Intellect is very seldom in appearance and therefore, you should try to get the point about the Legend of a Red and a Rainbow Snake:
What is the Red Snake?
The Red Snake is socialism or communism of Mao or Lenin. It is an ugly Snake, but not really poisoning.
The System of the Red Snake could have functioned in the 20th Century, if there wouldn't have been on Rainbow Snake in an ugly Western World. Naturally the government of Marxism would have made some errors - first of the leaders, followed by the normal folks or the plan-industry - but by the end the system would have arranged all Ends. In any case, the ideas of Karl Marx were by miles superior to the ones of Popper, Friedman, Keynes and other Jews.
However, there was the rising Sun of a beautiful Rainbow Snake, to say some odd U.S. Capitalism, looking over the fence east of Germany, with Hollywood, Wall Street, White House and the richness of the Few of millionaires, and so the very common people of communism believed in the superiority of USA, Europe, Japan and other Israeli Jewish Scrap - and so East Europe, Ex-DDR and Russia and later on even China and India would decide not to stay under Socialism, regarded as a very stupid and poor system for Society.
And so it was easy for Ronald and Greenspan cripples and the criminals at Wall Street to enter under lead of Nixon, Reagan and Thatcher in the mind of Eastern Idiots under command of the Red Snake. USA simply convinced the ordinary idiots of workers to change places and become capitalists. The greatest illusionists are well known in history, today, no, not yet Ronald, Bush or Obama in the West - but the stupids around Chinese Deng, Hu and Wen and Soviet Gorbi and Putin were blind and being bluffed - and so, the future will show what huge mistake this procedure was.
But when the cripples in mind in Soviet Union and New China got under the U.S. systems of neo-liberal fools, they found out very late, around 2006, about the truth - and nothing but the truth - long time after being bitten by the Rainbow Snake.
What is the Rainbow Snake?
The Rainbow Snake was so beautiful and promising and living around New York , Washington and Las Vegas and City of London . However, it was a pity it was full of poison, and so, after having poisoned USA, Japan and Europe West and South America, it waited for the Death of the Red Snake to bite too some new victims, better known under the name of Ex-DDR, East of Europe, China and India, and the Snake was biting those idiots from the start around 1989, but as always, the effect of such poison needed 5 to 30 years in order to kill the nations:
- Ex-DDR understood the Kohl Lies and bad consequences within 5 years - this was fast.
- East of Europe first got European mechanics of neo-liberalism and believed first to have become rich when exploding their deficit spending, but as the WEST before, these Eastern Skunks made so many mistakes under the poison of Capitalism that it required 15 years to get the understanding, how they too were lost and going to die a decent death.
- Already before, poor Japan took over the U.S. idiocy and after some 25 years of copy service and exploding real estate, went down to hell for all times to come.
- Very funny the story of China and of India . Because those nations were too big to fail rapidly, already when they took over the Crash of USA and the U.S. Empire of idiots, and it lasted some heavy 30 years, before the poison of the Rainbow Snake did its destructive work. China and India imploded around 2018, exactly along the lines of some rotten USA , Japan and Europe , gone down the drain some years before.
And today around 2025, the whole rotten Capitalism finds itself totally poisoned to death, by the beautiful Hollywood of Wall Street and Las Vegas deals, prepared by some Jewish Snakes.
What is the lesson about our Cash Snakes?
The first lesson is that Auschwitz did not kill all Jews:
- Fact is that some of the bankers and WEF Junk went to Wall Street, City of London, Tax Fraud Switzerland, Joe Ackerman Frankfurt, Societe Generale Paris and some other Spanish or Greek Junk places and invested thus zero values by Hedge Funds in amounts of trillions of Dollars, under political Lead by Obama and GW Bush, all lost today.
The second lesson is even better - it goes about a World Finance Crash:
- The Jews invented some dirty Derivative, to say atom-bombs of cash, like ABS, CDO and CDS and useless cash bets on the money of Middle Class - U.S. and Greek Treasury bonds in the market proved not to be better - but when the socialists finally realized the TRAP, it was too late for returns. The old communists went down the drain as well.
The third lesson is big fun and will continue for ever until death of Humanity:
- When with help of Switzerland and 50 other Tax Fraud Countries the richest Junk did not pay taxes for helping to overcome State Deficits, the Great Bankers of WEF, IMF, ECB, FED and their folks in East and West got bankrupt including the rescue Nations, and this was the very moment, when the socialists realized finally and for good, why they experienced an irrevocable fall to hell with always increasing State Deficits - and so, our fine finance world fell into pieces.
You know, history is rather simple, when the Rainbow Snake had arranged with help of U.S. Congress and WEF a perfect storm, when biting long time ago all 200 nations of CASH NUTS and PARANOIA plus those dreamers having escaped the Red Snake - and nothing, absolutely nothing could have saved the globalised trash system of Cash and Jewish greed - in fact a rotten macro-model of plain dullness, better known as Neo-Liberalism.
Hope to have been clear in my arguments.
You know, the Elite of Fools and their blind 99,999 percent of Shit in brains will never get a SECOND CHANCE for understanding plain language about snakes and intellectual poison by politicians, Jews, bankers and other geniuses - and so be sure about the fact, why such fairy-tales could easily convince any child of 3 years, but common "normal" folks of the adult 99 percent will never get in their destroyed mind, what happened from 1989 to 2025.
And since the world Elite of VIPs and their majorities of easy masses in 200 States do not understand plain English, it could be done only by children speech - and be sure, not even this TRICK may help, because
- the Paranoia of the 99,999 percent having been reaching a Point of no Return around 1975 with finances, economics, culture and ecologic collapses, all this did its deadly effects, based on being poisoned by a Rainbow Snake of a Casino Bluff - but now - just go to HELL.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on March 9, 2013