Our World - Origins and Effects


Assume you would be either God, or a very intelligent E.T. or Delavy.

What would you see when looking down on the planet EARTH around the year 2000?

You would see masses of folks, masses of traffic, masses of exhaustion of a planet, masses of cash, masses of false hopes and masses of stupidity and then you would ask yourself:

What are the reasons, the ORIGIN of the craze - and whereto will lead such craze, to say, what are the REAL EFFECTS of living of stupid Homo non-sapiens on this little planet?

And you would get some answers, the 99,999 percent plus their Elites of dull brains would never get, because the State of Paranoia is completed worldwide by 2013 - and there is no hope for any reversal of systems and slow Death of humanity, nowhere in 200 nations - for very good reasons...

But let's explain in depth.

The Dispute

I often have a dispute with my life-companion. She always puts forward that the whole world, today is governed by Greed. She says - and this is true if you look at daily news on TV, press, radio - that all folks on Earth only run after cash, after money, after fortune. All of life is measured by values of cash and nothing else.

And so, my girl reflecting only in terms of CONCRETENESS, like 100 percent of women and 99 percent of men on Earth - only can see some real effect of unknown origins, and thus also totally unknown to her. Whatever I explain, she would immediately break it down on concrete and pragmatic thinking of the masses of idiotic humans, having no idea about what happens in the world-theatre.

On the other hand, my argument is that CASH and GREED are important factors, above all for the Junk-Jews at Wall Street, having destroyed all savings of the world in a total breakdown of finance systems of the globe.

But the bulk of the problem about DEATH of HUMANITY, are not the effects, isolated on Cash, but the Origins. And the Origins are DULLNESS and blindness in view of philosophies, religion, science, politics, economics and all the rest.

It is the ABSTRACTEDNESS of Systems, not understood by one single Chief of State, expert or professor on this globe. This very short - first - the idea, WHY humans will never get or got any chance after the year 2000.

Now let's go into more details.


Again, like with the arguments of my woman, the famous 99 percent (in fact we must talk of 99,999 percent - because I know not ONE person worldwide, knowing anything about ORIGINS) - so the famous 99 percent can only see the

EFFECTS of unknown origins

- like tumbling banks too big to fail, some nations getting in deficits and bankruptcy to come out of the trap made by Jews, the richest sacks being tax-free, wanted by all politicians and parliaments of the globe, the nature and animals being used for human needs of crazy APES and the whole planet destroyed under Mass-Laws (see my article: "Mass-Laws - Mass-Sex - Mass-Death").

Whatever you can read, are coming from a "What-is?" Media Circus of the globe, showing solely the EFFECTS of CRAZE and dullness and never - I repeat - never anything about the TRUE ORIGINS of what is going to happen in reality. I will go into details of origins, but first it is allowed to say something about EFFECTS:

When God, E.T. and Delavy know about the origins, they can put forward the true statements not to be wiped out by any other VIP with shit in his brains:

- By about 2018 the world will collapse in finances and overall bankruptcies.

- By about 2025, the World-Economics come to a still-stand due to finance crash and the exhaustion of the planet and the stupidity of Jews, bankers, politicians, scientists and the folks of the 99,999 percent.

- Today and even increased up to 2035, the whole humanity will get paranoid and schizophrenic without being aware of this State of Affairs, being concentrating on Cash, capitalism, greed, growth and destruction of nature, resources, energy, animals and the rest of the globe, still not yet destroyed and wiped out completely.

- By about 2050, half of folks on Earth shall be dead, killed by their own stupidity.

- By 2099 at the latest, the species of the higher Ape of Homo will have kicked the bucket for all times to come and the planet Earth will in fact be dead. Perhaps recovering again during some 10000 years to come, from the crimes by masses of shitty humans, but this is not of any interest - NOW.

This is to say that the overall EFFECT of Origins and Dullness are the real DEATH of our Species and of the Planet - and nobody being able to see these relevant FACTS, just IS the reason for the game of death within a Cash Casino without any value.


Some reasons of Downfall of Humanity:

Why are VIPs and Elite completely dull?

The reasons for greed, idea of growth, of destruction of a planet are diverse. There are false Maxims in ALL of philosophies, religion (God does not exist), of idiotic theories in economics, of science made to be inventing things killing if used under conditions of Mass-Laws and for sure, the fact that humans have been blind some 2000 years ago and increased stupidity all the time until 2000. Today, the worst cripples in mind are the VIPs, the WEF and Wall Street Jews, the bankers, the chiefs of States, the experts and professors - to say the one percent of idiots, on which rely the rest of the stupid 99 percent.

Why USA and Europe are bankrupt?

The politics of deficit spending, being a master-piece in Japan and Greece, was in fact the bright idea of politicians, being elected for false promises when living in cash-systems of devil, in fact on the account of future 5 to 100 generations.

Today the deficits in USA and Europe cannot be replaced by surplus of States, and therefore the bankruptcy of USA and Europe is NOT an assumption, but the final result of stupidity of Obama, Merkel, Barroso, Lagarde, the Jews of Wall Street, of WEF, Berlusconi, Cameron, Hollande, Putin, Xi, Singh, Lula and all the rest - which means that not USA and Europe are driving into bankruptcy, but all nations of the globe.

Why China and India implode?

Being fixed today in 99,999 of human brains on Earth on Effects and Cash and not seeing the general paranoia of humanity, it is said that China and India are the lands of the future.

This could be possible, if the idiocies of Popper, Friedman, Keynes and other shit would work. But in fact, these lands are already dead since replacing socialism by neo-liberalism.

Add to the bankruptcy of China and India the exhaustion of nature and water and nourishment in those nations, the mass-laws about the automatic implosion of overpops-lands and the effect that other lands cannot help China, Japan, India and other Asian or African cripple-lands of idiocy, you quickly can see the END of the Story.

The only question is TIME - be sure - the effects are completed by 2025.

Why all Humans are paranoid and crazy?

It is difficult to find a real good answer. My guess is that from the Old Greek up to the modern Amis and Chinese, the philosophies of "Behaviourism" and religions in non-existent Gods play a major role.

In addition the schooling systems and universities are made for cripples in mind, proven by the fact, that the brains of USA went to the Jews on Wall Street, blindly and stupidly - and not one person on the globe could see, that these idiots prepared the finance collapse for all savings, rents and cash of the rich, middle and poor Class of humans - and no way would lead out of the trap.

Further, science invented those mass-products like cars, planes, ships, atom works, armies and Hollywood, making crazy the 99,999 percent for sure and the media were never here to teach folks not to get paranoid, just as did all arts, culture, literature - being a system of behaviourism instead of teaching the origins about our stupidity of higher Apes.

Why the banks had never any chance?

I wrote in my books that humanity would never have a chance to survive, if deathly automatisms of our Systems would not be recognised and replaced by survival systems like my "Ziel-Gesellschaft". Not going to explain again.

So for banks and States to go into bankruptcy, is easy to explain:

Cash would by automatism be stolen from workers and employees and peasants and flow to Jews, rich tax-free sacks and stupid idiots, being clever enough to get the cash over conglomerates, banks, shares, derivatives and State Deficits for sure.

Once these idiots had the politicians and the greed of the masses on their side, the downfall in matters of banks and States, on basis of cash and currencies and shareholder value, was a MUST - and not one force on the globe could stop this normal automatism to HELL.

Replace the word of "bank" by any other word and you can for the first time in your rotten life see the effects of Automatisms of devil, being incrusted in your rotten brain, full of daily shit and not understanding one single principle of ORIGINS.

Why the planet goes down to hell?

The major reason is that Elite and their 99,999 percent never asked "WHY?" - why are situations on Earth as they are, why do we still have wars, torture, all States going bankrupt, Jews stealing to workers their homes, jobs and future and generations having no future chances anymore and in only 100 years, a planet was exhausted by the rich Class and the Jews?

Would stupid philosophers having built their philosophies on the question of WHY instead of over-humans with their rotten "Behaviourism" - at least some intelligent persons on the globe would have got a Dynamite Prize for a good reason and not for destroying a planet out of free will of science in greed, growth, feasibilities and wrong expectations about possibilities of a rotten Ape - who cannot understand these lines, because never any Species could think himself otherwise, but being some God, E.T. or Delavy - when being pure shit in mind.

Why humanity will be dead by 2099?

Well, here I stop, because I want to see such humanity being dead by 2099.

The answers lie fully in my 10 books, rejected by 100 editing companies in Germany and Switzerland and 1000 media houses of the world having rejected and kept quiet about my 1500 Editors Letters, written since 1975 to this very day.


Whatever you do, dear medium brain, not being God or E.T. or Delavy, just go on with your blind life, run after the effects of crazy origins, after the cash killing yourself and go on to give life to future cripples, exhausting a planet and continue killing and torturing those idiots, regarded as minor species.

And be sure that the downfall of the greatest idiots on Earth, the U.S. Shit, the Swiss Tax Fraud and the Chinese mass of paranoid believers, will fall further down as all the rest.

The mass of poverty will soon massacre the perpetrators - perhaps even before the year 2025 will have come - and God, E.T. and Delavy declare:

It was good so - such species were bound to get rotten for all times to come.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 22, 2013