Switzerland, when all bankers, all politicians and all Swiss wanted to cheat by 50 trillions of Dollars taxes not paid by the richest Crooks of the Globe to their home lands - why then the Swiss are still regarded in the World as democratic Heroes instead of shaming the folks in the Alps and sending them to hell now?

In China, when politics and oligarchs developed a slavery of cheapness - why are they admired like hell, when in fact they destroyed all industry in USA, Italy, Spain, England, plus having been financing the craze of American Politicians to cover their gigantic deficits over 30 years - and then losing all, when China is imploding any moment?

In India, why are the Politicians elected by idiotic folks not responsible for being in total despair any moment with missing water and over-population killing the nation, when all other lands admire the greatest Democracy instead of recognizing the coming catastrophe?

In Israel, why are these Crooks responsible for hate of the 1500 Millions against USA and themselves not put to order and thrown in the Mediterranean See - when they sent their Jews to Washington and Wall Street, with order to kill the globe financially?

In Japan, why are Politicians great who destroyed a very valuable culture for replacing it by a horrible capitalism - that led the whole folks get into a loss of human rights, when the whole nation collapsed long time ago and the bluff can go on today, until the truth kills the Japanese?

In Brazil, why should the rich scrap dictating politics even believe some rotten LULA and other idiots, when seeking the last oil of the globe some 7 miles under sea level, and exploding in Pops even more and destroying the last origin forests, before the lies of capitalism and greed and growth kills the whole of South and Central America?

In Australia, why should criminal Murdoch tell to folks, that their Industry of killing like in USA and China the ECOLOGY and ending the life of future children to the max, evidenced by droughts and water-floods over this land - and the stupid Australians don't hang up such Murdoch folks?

In England, when Thatcher smashed all power of workers as Ronald Reagan did in the USA, in favour of the criminal theories of Karl Popper and Milton Friedman with a Craze in neo-conservative Liberalism - why is the world still convinced that the fact to be governed by Cash, Jewish Bankers on Wall Street and the tax-freedom Systems in Switzerland is the key for happiness and future richness - when the overall downfall is more than evident?

I could extend this comment on any Land of the whole Globe and the outcome would always be:

- Without the Crimes of the very dull and greedy bankers, without the politicians without any brains and only wanting re-election and without the electors having no brains, due to being conditioned and got crazy by parents, schools, universities, governments and the "Free Market" - there will never be any solutions out of the Craze, become irrevocable on the basis of 50 years of total craziness in Cash and Growth of a very stupid HUMANITY.

What we have now, is the Road to Hell - but to say that Bankers and Jews and U.S. Politicians have not really the major responsibility for the State of Affairs on this Planet - is as saying, that there exists no God, no Allah and no Buddha - and this - by the way - is true and a fact.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 16, 2011