'Ethical Independence' of Dworkin

"Ethical Independence" - some idiocies of Ronald Dworkin-Reagan

Dworkin wants to see replacing religion liberty by some sort of philosophical Independence in Ethics.

According to his rules - somehow, any person is free to handle matters as he or she wishes, as long as it makes sense and has a minimum of Ethics in it.

Well, let's see where we land with such idiocy.

USA as "God's own country"

Americans believe that USA is the given Land of God. This implies that all other lands have no God at all. USA believes in the right for the rich sacks to stay tax-free and to get as rich as ever possible and all other staying poor and paying the taxes of the rich. USA believes in the right not to undertake abortion, although our planet is just dying now under terrible mass-laws. USA believes in the full right of homosexuals to have a marriage and children taken from parents outside the gay family - or they think that sex between men alone or women alone is sin and not liked by any American God.

All this is "Freedom of liberty" under Dworkin's Maxim of "Ethical Independence".

I think Ronald Reagan, sorry (this is true too) - I meant Ronald Dworkin is nuts.

Let's go into details:

Liberty in Religion

Not one religion can prove the existence of a God, of a Jesus, of a Maria and the not fucking with God to get Jesus, of the laws killing children and females under Sharia and other stupidities. This is to say that above all Gods and Religions are some ethical Laws of Commonsense and Justice, high, high up over any religious thoughts and maxims.

In the Name of God or Allah or Buddha and other Cretins, more folks of innocence were killed than by any other method: Burning of "Witches", extermination of natural folks, of people with different religion than the one of those in Power and women been put under towels and walking around like Shoe Boxes, not seeing when bumping into trees.

Religion is big Shit of higher Esoterics - it is a crime of humanity - and if there were a God, a real one, he would send an atom bomb on any folks, committing horrors in his holy Name.

Liberty in Science

Is it right to teach at school some "Intelligent Design" instead of Darwin's Evolution? Well, people may do what they like. Dworkin has an argument about this matter which is just as idiotic as his sight on religious freedom.

Let's be clear: Without proof of a God, there is no proof for "intelligent design". The American fools of the Tea Party may do what they like under "Ethical Independence" - but they should not teach to their children some poor shit of science. It is true that the evolution theory of Darwin is not proven to 100 percent, but still it makes 1000 times more sense than a God having said: "There shall be Adam and Eve".

Liberty of thoughts? The killing of folks is not a matter of religion alone, but also of technology, of science, of design of war bombs and atom works in Japan and there is a culture of destruction that goes very much along or outside any sorts of religion.

Again, ethics must be commonsense and reasonableness - and nothing else. Who should tell us what this is? Naturally, my personal God. I shall ask him tomorrow at our monthly meeting.

Liberty in Sexual Acts

Dworkin seems to say that ethics have nothing to do with liberal behaviourism of sex. Okay - let's violate little babies, kill children in sex torture games and put it under Google. There is no harm and it is done. And since it is done, there is a right to do.

Ethics in religion, philosophy, sex and politics do not exist.

We simply have cash, power, richness, the right of those who dictate and the women that can decide to kick the bucket under their fine Burqas or towels, governed my Machos of religion and power, gone at Universities in the USA and England. Got it where it ends?

All the more the modern craze that homos make sex not in hetero items, but simply assholes must serve. Is this the Law of a God? I can understand that homosexuals exist - but I shall never understand why they want marriage and children, not made by natural sexual intercourse. The whole matter with sex has become complete Craze, as was before esoterics, religion, politics and science of self-destruction of Humans. We only have to understand the mechanics of the game.

The Swiss and the Minarets

Is it true, as idiot Dworkin pretends that the Swiss folks in an open vote have decided by majority to let not build the Islamists some Minarets? Okay it's true, but the reason was that the Swiss were fed up of:

- Shouting of idiots from towers, seeing women under towels at any corner, children having special rights at school, social charges in billions paid to sick and thick ladies of Arabian and Serbian countries, Sharia Laws to come from USA, England and Germany into the Alpine Swiss patriotism. The question is not if Swiss patriotism is idiotic, it is - but if we should add the idiotism of fine Islamism to such  national Craze.

Some other behaviourism of Apes

The world is full of God's own Country Craze, of Islam special rights in disfavour of women and children, of putting folks in cloths of idiots, fucking around with babies and children by Catholics, Evangelicans and Islamists with Shit in their Brains.

We have enough shit in brain in Politics, in ecology, in economics, in the finance industry of Wall Street Jews - we don't need some idiotic Principles of "Ethical Independence" invented by Fools like there is our fine scientist "Ronald Dworkin-Reagan".

Some Short Cut

Did I tell you that my elderly Girl is a genius? After having written this report, I went to the kitchen and said to my wife: "Listen, Dear: Some idiotic Ronald Dworkin pretends that humans should replace Religious Liberty by some "Ethical Independence"…

She answered: "Great - I love him: Just look at the daily News - and you know ALL about "Ethical Independence"

Your Friend Delavy
written on December 18, 2011