I - and the Others

"Myself" -  and the "Others" - 2015

In order to understand "the World", we must from time to time agree about our "Reality".

One way is to explain, who we are "ourselves" and who are "the Others".

In my case, this question is very important, since my views about life on Earth is absolutely unique and beyond any judgement of "Others".

But let's see the problem in view of the most important expressions:

- Myself - the Others - the 3 Worlds - the Elite - the Mass - the 99,99 percent - my Companion of life - my dog - the World.


I don't know who is "myself". Nobody in the world knows who is "ourselves". We don't know who we are, since we have no notion of life, of biology, of death, of nature, of time, of space, of eternity, of endlessness, of God or the Universe. We do not even know where we are, why we are here, where we came from, who made us and why we have a brain, eyes, arms, the corps and what our world could be.

We could simplify the question and speak about God or evolution or nature, but then we must answer the question, wherefrom came God, evolution and nature - and all goes in circles again.

But on a day-to-day basis, I am different to any other person on this globe, in as much, as from the start of my personal life, I "saw" - first without being able to explain - the coming automatisms in self-destruction in matters of finance, economy, resources, general stupidity of humans, the craziness of wars and torture, the danger coming from the explosion of masses, the errors in philosophies and general thinking and the coming total collapse in matters of environment, climate and weather-machine.

And the more I knew about conglomerates, banks, accounting, mathematics, philosophies and general thinking of our elite and their masses, the more this belief stabilized and today, there is no way to doubt about the complete death and collapse of systems made by humans, within the next 100 years.

But still, to know who "I" am, is still not possible, but I could try to explain "the Others".

"The Others"

From a fundamental rule, we never know who are "the Others", what is one of the reason for religions, wars, torture and self-destruction. We only can recognize the surface of others, so as we still not know how suffer all animals and even fishes under our terrible doctrine of death, coming soon to 10 billion of complete idiots.

The Others are in principle all persons except one-self. But in general life, we can say, that mostly the others are those with other nationality, other religion, other colour of skin and other ways of thinking.

But for me, the others are just the exploding folks in all 200 nations of the globe, in as much as they agree, to "know" who they are, where they live, where they go and in fact have no notion about their own birth and death, a flash in nano-seconds in eternity in the endlessness of space. The unique situation is given by the fact, that just NOW the whole human world is going down the drain for all times, due to rotten systems installed by a technologic and money world, that produced an exploding mass of completely brainless idiots.

But here I must explain some FACTS:

Our 3 Worlds

We speak often of a First World, a Second World and a Third World. Meant are in general the 1st world of developed and "rich" countries, then the coming idiots better known as BRICS and the rest of 150 nations being already as poor and rotten, as the two other worlds will soon be, when all nations get bankrupt and will be gone to hell.

But in my philosophic views in all of my books, I have another notion of 3 Worlds:

1st World

This first World is the one of general views of elite and masses, the daily life in pragmatism, accepting the given systems like capitalism, neoliberalism, technologies, Dollars, politics and the "normal" developments in time of TODAY.

This first world of literature, arts, philosophies, "realities" is the one of feelings, life, making sex, following professions, going to universities and accepting any shit coming from "above", the ones who dictate us the coming downfall to hell.

2nd World

The second world is the abstract one, we as humans have developed by our own thinking into the existing Systems, a choice out of millions of possibilities, there are:

- Technologic World, cash, stock exchanges, banks, conglomerates, nations, weapons, logics and general thinking - dictated by automatisms given by the installed systems as capitalism, socialism, atheisms, belief in Gods, believing in a future and in technologic gadgets, of which ALL kill our globe at length.

3rd World

The third World is the one of the universe, where not one person with our brains will ever get, like a rat will never get the functioning of an atom bomb, what are:

- Universe - Life and death - biology - God - eternity in time - endlessness of space - what is a brain and even an eye, not to be produced with quadrillions of Dollars - and also about the true functionings of all we got on Earth. We believe to know, but don't recognize the coming end-catastrophe, when we could seize it with all our senses.

It was - for the subsistence of humans - of outmost importance, that humans would have understood my books about the "Zielgesellschaft" - community of aims - to get a relative paradise on Earth, instead of a hell, but this is explained further down.

The Elite

The Elite has never been more intelligent than the rest. When I was talking to a CEO or a top banker or a politician, I always immediately recognized their trick to talk big shit, believing others would not realize their immense stupidity.

This is the reason for the collapse of stock exchanges at Wall Street 2008 and the fact that since, the catastrophe has exploded silently to 10 times that force and will destroy our finance system in the next few years.

Same can be said about Dynamite Prize holders, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists and the so-called geniuses, who like Einstein explained nothing but brought the fact of self-destruction on our Earth.

The Elite created the religions, the politics, the technologies, the means to destroy oceans, lands, mega-towns and use up all energies or resources of the globe, in order to destroy for all times our water-systems, build infrastructures not to be maintained, making wars, order torture and having congresses of Fools like G-20, WEF, IPCC and how to destroy our order alone by means of central banks and banks too big to fail. And this is only the peak of the iceberg, the rest is much more of danger.

The Mass   

The mass is the one who thinks never anything, goes in any war, kisses the ass of any star, singer, dictator, Dynamite Prize idiot or any person believing and appearing "superior" to themselves.

The mass simply does what ordered, they chose the professions wanted, they believe in any intellectual shit of Nietzsche, Sartre, Milton Friedman, Karl Marx, Karl Popper, Karl Jesus or Karl Mohammed because the masses have shit in the brains due to life conditions of pragmatism, where any child at the age of 5 is already under influence and dull and paranoid to a given maximum.

The mass believes to have better chances when being 10 billion in numbers, mainly in China, India, Indonesia, Egypt and other areas, where life is today tumbling to hell, when water becomes very rare and the surroundings are collapsing in all sorts of End of Systems.

The 99,99 percent

This is an expression of mine, and I use it only since about 3 years in my books and editors letters.

When I was young I believed all folks would be more intelligent than myself, especially all adults. Then I thought the same of the Elite, and believed in 10 percent of folks I could never reach. When studying the mistakes in thinking of all philosophers and scientists and writing my "Das Buch der Kritiken", I recognized with help of my text "8 steps of Thoughts" that most folks on Earth have no notion of our "reality", as explained above.

But still, I was of the opinion that at least one percent of humans would know better and more than I was myself. But then happened all catastrophes and I wondered, with how much of easiness my "ORAKEL 2099" written in 1975 was getting true one step by the other and then it became clear: All folks on Earth are conditioned on our "First World", were blind and stupid and the reason was a worldwide paranoia and schizophrenic thinking of the Elite and their masses.

I was looking around in media, TV, radio, books and did not recognize one simple person, "seeing" on my level the whole truth about a reality on Earth, going by fundamental principles down the drain to hell - just NOW, silently, slowly - but so obvious, as you enter in your car or plane each new day.

My Companion of life

Other folks say, my companion of life would be under influence - of my books. But it is the other way round: The books are under influence of her.

When I got acquainted to her about 30 years ago, she was already in doubt, how this world could function. She knew not much about accounting, mathematics, science, the way conglomerates, banks, the finance system work on Earth or about the coming disasters in detail, but her general feeling was "We cannot go on like we do." And she was at the source of my resolution, to start with writing books.

Today, she is the only person understanding these texts, not on my intellectual level, no person is able to come up to this level, but she can immediately react and say: "Great text - indeed - but did you not forget such and such matter? And did you not write in some other book, how this system functions and wherefrom come the errors of thinking of the masses? Just try to make some remarks..." etc.

To believe we would not have a normal life under such conditions, is NUTS. Today I write this text here from 4 to 6 o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day is like for any other person on this globe. But when it goes about literature, she is the sole person, worldwide, to get the true contents of my thoughts and theories.

My Dog

Because I love animals, cats and above all DOGS more than humans, I must write the views of my dogs I had - to say the views of all animals on Earth.

They are a manoeuvre material in the hands of humans by trillions, being tortured to death any new day by humans, and other animals of course. But animals have the view on Earth, humans had some ten thousand years before - and to some extent still today.

Would the original brain forces not have gone lost completely by enlightenment, science, gods' belief, cash thinking, pragmatism to believe in existing systems of death, we would still have the instinct of animals to "see" - like Delavy - the coming catastrophes very clearly.

And so I love dogs about their natural behaviour, not knowing about their birth, the coming death, how characterless all humans are, how stupid their masters are, how they must live in an artificial world of atom works, cars, planes, highways, banks, glass houses, mega-cities and the rest of infrastructures, falling now - when all nations fall into bankruptcy - into pieces, since we have no cash but only huge debt-towers never to be corrected, worthless money, we have no sand, we have no resources, we have transformed all energies on the globe into deathly poison to kill our geosphere and oceans, we are gone to the end of times - and the animals and my dog do not know. This is my responsibility and my shame.

The World

The "world" as such does not exist. The world is what any individual believes how to see our world.

But as explained, 99,99 percent of fools have no notion about reality and believe their daily life full of dull feelings and doing "as if" would be "the world".

In fact, I may have some idea what it is our world and this text shows to some extent what I mean. The life on Earth in the coming 100 years is transparent to me and just a blind box for the rest. And it is sure that the heap of 25 billions of idiots to come are going to disappear from the bubble not by normal dying - within the time to 2099.

But in fact, all generations we had on Earth since Adam and Eve never got, who they are, where they were, what life, God, reality, limits of growth and idiocies of their Elite was, when the most intelligent folks on Earth just invented and accepted cars, planes, atom bombs, war, torture, religion of not existent idiots of Gods, philosophies of which not one word is correct when measured at the ultimate downfall of history, existing between fools known as humanity - now going on scene and then disappear for ever.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 20, 2015