Yes I Can - Explain Finance Crash

YES I CAN - explain World Finance Collapse

G-20 cannot, IMF and Worldbank cannot, Obama and Greenspan cannot, Friedman and Popper cannot, Merkel and Berlusconi cannot, WEF and FED cannot --

But I can explain the total Finance Collapse of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

What we have today is 10 times worse than the Crash of 1929.

The Junk-Jews of Wall Street have done a good job this time.

A. Reasons for the 2007 World Finance Crash

The major reason of the 2007 Crash does not lie with Subprime papers, not with ABS, CDO or CDS and not with the greed alone of the Jews around Wall Street and Israel.

Missing State controls are only some symptom and the idiocy of the Chicago and Tea Party School out of USA were only here to increase and accelerate the total breakdown of Stock Exchanges, Currencies, Shares, Systems and Nations.

The Major Reason is explained by a terrible automatism with Capitalism, increased by neo-conservative Liberalism of Republicans and mainly Ronald and GW Bush, a heritage of the money System as such. It is impossible that at length and in view of the trillion figures in cash and the dirty tricks and laisser-faire of Finance Industry, the monetary scheme on globalised basis would not have collapsed. And this time for final - it will go over 20 years and find no way out.

And even if there were a way out, it would restart to build the next higher bubble and kill humanity from the Finance side.

B. Today's Financial Situation

The situation today can be explained with highest Accounting:

In accounting, the balance of assets and liabilities, cash and debts, have and not have create a total loss of fortune - in the exact amount of the Crunch of indebtedness Towers - and worldwide this is well a figure of 100 trillions of worthless Dollars...

And therefore, the principles of highest Accounting are valid:

- for a Family, a little entity, a huge conglomerate, a bank too big to fail and for a State like USA, Greece, Portugal, Italy, China and India.

The difference is the following:

- with a father of family, the bankruptcy is evident within days, whereas for States you must wait for years, before the end-situation, the total bankruptcy becomes evident - but by the end, the collapse of a State is 10 times more effective for each family than any simple break or crash of a company or bank or pension fund.

In the breakdown of Lehman Brothers and all the 1000 Lehman Brothers, we still have hidden in all Balance Sheets of the World, the total breakdown of Nations and all habitants in those nations is sure and certain - although all ministers and presidents still claim the contrary.

USA is mega-pleite since a long time, like Swissair was mega-pleite not with the Grounding in 2001, but already in 1995, due to Fraud in accounting, hidden by management and auditors - and therefore could not become evident - as is the case with the States like USA, England, France, Brazil, China, India and in fact all Nations of the World.

C. The terrible Effects tomorrow

Europe is like USA breaking down, very slowly, because the indebtedness cannot be stopped, the infrastructure, like in the USA, is rotten in all States, but worse is that the rich VIPs arranged since 60 years not to pay their taxes and arrange a total chaos in finances with Hedge Funds, idiotic banks, shares without value and State bonds only for shine of still some value.

What more is: There cannot be growth since we have come to the limits of growth and far beyond any reasonable measure with our Planet, namely with resources, energy, ecologic collapse having taken place since 1950 and now growing each new day. In addition, there is no real money around, to produce this sort of humanity going to destroy the world by Growth, finally killing our Planet. On the contrary, we see mounting to heaven Interest Charges plus armies going to tumble, plus social charges, plus pension funds and rents, plus all other matters of Nations, that can never more be financed, except by increased deficits and exploding State Indebtedness.

The U.S. congress can decide whatever they want: The Globalised Finance Scene has been brought over the edge since 1995 - and today all has gone totally out of any control.

Therefore, in cascades, USA, England, Japan, Europe like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain and plenty of other lands will go in bankruptcy - and China and India are short before a gigantic Bubble, not for principles of finance business, but on very normal effects of a crazy economic model based on idiocies of Marx, Friedman, Keynes, Popper and other empty Brains, that does not allow to develop into sanity, but into insanity, with highest Prices for energy, resources - and too little of drinkable water, nourishment going out, the land and seas going to hell and their air becoming less and less breathable.

Therefore, in addition to the Finance Collapse predicted in my books since 1985, together with normal breakdowns in ecology, economics, politics, pricing, masses of folks wanting better Life Quality but losing instead their jobs, their apartments and houses plus their savings - well what can the idiotic G-20, IMF, Worldbank, WEF, FED and other Idiots do to stop the total Drain of Cash and other totalized Systems of human APES?

Riots like in Egypt and Libya all over the place and worse - the Elite was blind and dull - and this must have a reasonable Price.

I tell you what you can do - folks: Nothing - nothing can stop or reverse the given Processes!

All Humans can do from now on, is trying to pay back the disastrous amounts of expenses they threw in the wind on cost of all generations to come - and even this sort of politics and finances would never ever help.

There are some matters that have become impossible.

One of which, of those matters, is the saving of a Planet EARTH to tumble down the Drain.

Yes-we-Can Idiots to stop the Craze? My God, not even HIM can stop anything - NOW!

And by 2025, all will be done, whatever stupid guys may decide at conferences - yes indeed, they are caught in their own Mouse Trap.

written on April 17, 2011