50 trillion Swiss Tax Crime

Swiss Tax Fraud
- 50 trillions of Dollars

It is incredible how dull politicians and experts are with facts and figures.

The damage in Taxes created by Switzerland exceeds 50 trillion Dollars by far.

Watch and count:

1. 90 percent of profits abroad of Switzerland are cheated against USA, England, Germany, France and 150 other Nations by licence, management, spread of pricing, cheating with national figures etc.

2. The 10 percent in Switzerland are taxed by scheme of "Mixed Company" which means to one Fifth of the low Income Taxes in Zug or any canton favouring Tax Fraud.

3. There are companies that cheat in this way some billions PER YEAR. And we have thousands of those gigantic, great and middle companies, hiding the worldwide profits from taxation.

4. We must sum up these crimes from 1960 to 2013 and each year, you have today perhaps 3 trillion Dollars of Tax Fraud only with companies. And you must add the crimes of banks, hedge funds, State crimes and private Fraud in addition - and now the sum of Tax Fraud becomes really very gigantic...

5. We speak here only of the major tax paradise Switzerland. If you count ALL Tax Fraud lands like Singapore, Hong Kong, Delaware, Caribbean, Luxembourg, Jersey etc. etc. we come up to 300 trillion Dollars which would cover great part of State Indebtedness of the 200 nations on the globe, which today are all in bankruptcy - USA, Japan, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, England and some other 150 States, including soon China and India and Brazil as well, just being on the edge of falling too into the Abyss.

And now read some facts about the Insider Report on Switzerland, how the systems of Tax Fraud work in Switzerland and other Fraud Failed States... (text attached).

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 14, 2013