Disastrous Views on present State of Affairs
Questions of zero value and influence:
What value has the Speech to the Union of debile Obama? - zero.
What value have the decisions of G 20 about currencies? - zero.
What value has the question if Berlusconi comes again? - zero.
What value have the decisions in Germany about South of Europe? - zero.
What value has Voting about Abzockers, families and the planning of building houses in the land of Switzerland ? - zero.
What value have decisions of IPCC and green idiots about climate?- zero.
What value has the Jewish Shit of Finance at WEF in Davos? - zero.
What value have questions about saving banks too big to fail? - zero.
What value and influence have democracies = dictatorships of dull majorities - on the fate of lands like USA , England , Egypt or Iran and other 200 nations? - zero.
What value have the Japanese and U.S. politics of creating trillion-bets on credit giving to Jews, bankers, idiots and other skunks? - zero.
What value have any decisions, taken in the name of MICROCOSM of life in the damned last "normal year in history" before total Crash? - zero.
And all these Problems of NOTHING only serve to the rich and powerful Elite, to blind completely the ordinary folks, being paranoid and having shit in their brains.
I admit that it will be difficult for zero MINDS of the 99,999 percent and their stupid Elites to comprehend what you could read above. Therefore, let's the little children being nuts, our 7 billion of idiots, explain the true and realistic State of Affairs in the year 2013.
Microcosm of nothing - speaking of daily Life
The whole world is living, inclusive most politicians, writers, media workers and other science scrap, in a given MICROCOSM.
This microcosm is the daily life, discussed in press, internet, TV, Radio and going on, and on, and on, and on - without any deeper sense.
The facts of the day are of zero value, since they do not dictate the matters on Earth.
Any profession is without any value in times of war, in times of finance crash, in times when nations and banks fall in bankruptcy, in times when the systems of economy go to hell and in times when the rotten weather-machine dictates about the climate, given to the idiotic 7 billion of shit-in-brains, believing the other day would be the same as the given day of yesterday.
And all idiots of higher VIPs, such as Obama, Putin, Cameron, Merkel, Ratzinger, Federer, WEF Schwab, Bernanke or Draghi, Xi, Singh, Lula, Berlusconi and other shit of mind, have no power about the State of Affairs on Earth, only on the psychology of humans, gone crazy within their Microcosm of Nothing.
It is normal that 7 billion of idiots stand up in the morning and go to do their jobs, have a fuck and thus add to the mass of people by new births or have idiotic congresses in WEF, Fed, IMF, ECB or G 20 and discussing about higher shit, when all SYSTEMS GO TO HELL without any chance for recourse.
Macrocosm dictating the presence of all humans
The world was and will be dictated - always - not even by philosophies, religion or science - but by the MACROCOSM of origins and effects of given SYSTEMS.
In other words, ABSTRACTEDNESS dictates all facts of life on Earth, whereas our pragmatic concreteness is just the shit in the soup of daily believing, that craze can go on without any deeper impact.
- Socialism has an effect and at length tears all folks down to hell.
- Capitalism and Neoliberalism have an effect and at length tear all folks to hell.
- Money systems, the power of Junk-Jews at Wall Street, the deficit spending politics with the dilemma of deadly austerity or deadly growth have an effect and at length lead to the total collapse of finances and economics.
- Systems of Exhaustion and Robbery on a planet by masses and cash and capitalism have a deadly effect on 7 to 10 billion of brainless believers in Gods, leaving no future chance and no way for correcting the final downfall of humanity in the End-days of humans - today to 2099 - and not with quadrillions of worthless Dollars, Euros, Yuan, Yen and other shit of symbolic "Value" the end can be prevented, the CLASH of Civilisations which tomorrow will be - and zero sight on FACTS.
The Real values alone are the quality - not of life or microcosm - but of water, of air, of little rest of resources, of residual energies, of dead oceans, of rotten lands and of 500 trillion Dollars in infrastructures, bound to get rotten since the year 2000.
Fact is:
Until 2018 the whole world is dictated by a finance Crash, implosion of China and India , USA and Europe in bankruptcy and no hope future economics could work in view of 7 billion of idiots, coming to an end until 2025.
Considering this State of Affairs about Climate and accelerating strength of coming droughts, floods, super-storms and pandemics, the politicians of today take useless decisions on microcosm and behaviourism of foolish humans without brains, instead of "reading the World-Theatre" and our world of origins and effects within MACROCOSM.
Fact is too that we have not ONE simple expert or genius, except me in my books, to read the world-theatre and rotten Systems as I did in my books and again in this letter. You and all important Idiots of the globe can have another opinion of what? - when possessing a great brain of zero value for sure?
The dictator
I told my girl recently that the only possibility for humanity would be to elect me as dictator of the World as fast as ever possible, although I have certainly no chance and therefore no wish to see this possibility. It's too late and anyway only science-fiction.
Of course this is fun - but just read what should have to be done to save our splendid humanity inclusive a god-damned planet, gone to death long time ago:
- The dictator of the world, Delavy, lives in a huge park in a fine castle or palace.
- There are no frontiers anymore and no nations, no banks, no cash and no currencies.
- Only one army and secret service to the favour and dictate of Delavy alone.
- He would decide about some 100 members of a Counsel of Wisdom.
- The only world Laws come from this castle and there are no counter-forces.
- Folks worldwide have to get the Status Quo of present life on Earth by TV and Press.
- All power to reduce masses of folks, eliminate crimes and killing and torture.
- All privileges to water, air, rest of resources and energy for future generations.
- No traffic, mass cars, mass planes, destruction of a planet by exhaustion and killing our climate.
- Jews and bankers and politicians are eliminated fully, or isolated to zero.
- Any idiot having a better idea is brought to the highest building and thrown from the roof.
Well, we would replace a technologic and cash system by my "Zielgesellschaft" as explained in my book "10 Maxims for continuation of Life" - what was rejected by 100 editing companies - and this exactly leaded to the total downfall of macrocosm - dictating a rotten microcosm of daily lives of Apes and VIPs, being nothing but higher idiots, taking themselves for GODS.
Well, in fact, this is nuts as well and therefore my prediction becomes true:
- By 2018 the finance world is dead, by 2025 we have the world-economy crash, today all folks and VIPs are fully paranoid and schizophrenic, the dullness has exploded in spite - or better due to the Internet - and the death of the ecologic planet has started to eliminate all humans from the face of Earth and will be completed by 2099.
Who has a better Microcosm-program will be heard in some minutes again on local radio, in the evening on TV, during the day in press and the final downfall in slowness and without any possibility of recall is a final FACT - and none of the zero-heads of this rotten World will find one simple strategy to stop or reverse the final and well-done CRAZE - the End of existence of a stupid Species who wanted to play Allah.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 18, 2013