History in 3 Worlds

History of the World-Theatre - in 3 Worlds explained
Present out of Past - Future out of Present

Do we know in what world we are living in?

Let's face the truth: 99 percent have no or only false ideas about the existence of our world. And the rest could understand what's going to happen, but those few have become the slave of the opinion of the 99 percent without intellect and views on reality.

I pretend that I could explain in my literature since 1975 about ALL what happened in the past, at present and in the future.

It is impossible to write on 3 pages what are the arguments of 3000 pages of books. But to give humanity a chance, a final one, let's go into history of humanity by looking into

- history of the World-Theatre in the PAST

- history of the World-Theatre at PRESENT

- history of the World-Theatre in the FUTURE

Naturally, based on overall paranoia and blindness, YOU have another opinion and this means DEATH to our Species for all times and I doubt about the FACT, YOU shall be able to understand just one single sentence of the coming text:

History of the World-Theatre in the PAST

The history of the World-Theatre in the past was one of little to big, of small to great, of simple to complicated and of nothing of chances to nothing of chances.

Somehow difficult to be understood - but wait and see.

All started small in numbers: First we were some thousands in number in midst of Africa. Then started a curve, being very low on the down-line - and exploding from 1800 to 2000 from one billion to today 7 billion. This is a FACT and has some importance.

All started on animal-like life of little numbers. Came the fire, the wheel, the weapons, came technology, inventions, the discovery of the planet and the universe, came mass-products with cars, planes, atom works, world wars and the gassing of humans and animals, followed by a craze of explosion into mass of information, internet, 500 trillion Dollars of infrastructures to get rotten and paid on the basis of debts and finally the becoming of paranoid for almost 100 percent of humans. This is a FACT and has some importance.

All started on not understanding any facts about our planet, the sun, the brain, reality, nature, biology, philosophy, medicine, religions, wars, exhaustion of a planet, learning theories of stupid apes and ideals of profits, growth, exhaustion and self-destruction. When folks awake from a dream of big-headed greatness, the heroic history of humanity came to its natural END. This is a FACT and has some importance.

And so it is very easy to understand, how our PRESENT is a dictate of the World-Theatre of the PAST - and nothing else.

Without getting what the past history was, as a non-heroic matter, folks would be blinded - and it is FACT for 99,999 percent of folks in 200 nations on this globe, who are in FACT blinded, paranoid, schizophrenic and without any knowledge of what is going on TODAY.

History of the World-Theatre at PRESENT

As we can see from the PAST, the world is full of heads not understanding just 10 percent of what happened in the years from 70000 before Christ or Allah to 2000 years after Christ or Allah.

We cannot say "This was good so" - because we are now facing the cover to our self-made Coffin, or an ABYSS where the 100 percent of LEMMINGS are running over just NOW.

But we have to go slowly:


What do media today? They explain us how HEROIC history of humans was, how great we are, why we need eternal GROWTH and PROFITS and why this would not harm to humans, animals and nature. Very good, and therefore it is meant for us to be more and more intelligent when today presenting more and more the achievements of humans in the PAST, always understood as a history of huge achievements and SUCCESS, when in FACT it was a travel to HELL.

And so Media have not the slightest idea about true history. And from the PRESENT, they understand nothing: All is "What-is? journalism - around the following lines:


Politicians know absolutely nothing of the world-theatre, looking at fools like Obama over Putin, Xi, Singh, Merkel, Cameron, Lula, Berlusconi down to the millions of local politicians. They know only how to be elected by a mass of idiotic democrazy, better known from my literature as being a "Dictatorship of dull Majorities".

How in a complex world, the masses of fools can decide on finances, on economics, on philosophies, on debts, on currencies, of systems and on exhaustion of a dead planet, when they know absolutely nothing of FACTS? The Trick of the politicians is to make believe, that masses in congresses, professions or as idiots of Dynamite Prizing would have a higher intellect than a swine or a dog. This is a mistake and leaded down to a world of hell.


Read one theory of economics and you know all: Read Descartes, Marx, von Hayek, Schumpeter, Keynes, Weber, Friedman or Soros and Putin and you know ALL about the craze of economics.

Economic idiots never based their intellect on true philosophy, in order to maintain our planet and humanity, but served only the craze of masses in profits, full employment and exhaustion of free goods delivered from a planet in favour of mass-Cash in the hands of criminal few of Jews, bankers, rich sacks and idiots without any brains - and this was for sure their program, before these idiots started to write such incredibly stupid theories on economics.

Today the planet is exhausted, oceans done, water soon no longer payable and the mass explosion still is in full function and the planned idiocies of humanity cannot get one percent of FACTS.


We are so proud about the achievements of Scientists. Just name me one scientist who did not add to the self-destruction of a Species, called Homo non-sapiens and I pay you one million of Dollars in your hand.

You cannot find positive words for a historic idiocy of scientists who planned the destruction of a planet, of finances, of humans, of nature, of exhaustion of all resources and energies and pretending, that without such richness, we are in better alternative curves than with a planet, still presenting a fine and promising future to your god-damned children.


Jews are people as all other too and therefore it is funny to see how Hitler could convince a whole cultural nation to gas some 6 million of them. This is hybrid thinking as seen later on in USA, Israel, Switzerland, Japan and today in BRIC States. All was a stupidity of thoughts, which had little to do with JEWS.

But it were the Jews, who invented neo-liberalism and the idea of States to be nothing, but cash, shareholder and stock-exchanges to be ALL. And they possessed all banks, hedge funds, ABS, CDO, CDS and WEF and were in charge of 90 percent of finance as ministers, in IMF, World Bank, Fed, ECB and just name it, fields of finance not governed by Jewish greedy Skunks.

And so the JEWS are mainly responsible for the present collapse in Finances, just now leading the whole world in total bankruptcy. The Jews were intelligent enough to bring this State of Affairs over our World. But now they have zero brains to explain, how to come out of automatisms and dilemmas in debts-making and the collapse being only at a beginning of a total CRASH in this field - worldwide - tearing even China and India into a complete implosion of systems.


You present me just ONE principle or theory of philosophers, that I would not have destroyed as NUTS in my literature, and again you get one million Dollars.

The history in philosophy is not one of heroic big brains, but the one of wrong assumptions, of neglecting any idea how ideals would got rotten under the influence of mass-laws, of stupidity, of greed and of blindness by funny dictators, politicians, CEOs, NGOs, scientists and the idiocy of an overall paranoia of masses.

The philosophers have a great responsibility, to have shown how "Behaviourism" of a rotten species could better the world, when in fact it was just a master-piece, how to destroy a planet and water and air and all resources and the intellect of our Children to be NUTS when reaching an age of 3 years, because not the success of the species should have been the aim of humanity, but the preservation of a paradise that was once your planet EARTH.

The mass of folks

As said before, the mass of folks believed in the intellect of their Elite, Jews, rich and tax-free sacks, men and women of power and in media, having less of intellect and clear-view than the mass itself. When VIPs of highest stupidity try to "make a world" and write about it, and having not one percent of understanding of the world-theatre, the great collapse and the breakdown of all systems was merely a question of time.

The mass of folks never was anything than LEMMINGS running over any CLIFF you may find when it was question to massacre in the name of rotten religions without any GOD, whole populations of nature folks tortured to death, or of world-wars, of gassing some Jews or when living on account of deficit spending or believing that a rotten and exhausted planet would give birth to another new one.

To mass of folks, you can present any lie you want. They will eat it. Therefore, the mass is kept quiet by 10000 useless information in media, politicians and VIPs, those all just interested in tax Fraud in their favour, having fun on cost of Middle Class and the poor, getting all cash from the workers, employees and peasants and pretending to be working for the interest of those idiotic and foolish masses of the 99 percent without any brains.

History of the World-Theatre in the FUTURE

There is a fairy-tale that goes like follows:

- Never ever any person saw coming the history and the effects of the past, when catastrophes and collapses happen with Jews, bankers, politicians and other CROOKS.

- Never ever any intelligent brain can foresee anything truthful about the future.

- Ever in the past, there was a way out of misery of any given sorts.

All this of idiotic pretending, by the Power People to their Masses, were LIES of highest cunningness.

- Because in my books, all was written to happen from 1975 to 2099, based on facts of past history in our world-theatre.

- Because always were some great brains, saying very normal things about financing armies, banks, infrastructure and the robbering of a planet by the Elite of Power and Rich sacks, paying no taxes thanks to Switzerland, Luxembourg, Jersey, Delaware, Singapore, Caribbean, Hong Kong etc.

- Because there were brains, not to explain a crash 2 years before it happened, but 30 years before the whole TGV of humanity accelerated all the time to crash into the ultimate WALL at the End of the human Valley.

But the trick was, to keep quiet those who had brains, and to make a fuss about brainless VIPs with great names, but having nothing but shit in their heads, be they called Greenspan, Ronald or Thatcher, Friedman or Keynes, GW Bush or Obama, WEF Schwab or Merkel or Osama bin-Laden or any other very important Idiot, the name of whom you can read today still in any media paper or screen you wish to advance. Give me ONE name of true importance out of the 7 billion, and you get again one Million - but please don't start with idiots like Gandhi, Mandela or Einstein.


In FACT, the misery of the coming days, increasing all the times in collapses in finances, economics, science, destruction of a planet, missing water, air, nourishment and a world going down in an end-scenery of misery in this World-Theatre, any NORMAL child of 3 years could have easily been understanding - would not have happened, if the Elite would have read, what is written in my books and in this fine report:

- The making crazy of all children and adults from 1800 to 2013.

And now, you and all of your idiotic VIPs, can from now on go to Hell.

You present me ONE argument, how this humanity could survive the next 100 years, and again you get one million of Dollars, but only, after me having proven your idiocy and paranoia and zero knowledge to be a true FACT.

And in a few hours (it is morning around 6 o'clock), the whole CRAZE of NEWS without any signification can start again and I have nothing to do, but not to vomit about hearing such a mass of higher stupidity, presented by a superficial and paranoid Species, having come to a stop for the reasons you may have guessed - by NOW.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 22, 2013