
'W' - The truth about Markets

A dream

Tonight I had a dream and as always, I remember now only about 10 percent of all the crazy happenings during this dream. There were 100 of situations and they had - as always in my dreams - nothing to do with my real life. Never I had in real life seen, just one of these places or persons and landscapes and what so ever.

It is a great mystery about, how our brains function to let us "see" dreams of wonder and miracle, but always without any deeper importance about real origins and effects in the chaos of our real planet.

The true dream of today's Life

In my dream, first appeared out of the nowhere some pictures, as you can see in commercials in the evening on TV.

Were offered lots of valuable things like computers, TV sets, cars, kitchen, furniture, holidays in strange countries, cruiser ships, investment proposals with banks and so on.

All seemed to be very important and mysterious and normal too, just as given in real life every new day.

As always, I was not interested in any of the presented matters and thought that the market would be very stupid and without higher aims. All was just so very normal and senseless as my life in the given dream here.

All of a sudden the dream changed scenery.

"W" - An Arabian Market

Appeared in front of my eyes a very BIG "W" high up in the air - out of the nowhere. And don't ask me the signification of the "W" - I did not know in the dream and I do not know now when writing about the sense of Markets.

From the "W" high up over something unknown, I looked down and recognised something like an Arabian Market.

Still, I was not interested and just started to be wandering through this CHAOS and found Arabians shouting out loud and presenting lots of completely useless scrap, I could not even identify. But the way the men and women in funny cloths were trying to sell, made the products to be and look very important.

But it was never my nature to buy on any open market for reasons I don't know, and cash wasn't either in my pocket. And so I just went for hours, as it seemed, through the immense Arabian Market and losing myself in it. Under panic it tried to escape when I discovered how someone was following me, evidently with the intention to kill me for reasons, I would never know.

Under such stress, I was first running to find any given way out and when the moment came to die, I woke up and was only wondering about the Sign "W" - above the Arabian Market.

The truth about Markets

Well, dreams never tell you the truth about anything. They are just there, the brain plays his free theatre pieces and who seeks for higher sense, is just nuts and paranoid, as all folks are in real life to 99 percent - nuts and paranoid.

And so I am now explaining a thing, about what I was wondering through all of my life:

- In dreams I never can find any sense or lesson for the days being awake.

- When being awake, through a whole life I never found a sense about the products offered to me in Press, TV, Radio or whatsoever.

All is scrap and junk and fully useless - and all is here to make some Jews, bankers, rich sacks or conglomerates rich and richer and to steal my work for nothing. In fact, there is not one product on this Globe, not killing our planet or humanity.

To present by rousing enthusiasm or making propaganda for services, goods, voyages, States or banks, the funny market behind those products do not bother about such trivialities and showing clearly that the only interest of Jews, bankers, companies and persons is to sell all of us, the stupid humans on Earth, for foolish.

Neoliberal thinkers however pretend that "The Market" is the only valid matter on Earth and would be the best we have in Reality. This stupidity would give richness to the FEW, tickling down on Middle Class and Poor - when in fact this capitalistic systems is ending just now with a final and concrete COLLAPSE in finances, economics, culture and leaving us just a dead ecologic world.

And still I am wondering about the sign of "W" in my dream - why could my brain in sleep invent such a sign and give no answers?

Well, perhaps THERE lies the truth - when I pretend:

- The senselessness of the sign "W" is equal to the senselessness of the human Market.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 20, 2013 


Reaktion vom Inneren Kreis:

Keine Bange. Mich gibt es noch. Wir lesen Deine stets hochwertigen Texte weiterhin mit grossem Interesse. Alles in allem bleibt es dabei, dass ich selbst kaum noch Zeit finde, mich zu allen Themen zu äussern. Ziemlich frustriert stelle ich jeweils fest, dass meine Anmerkungen relativ wenig bringen. Wir drehen uns irgendwie im Kreis. Unsere Schreibe bewirkt wenig, was mich nicht gerade eben motiviert.

Die Bestie "Kapitalismus" ist so gut organisiert, dass sie kaum zu vernichten ist. Wenn nichts mehr geht, wird Geld gedruckt. Zudem wird in allen Belangen getrickts, gelogen, beschissen.

Die Reichen und Mächtigen haben ihr nur ihnen nützende System perfektioniert. Was regt sich dieses verdummte Volk über die Abfindung für Vasella auf? Andere Banditen in den Chefetagen aller Banken und Konzerne zocken überall und immer noch mit überhöhten Löhnen und Boni ab.

Selbst wenn die "Minderinitiative" erfolgreich sein sollte, wird sich wenig ändern. Die Eliten werden bestimmt immer wieder lausige Wege finden, wie sie sich ihren Bonus auf andere Weise und steuerfrei erhalten können.

Da bleibt nur noch die Hoffung, dass dieses mörderische Spiel bald ein Ende haben wird.

Der Innere Kreis