Each economic SUCCESS
= CRASH of Planet and Humanity
Remember my letters about the principles of "Highest Accounting" in all matters of finance and economy? Explaining the Finance Crash on a world basis?
One of the principles was:
"There is no profit without a loss in the same or greater amount"
Economic Success
In the present State of banks and States going into bankruptcy, each "Success" will mean the final breakdown of world finances, world economy and the death of a planet inclusive humanity without brains.
And the PROOF goes like this:
Take Japan as an example for the rest of nations.
What is Japan doing for increasing Growth, destructing for sure our planet?
The national bank being already bankrupt such as the State of Japan, those idiots buy per trillions of Dollars worthless State bonds and other papers.
Result: National bank will collapse, inflation destroys trillions of Japanese values and growth does not happen, because Japan , USA and Europe are in free fall in matters of economy and finance.
But if Growth would by miracle be possible, it would destroy all resources, water, air, extend the cripple cars of the world and accelerate the present breakdown of a planet inclusive humanity.
CHINA - This Japanese principle goes for CHINA too and the implosion of all systems in China as before in Japan is merely a question of 5 years at the highest.
EUROPE - very funny the situation in Europe: Not only Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, England and Italy are bankrupt and never seeing again some surplus of States to come out of bankruptcy, but on the contrary ever higher State Deficits will result, If done on basis of Austerity ideology or Growth ideology is of no importance, both end in a collapse.
- And this goes too forFrance , Germany , Nederland and finally Switzerland - all these rotten States under Influence of Jewish Wall Street are already dead in finance and economy - today.
- And this goes too for
Crash of the Planet inclusive Humanity
The politics in finances and economics were since 1800 the profit and growth making in capitalism and neo-liberalism by banks, conglomerates, western States and later on of Japan and China . And the situation went out of any controls, due to mass-laws not seen by crazy idiots in world intelligentsia.
All this Big Shit of human Mind led directly in:
1. Total exhaustion of all resources and energy stuffs of a planet.
2. Destruction of oceans, climate, weather-machine of a planet.
3. The bankruptcy of all banks, States, companies, individuals before 2025.
4. The Growth-Principle of Apes with one billion of cars, 100000 planes, transports, heating and cooling, building mega-towns, plus creating an explosion of one billion to 10 billion of fools, having become nuts by media and internet and literature and films, being today to 100 percent idiotic, paranoid and schizophrenic (as on lower grounds found out too our poor-brain Schirrmacher of FAZ) has come to determination and end of the casino play.
5. We got by the End the destruction of all NATIONS by wars, torture, Wall Street Jews, ABS, CDO, CDS and hedge funds, idiotic bankers playing casino with the cash of Middle Class and Poor and future rents.
6. Finally the Deficit Spending in Japanese ARTS for all nations of the most stupid planetary SPECIES ever seen South of the Big Bang have shown, that living on the account of future generations, basing on debts when financing trillions in rotten infrastructure not being maintained and renewed, was so nuts, that God and Allah must vomit when looking down on EARTH.
And naturally I take here a short cut in proving the stupidity of 99,999 percent of humans, Elites, experts, Chiefs of States, Jews, bankers, developers of atom bombs and the mass construction of cars, planes, ships and mega-towns
- without any PLAN B to come out of CRAZE by the End of History after the bloody Ratzinger and Mohammed year 2000.
The whole World and not only Japan are in FREE FALL and all idiots - Obama, Putin, Merkel, Cameron, EU Barroso, WEF Schwab, Lagarde, Japan freaks, Chinese Xi, Indian Singh, Brazil Lula, Berlusconi, Murdoch and the dirty Jews of Wall Street and Israel including the Tax Fraud WEF Freaks out of Switzerland are pretending, that we all are living in the "Best World" of Huxley and Orwell ever seen in History - what was not really a mistake of mind….
And now the END of HUMANITY can be completed and the downfall of a higher species of APES can take place to my great success, because all my books have since 30 years explained, why this ALL - and much more too - would be going to happen.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 13, 2013