
The Ukraine is some MIX out of Israel and Egypt.

So to say a State of the Jews of Greed and a Maghreb-State of Islamists and of monumental idiocy.


Israel was after the error, not to be established in Bavaria but in the Middle East, very much to the damage of ARABS, some additional failed State. And note well that the Jews have invented the dirt of Neoliberalism at the Wall Street and now let kick the bucket our fine USA, Europe, Russia and the Ukraine, inclusive the Rest of our collapsing Finance-World.


The ending in sand Death-State showed, what can well be Islamism and the Dictatorship of dull Majorities. Like Tunisia, Libya and Israel, this state drowns to its final completion. Algeria and Morocco could just limit the damage and stop this Craze, but until 2020 those lands will be starving like the whole rest of Africa to Indonesia.


The Ukraine presents the rest-Soviet Union - half being europesized Idiots like in Hungary, Tzechia, Slovakia, Turkey, the Roma and the western Germans - the other half consists of the influence area of Russia and their raw materials and gas. Whereto this Idiot-State may turn - Ukraine is DEAD already today, basing on reasons to follow....

Timoschenko and Klitschko

The beauty Timoschenko got many millions on Swiss Bankers of Jews, her Swineries are well known whereas the ones of Janukovitch not yet so far. And the Boxer Klitschko got Shit in his brain and therefore does not get KO. He believes in the EU and exactly THIS is the given Shit.


The brain of gold Victor, coming from Rest-Soviet Union is clever, he knows that his land may kick the bucket with the powerless Ideals of a bankrupt EU. But Ukraine and Russia can for a moment live on low priced energy from Russia, then comes all the Truth and our good Victor inclusive Klitschko and Timoschenko will be dead too at those later times.


The Idiots Putin and his dirty Oligarchs have stolen from the Russian folks the trillion Dollars in raw material and oil and gas instead of Marxism - and now they have it in possession of the Few - and the tax-free profits go into the Swiss Banking Association and other Junk-States like Luxembourg, Singapore, Delaware or Hong Kong.

And the poor and ordinary folks of the Russians are standing in front of the OUT, because all stuffs are getting out and the land goes NOW down the drain to misery in ecology and all woods are burning and Putin and Draghi and Obama with shit in his brain have crept too long in the assholes of the finance-Jews and now we can see the deathly results of Yellen.


Our EU gets rotten from the south upwards over Spain and Italy to France, Nederland, Danemark, SS Deitsches 3. Hitler-Raisch and the famous Swissness of the 7 Dwarfs of international Tax Fraudism - together with some already today rotten EURO currency and a laughable SFR, leaning to the Euro by 1.20.

Now then, this Junk-EU want get the idiots around Klitschko and Timoschenk-mir-was by all means of their sick Paranoia - taken down to their misery, like Greece, Spain, Turkey - and then the Ukraine goes AMOK and shall not know - why.


The last Jewish-State after Israel, USA and Germany is Switzerland, There is no State who added more to the deficits of other nations such as USA, France, Germany, Italy or Russia as our fine Tax-Fraud Nation of Swissness. We can get rid of this misery by sending an atom bomb over Zurich or Geneva or we can hope it will happen soon - by help of Trillion charges against Blocher and his Swiss Parliament.

The last Fart and Shit

This world, also represented by Wall Street, Ukraine, EU and the ass-creeper in AIPAC - better known as Obama and Mandela, after having given around his Niggers as Gift South Africa to the London Jews and other crooks being responsible... - well, where am I standing, what's all about - what is here the question - well, well, well the Last Dirt and the


which is in fact the problem (Americans say "Challenge") that we cannot name one decent Nation with the virtues of French philosophical idiots, when we got one big Macrocosm in Systems, basing on a real paranoia and schizophreny of VIPs and NGOs, keeping the masses low, having created a dead Capitalism, being the fine Idea of Chicago School and the banks too big to fail and stock exchanges governed by Jews under their Pro-Semitism, which in grade of idiocy can never more be surpassed in the rest-history of this Globe.

Still some questions - Swines of Zero-Thinking? Just go NOW to hell...

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 16, 2013