Global CRASH -
Effects of left- or right-wing Systems
General View on Systems
When we look into Media of USA, Germany , England , Switzerland , a bright brain would immediately get that those media only write about left-wing catastrophes.
In general, media of the world only explain what is happening these days - without any analysis of the world-wide longtime effects of what is really going on - in the past, at present and in the future.
Therefore, humanity has not the slightest idea, in what state within our GLOBAL CRASH societies are, in any land, all humans on Earth - and even less in the world as a whole. Therefore we start here now at zero and explain our world to the mass of crazy Elite and Scientists and to the rest of paranoid 99,999 percent of folks.
Philosophies and Religion
When I started to read philosophies, I assumed to learn ALL about the fundamental functioning of our globe plus humanity. I was sure that reading philosophers would mean to understand the present State of Affairs and all Systems of the world, or at least of the Earth, or at least of humans - this was ERROR.
Very quickly I got, how the 99 percent of philosophies were teaching pure "Behaviourism" - the question how folks should handle, to get cash, be rich, destroy a planet, being wise without wisdom and be blinded by everyday's affairs.
There was not one simple and real CHAIN of origins and effects about fundamental matters on this globe, and this was valid for all scripts during all centuries since 5000 years.
Worse as philosophies were RELIGIONS, being only pretending some Jesus or God or Mohammed and Allah to better humans, when in fact it made rich the powerful and let go in wars and torture the big masses, believing in any ESOTERIC SHIT, based on a human brain that never functioned properly. Humans are by nature crazy and take themselves for Gods, even when the end of their stupidity has come and proven to 100 percent.
Useless Professions
Today I woke up and became aware of the fact that not ONE PERSON on this globe would do a reasonable JOB in any land of the globe. This real FACT is easy to explain:
- Bankers just handle cash and destroy capitalism. Insurance idiots wait for accidents and catastrophes to happen. Tourism is here to kill the oceans, lands and future by masses of cars, planes, cruisers and other shit. Fishers are here to empty the oceans. Butchers are here to kill animals and humans for the needs of stupid masses. All idiots behind computers do nothing at all.
- Worse are the masses destroying by exhaustion the planet, all the idiots of technology, building houses because some may let go whole towns in pieces and needing new banks, temples for consumerism or living rooms, for example when Portugal or Spanish folks come over to Germany or Switzerland or from Mexico to USA.
- In fact, there is not one profession making sense, except that the occupation goes up to heaven due to masses of folks, and destruction of a planet, plus the craze about health care based on a life style, not for Apes, but made for brainsick humans without any future.
The Forces of the Crash
The forces of the Crash are ideologies about Shares and Bonds, about deficit spending in all nations on the globe, about short sightedness of effects of deadly stupidity of politicians and their idiotic masses.
Naturally the technologic world cannot be maintained, because it becomes impossible to repair and maintain 500 trillion Dollars in rotten infrastructures built on cost of future generations.
The Masses and their needs kill not only capitalism and nations and banks, but in fact all resources, energy, water and air, oceans and land, and for some person still possessing a brain, by the end the world climate gets in pieces and brings disorder on the global weather-machine killing humanity by the end. Alone the effect of increase of 2 billion of idiots to 10 billion of technologic FREAKS would do in philosophy, to prove the end of a Planet of humans having a brain of Apes, or of Apes having a brain of humans.
The left-wing Crashes
I said that Western media idiots only write about leftish mistakes under socialism or communisms, under Stalin or Mao and other idiots. They are so happy to find ways to explain, why ideologies of left got in pieces, whereas the great sun, fun nothing to do of our beloved neo-liberalism, freedom of Jews and Bankers and the destructive ways of technology - would be useful by GROWTH OF SELF-DESTRUCTION.
Sure, there were the catastrophes under Mao, Lenin, Stalin and China , but funny enough, nobody seems to see that China and India today are ones of the most right-wing capitalistic countries on this globe, as was before its Crash some USA and Japan .
Socialism was just like any human systems condemned to fall, but compared to the CRAZE of right-wing Idiocies, they had as basis at least some ETHICS for all folks of a nation, as an ideal.
The right-wing Crashes
Today, ALL nations of the globe are in fact neo-liberal and believing in growth, greed, the Jews of Wall Street, big conglomerates with eternal profit-planning - plus the craze of always huger usefulness of mega-cities.
Right-wing were also: Hitler Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italia, Tenno Japan and any nazi-social matters, what the capitalistic crooks in Swiss tax fraud let be noted in press, to have been socialism, when it was worst of Pinochet or Videla of JFK right-wing politics of highest social CRIMES in history.
What we hear from right-wing press (all media of our globe are Murdoch) are figures about finance profits in companies, stock exchange of zero value, about growth or negative growth in any respects, about some measuring of the coming collapse of all systems, turned in a way that the 99,999 of paranoid folks must understand, that we are just in a phase of re-ordering systems, when in fact we experience the FINAL CLASH of the world in finances, economics, science, wars, philosophy, feasibleness and an ecologic situation having gone totally out of any control.
But still, the very stupid and schizophrenic stock exchanges fill in our rest-shit in the brains and the true destructive effects of right-wing Systems in USA, Europe, Russia, China, Brazil, India, Africa, South America, Israel or Saudi Arabia are not noticed for one single second, since all people of the globe have become NUTS for all times and never will become normal again. When you go to schools and universities of craze, you are bound to come out crazy.
In fact, this humanity was not normal or informed at any moment in History since the apparent existence of highly great wisdom with the Old Greeks.
The Effects during the global Crash
It is proven by my books and Editors Letters, that humanity is not standing in front of an abyss, but the LEMMINGS have gone over the edge and are in FREE FALL to Hell since 1990 at least.
Not with quadrillions of Dollars or Euros, any land on this globe could create a world, a planet, as it was around 1900, when climate, weather, oceans, lands etc. were not yet spoiled for all times by masses of folks, idiocies of technologies, exhaustion of resources and energy, and the paranoid behaviourism of 7 and soon 10 billions of FOOLS with rotten politicians, having nothing but shit in their brains.
Now, MEDIA and science can reject such texts as this one here.
The TRUTH is, that not one person out of 7 billion of a rapidly dying society on world scale, has the slightest idea how to
- save us out of financial Crash, the end of capitalism, the crash of global economy, the idiocy of living without resources, oceans and lands, all killed, no ground-water anymore, internet having made fools out of folks who were crazy before and believing to have a chance, when the climate got rotten for all times, geo-sphere coming to its end - and weather will bring gigantic droughts, floods, super-storms and monster-waves over this humanity, all accompanied by pandemics and the fact that idiots cannot be governed by idiots and the LOSS OF FORTUNES of the rich Class, not having paid their taxes, is imminent and not one shit-in-brains sees any PLAN B.
The massacre of middle-class and exploding poor against the perpetrators can start now.
And therefore, to predict in my literature since 1975 the total CLASH of right-wing CIVILISATION was not a risk, but the most normal thing to be thought and written, when a brain would still be in function, before it gets rotten like experienced and analyzed with the rest of the 99,999 percent.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 9, 2013