Very normal Humanity

I believed, all humans would be normal

When I was young

When I was young, I was of the firm belief that all humans would be normal. I was dead-sure that presidents and prime ministers have a right view on what they do. There was not a shadow of a doubt that experts, professors, dynamite prize holders and the most famous VIPs in history would know what they are doing and where the voyage of humanity would lead to.

And still when writing around 1975 the famous "ORAKEL 2099" (in between I became one of the best accountants of the world), I still was absolutely sure that the bankers, the CEO, the politicians would understand our "World-Theatre", but more and more doubt come up, but not so much to believe: Not one person would be able to understand my books and scripts.

And so these writings and later Editors Letters were first written, to WARN humans about the voyage they are taking in full paranoia, without being aware of this true fact. And it was only about the year 2005, after all editing companies have rejected my books, as did also all media when getting them to read, all of a sudden, I remember how any folks would get annoyed when during my life if was starting to talk about finances, economics, politics, culture, philosophies and ecology.

Whatever I said was a warning to become true, but the real scenery of humans around me was living in a dream - in fact, today, I know how I must have been surrounded of living-dead folks in 200 countries, during my whole life.

It is not a question of race, colour, religion, right of left politics

It is a general concord or agreement under the 99,999 percent of humans that the real world would be governed by "Behaviourism" - and so believed too all of the philosophers and theorists, from the Old Greek until those idiots of these days around 2013.

And so still today, humans - all media and VIPs and Elites of the globe - believe that in the end result of humanity, it would make a difference if the nations are governed by communists, Republicans, Negroes or white idiots, believers in the methods of Popper or Friedman or if being rich or poor. The fuss being made about what person and party would get power in an international organisations or a land, is therefore overdone in an incredibly high degree, because all folks, the famous 99,999 percent - are completely blind to reality.

The way down to hell in finances, economy, politics, the final destruction of resources, oceans, lands and the preparation of a climate collapse is not directed by any sorts of "behaviourism" - but by the fact that all folks have got crazy to the max and all of them doing the same thing:

- Believing the humans would be GOD - and the planet just being its ASSHOLE -

And this sort of thinking, the crown was given by technology and a money-world, must have led to the complete CRASH of all Systems. But the folks being NUTS, nobody could understand my books plus 1600 of Editors Letters by now - and the effect will be a dead planet and humanity by about 2099.

But since folks have no capability to understand the world by concreteness, let's go into some abstract explanations of the State of Affairs on this lost Earth at present:

The Dream and Reality

When I am dreaming, all seems going well and totally under control - just all being the normal everyday's life and sorrows of any human. But then towards the end of each of my dreams, everything goes out of order and I become totally incapable and stupid and my only problem is it, how other folks don't get my stupidity - and then I wake up.

For the reality of the 99,999 percent of folks, it is completely the other way round:

All people in 200 lands believe to have full control on reality and to know what happens on the surface of this planet. But the full truth is, that not one person except me, seems to understand and so all folks are living in a DAY-DREAM of paranoia, where all books handle about "behaviourism" of humans - and not one brain (see 8 Steps of thoughts) seizes, except mine - the true reality we are living in.

I talk of 99,999 percent because I cannot believe that at least one out of a million or a billion would wake up and understand FACTS as they are - the complete idiocy as seeing some evidence in the Finance Collapse of these days and the reaction of Obama, Putin, Cameron, Merkel, Xi, Singh etc. plus all scientists and "experts", prove that all have become nuts, not seeing how it happened, what the state is today and where the voyage of craze ends. To say we have overcome the "Crisis" when deficits to hell are mounting, is just one proof of how stupid our VIPs are. The more important is the blind belief in the reasons of downfall: Our eternal GROWTH - when resources have gone out completely in only 100 years and the ecologic Clubs start to fall on our crazy heads.

The World of TGV

Often and since I understood the general stupidity of the 99,999 percent of humans, I started to write in pictures, in abstract ways of explanations about our "Reality".

And so I started to write about a TGV running  faster and faster, having no brakes and exploding at a wall going through the Valley deep behind in the mountains.

INSIDE the TGV is meant to be the whole humanity, believing in the order and systems inside the train, and they make a fuss about culture, politics, big heads and any shit written in media of idiocy and literature of behaviourism. This is what I call:

THE MICROCOSM of the world.

The TGV as such, seen from the OUTSIDE, represents the systems of living, how they are in reality. What is meant here are a decision out of millions - to say capitalism, theories of economics, cash world with banks and stock exchanges, stand of technology destroying a planet, the mass explosion of POPS without any brain - short, this in my literature is called:

THE MACROCOSM of the world.

And the most famous persons inside the train seem to be the real heroes of blinded idiots of the 99,999 percent, but not one person except me is able to see that truly all folks are living in such a TGV - only seen by God or E.T. in some other Universe.

The Run of the Sun

And because this text here will not be understood, not by one single soul, let's take for fun some other abstract theory:

Not one person thinks about the Run of our Sun. It is normal to see the sun go up in the morning at EAST and go down after 8 hours (in winter) or 14 hours (in summer) in the WEST. Naturally, all folks learn in school that the sun is always at the same place and the Earth turns once in 24 hours and around the sun in 365 days, but in everyday's life, our sun seems to stand still over us, since the SLOWNESS or dullness of movements are not seen, and if yes, it does not really matter.

However, there are more of kinds of Slowness and dullness on our globe:

Imagine that the start of humanity about 70000 years ago, would have been the morning break of the sun and after all these years, the sun is going down in the 21st Century.

Nobody would be aware of the facts and see the sun going down without thinking twice what happens, since the sun was always shining and it is impossible, it will go away and leave a frozen surface on our Earth. Too many times, idiots pretended the end of the world or disappearance of the sun, it always was esoteric shit - but when it happens, NOW, still nobody can see the truth.

When I was born, the sun was just touching the Horizon in the west - and soon I realized the fact of an end of a human cycle. But I believed that all other folks will see the same thing as I did. However, this assumption proved to be a fundamental ERROR. The longer I lived, the better I understood the blindness and stupidity, in fact a general paranoia of homo non-sapiens. Not even the explanation of FACTS was entering in the brains of humans, got since 1750 more and more of dull and arrogant without any cause.

And therefore we had it, the explosion over the deadly limit of about 2 billion of humans, destroying the planet with growth, technology, exhaustion of all resources and energy, transforming the treasures into deadly poison preparing the Climate Collapse and the Chaos of our Weather Machine.

But since this idiocy was not good enough, they developed a parallel world of CASH, making "rich" some tax-free idiots and letting run into total poverty the rest. And still there was not one person to read the firing SIGNS on the Wall. And to say this would be astonishing, does not get the real point - because it is not astonishing, but simply normal for a paranoid humanity, wanting to be important when being nothing but arrogant and blinded.

Destiny and Solutions

We may believe in Destiny, governed by our Popes and U.S. Presidents and the "geniuses" of nuts having some Dynamite Prize - but in fact, not even a God or Allah or Jesus or Maria or whatever you may assume in matters of esoterics, religion, philosophy and science is in existence, to make a truthful prediction of your destiny. The only source for what is our real "World-Theatre" is given in my books, taken out of book-market long time ago by Jews and other stupid forces with zero-brain capacities.

And in those books were written the STATE of humanity around 1975, the real developments in the past, the fact of a "Point of no return" around the end of the 20th Century, and the ever increasing stupidity of Elite and folks since the year 1900 in your future to come.

It was impossible with 200 nations, the stupid ORG of humans, the developments of the masses and the zero controls in using up our planet, explosion of worthless cash and shares and bonds and States becoming as much of crazy as the folks themselves, to turn around anything about a total destruction of the future in human life after the year 2000.

And so it became a fact that all my written predictions were fulfilled and the more all people on Earth got more and more of schizophrenic and paranoid, the more my writing became no longer a warning or proposal of possible solutions to the End of Humanity, but the sheer SCRIPT of a Hollywood film, taking place in Front of my eyes and brain - but ignored by the stupid rest.

Abstractedness and Concreteness

After a long and very pleasant life, I start today to wonder, how all this could have happened, to me and to the rest of the 99,999 percent of full dull societies.

I guess the answer lies in the fact that not only the women's brains could not think in Abstractedness, but also most of men and VIPs. They simply were living in a dull Parallel Universe, whereas the developments on the surface of our Earth got rotten, so slowly, like the sun was going over our heads, and not one person truly understood REALITY as such.

And the Concreteness of Reality was a fact and very easy to be understood: Any child of 3 years, if not having got stupid by "the system" would have understood that the mechanics and functions accepted and invented by the most stupid of philosophers and VIPs in history, could never, never work properly.

On the contrary, whatever folks would decide in finances, economics, exhaustion of resources, destruction of oceans, lands, water, air - the total of our geo-sphere, should end up in a very NORMAL CRASH - by the end to be explained by any child, not having gone nuts by wrong LOGICS invented by VIPs and taken over in full by the dull 99,999 percent.


As it stands now, I never would accept a Dictatorship of the Globe and saying:

"Look, your TGV has no brakes, but I bring you a new TGV having very strong brakes, jump from your rotten and dead TGV over to my fine TGV…."

First of all, the people in the Death Train would not understand. Those having some logics still in their brains, would try to jump, some may fall and be dead and the rest will - in the new train - not get that the brakes are in full function, but perhaps too late to stop the train before the Wall. And thus is will be sure, the idiots will make responsible the "Dictator of higher thinking" for their FATE.

It was another paranoia in the brains of humans, to charge the ones bringing the Bad News for their own incapacities - and letting fire those persons on some funeral piles of Pope Francis in Rome or being exploded by the nice Drones of our black shit-face of U.S. President, actually a dead Negro or Jew with name of Obama.

Since Obama has about the brain of Ronald, Thatcher, GW Bush and the philosophers around Karl Popper and Milton Friedman and other Jews of Wall Street and WEF Davos, how the hell would you - dear Reader - understand one single word of the script in front of your eyes? You not even understand that neo-liberalism was invented to 99 percent by Jewish low thinkers, with shit in their brains.

My Fate is it to follow by witness the end of my script about a dear Hollywood film and to grin during the time, folks shall wake up slowly and running around in panic like headless chicken - I did at least what I had to do during life-time….

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 26, 2013

- and sending that shit to dull Media, just for proof, not believing one brain would get the points written in this manifest - friends.