The Life of the Others

Translated from "Das Leben der Anderen"

(99 / 1  - VIPs and the common Folks - Women and Men - Grown ups and Children - Victims and Perpetrators - The "Makers" and the "Being-Mades" - The Humans and the Animals - The Dead and the not yet Born - The World and the universal Nothing - The Question of the eternal Condition humaine)

Well, this is the most philosophic Question of all times:

"What is it - the Life of the Others?"

- Do we know, who are the Others?
- Do we know, how the Others think?
- What do we know about the Lives of the Others?

We don't know nothing.

What were the attacking terrorists of 9/11 thinking, short before the Crash in the Buildings - did they count the coming dead folks, or did they think about their relatives? What did think the 56000 dead Americans, when slaughtering without any reason some 3 million of Vietnamese? What did think the torturers under influence of CIA and US Congress, when just now murdering to death in atrocious ways some hundred thousands of Youth?

Yes, what do think the Others? Above all the victims, the ones kicking the bucket - do they hope to see justice, a better There-After - and did they believe in a non-existent God?

Have a closer Look, about what the Others are thinking:

The 99 Percent of common Folks think, that the other ONE Percent would be thinking something - and they can never have an idea, that those are even more stupid then they are themselves, the big Mass on this Globe.

The whole world consists solely of "What-is?" Thinkers - and the very few "Why?" Thinkers will never get a chance against this big Mass of destroyers of a Planet.

Who were all the Others, the dead Bodies, the passed-away, those who never shall know, how the Earth and Humanity would have developed in future after their death?

And who shall the others be, those not yet Born, who have to start the Voyage on a totally rotten Earth and soon will understand, that they never had a Chance to survive?

And then the Others, the "important ones" with their Congresses, making us believe, those idiots would know more than the very common Mass - when in Fact and Truth those Skunks never knew anything - just feeling power and cash, the one of the others.

And what think the Others, the Animals, this "Holocaust of Animals", the Stock of misery of Humans to be tortured, experimented and eaten - just for the reason to have had more intelligence then their Murderers.

And what thinks this other Dog, who belongs us because we have bought him - and instead of keeping him in honour as a being with brain and feelings, this animal is hit and kicked a life long.

What do think the Others, the Gods, the ones being an invention of the Illusions of the Humans, being crazy in mind, just to find some reason for life - when all these Gods look without any feelings and pity down on this battle fields to look now, how humans are kicking the bucket by their own stupid deeds.

What do think the Popes and the US Presidents and all the other Assholes, short before they kick the bucket for good reasons - do they think perhaps about the same as what they did a Life long - to say to think absolutely nothing?

What do think the Others for themselves, yes of course, the Women, which the Men shall never understand, exactly as vice-versa - but they keep a life together, are forced to do for sexual reasons, make children - and towards the End, one of them is simply dead first.

What think the Others, the Children, who don't know yet that they admire their parents and adults for funny reasons - and when being adults themselves, they shall recognize that they too shall never know anything of reality.

What do think the "Makers" who simply make anything what later on shall prove to have destroyed the environment, the air, water, resources - but left an irrevocable misery - and the Others, to say we as the "Made", have not the slightest Idea of how to get on, afterwards.

What do think the Others, those living in the wide Universe, in fact in the Nothing - and never would know about the Life on Earth, where too never any useful thought was produced about the real Condition humaine - and for this reason, humans never were of some importance.

Who are the Others, to be counted with the fingers of one hand, those thinking after the "Sense of Life" - in the endlessness of Space and the eternity of Time - and those who are comprehending the "World-Theatre" in full and therefore know, that the way it goes, it could never have gone on like this.

Yes, what are they thinking - the Others - those who never shall find a useful thought in their Brains and just for this reason always believed, how important they could be - those rotten VIPs?

We live - as Others - always on only one Earth, a planet, in the system of the Sun out of billions of suns and galaxies - living blindly and knowing nothing, not thinking, not understanding -- but soon all of us shall be dead, simply off the road - down the drain in the There-After, in the Paradise or in Hell, in fact a world that does not exist - as little as would be true for all Worms in our Earth.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 10, 2011