Scenery of a World-CRASH
The first time I was absolutely convinced that Socialism and Capitalism shall crash soon, was in 1975.
And when I wrote the "ORAKEL 2099", I was sure that with my description meant to wake up experts and science and politics, my scripts would already come by 20 years too late what was true.
In very much details, I wrote the scenario of the CRASH in Finances, Economics, Geopolitics and Ecology mainly in the books "CHAOS" / "10 Maxims" and "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" - but all editors and all media returned the scripts under the excuse, they would not edit or write about higher shit of mind. And so the books were printed on my own costs and the receivers sent all books into their baskets and just meant that about idiocies there was no point of letting such stupidity go into a broader public.
Now this is what I wrote - approximately - and this is what happened and still will happen from 1960 to 2099:
1. In 1960 there was a fine world with socialism in the east and capitalism in the west. Huge armies were financed, atomar works around the world and growth like hell and we had middle class, good salaries and a fine life and future.
2. Then was invented by Jews around Popper and Friedman a fine neo-conservative liberalism, better known as Chicago School or Shock Doctrine, and the downfall could start.
3. By 1989, Ex Soviet Union and Socialism crashed and they adopted in Russia and East Europe the principles of Friedman and believed to become rich like USA .
4. At about the same time, the first State of the Globe, Japan , fell in the eternal Trap of self destruction by huge State debts and the end of feasible capitalism with rotten industries upheld by credits higher than WTC.
5. We saw how Russia and other lands got lots of Oligarchs and the normal folks could start to starve, but it was only the beginning of dying nations in Russia , China , India , Brazil and all the rest to come after 2010.
6. The West was sure to have won the RACE of the civilisations and Fukuyama got famous for his shit about the "End of history" - when in fact USA and Europe were just on the starting line of a complete Crash of all systems.
7. Not one politician or expert or scientist - except me in my books - believed in a crash. On the contrary, all Power to the Junk-Jews of Wall Street and Kissinger with the invention of hedge funds, derivative shit, ABS, CDO und CDS - the fine mass killers in finances. By 1999, our World was already completely DEAD.
8. Around 2000, all idiots and VIPs wrote in all press, TV and Radio that if a recession could happen in any land, we would have KEYNES and so never again, a Crash like 1928 could even appear at the Horizon. I wrote like hell the contrary and have foreseen years before the Crash of IOS, Enron, Swissair , USA and Europe , giving all details, how and why it will happen. The End of Capitalism started then with 9/11 and we have to thank the Islamists for this sign of Allah.
9. By 2006, the second 1928 Crash at the Wall Street could start, only - as I wrote in WorldNews - 10 times worse and with 10 times more effect that 1928. In short, the whole capitalism will fall in pieces - and I did not even count with the Subprime shit in the USA and the stupidity around Lehman Brothers, being in the merde like 200 other banks on our Globe without any chance of rescue.
10. However I have written about the deadly scheme of huge effects of:
- China killing the west with slavery and cheap production producing huge trade deficits.
- The Deficit Spending in trillions, killing all State Economics in some years to come.
- The Crime of Richest Class not to pay Taxes, would be a national Crime of Democracy.
- Trillions of Dollars of worthless papers in all banks, investment funds and pension funds would kill our Finance World with highest easiness.
- USA not having an indebtedness of 12 trillions in 2008 but some 200 trillions of Dollars.
- The whole capitalism with Free markets being a program to hell and the end of western economics.
11. Then came the real facts. Whereas the experts and politicians and all idiots in the USA believed still in 3 years after 2009 all shall be under control, I knew already that all idiots in USA, England, France, Germany, Spain and even China would shift all the immense and still today unknown losses of the finance business, over in charge of the tax payers and such on the nations, to be let fallen in bankruptcy and suicide as a very normal consequence.
12. And so it happened that States - being already totally at the bottom - had to add trillions of Euros or Dollars on top of a situation that was already the virtual death of finances in USA and Europe . But the evidence was nowhere: Idiots around Krugman, Roubini, Ferguson and other mental shit pretended that with more deadly GROWTH, we soon will have a world like 1960 again. Nobody saw that the Earth was exhausted from the major resources and energy and nobody could and would ever stop the killing of the air film of our geo sphere, oceans, forests and all the rest.
13. Then came the first States in very normal misery: Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy were the first to crash and to hope that Obama would spend his pocket money to end the disaster, when those lands, together with USA have torn for all times to come whole of the western world into a total bankruptcy of capitalism without end. Friedman was a crime, Popper was a crime, Habermas was a crime and Keynes was a crime, but the world's shit in brains around 2012 saw absolutely nothing of the REAL SITUATION in economics on our Globe.
14. By 2018, all nations of the World are in bankruptcy and there is no-go in any economics of any land all around the planet. As a consequence of the downfall of WEST, China and India started to implode and lose all fortunes they never had, because any State bonds, derivatives, ABS, CDO and CDS were of zero value long time ago, even when still be sold between complete crazy-gone financiers of a rotten planet, where not one person - except me - possessed ever a functioning brain.
15. The Crash in Finances made starve the whole "real economics" as well. All big companies of the globe went in pieces. First the nations refinanced the break of such companies, but soon became evident that the LOSS of Cash was a loss of cash, without importance where the loss would be. And still the richest class with help of Switzerland and 100 tax paradises paid no taxes, inclusive the richest conglomerates, banks, and other shit of human mind.
16. It was never clear to accountants having piss in their brains, how the accounting principles of a family, a KMU, a huge conglomerate, bank too big to fail or a State like USA would be the same. The bankruptcy of USA is nothing else but the bankruptcy of 100 million of families. And the financing of the U.S. Army and wars, is nothing else as if a father of family would be drunk the whole day, be bankrupt and still spend millions on rotten houses and cars and casinos.
17. Around 2020 it becomes clear that capitalism has crashed for all times to come and there is no alternative. Not only all finances are lost and cannot be replaced, but the whole world-wide economics are tumbling now to hell - and still the politicians, their experts and scientists see no problem what so ever.
18. During the times of the crash in politics and economics, the downfall of the World-Climate and weather machine started and produced a millennium drought in India and China, killing some 100 millions of folks - but still the climate-sceptics pretend that humanity would have no problem at all - and the IPCC would still measure the death program on the effects of 1975.
And so it became true what I have written in all of my 10 books, that socialism and capitalisms will crash.
At the same time, resources got out and became priceless.
Worst was the complete and always accelerating climate-collapse, killing humanity to 100 percent until the year 2099.
And whoever can prove the contrary of this scenery, gets just now one million Dollars out of my pocket.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on June 17, 2012