Planetary Feasibilities

Planetary Feasibilities - and the Famous 10

There is a theory of mine that says about the following:

1. Women cannot think in abstractedness.

2. 99 percent of Men are too dull for thinking in rules of abstractedness.

3. Out of the rest, only very few can think on highest level of abstractedness.

4. There are things like Highest Accounting, big figures, mass laws, the errors in philosophies, in theories of economics, of the functioning of the planet - that can only be understood, if abstractedness in systems and mechanics would be fully understood by some given brains - and there are not more than 10 Men on Earth to have these capacities.

I do not know, if there are other 9 men to write things like:

- "Humanity believes to consist of Species of Gods - and the Planet Earth can get in the asshole"

or: - "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction"

or: - "Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities" killing the planet in 100 years.

or - "The Laws of impossible feasibilities destroy humanity until 2099"

or - "Mass-Laws make it impossible for any planet in the universe to survive"

All these things are proofs of abstractedness on highest level, understood by no woman at all and by almost no man - at least for the time being - since I don't get the names of the other 9.

Now, let's explain the case:

On low intellectual level, any woman or any man can think in abstractedness, about matters and theories as for example:

"If such and such matter would happen, such other matter would develop like follows (on a daily basis) - or: If humanity would be crazy enough to ask for eternal growth, within 100 years the planet would reach the Wall of Kicking the Bucket - or: Just believe in God - and he will help you to overcome - or: An atom bomb on all airplanes, cars and cruiser ships of the Globe - and the Congress of Durban would have much less of problems…."

This is abstract thinking of zero value. Some matters are not important and the others seem to be pure idiocy and therefore would never happen.

What I am talking about, is highest level of abstractedness in human mind:

"What is required to understand, that the finance world NOW goes to hell? Or: When is the limit reached, when the Geo-Sphere of humans goes to hell with Climate, Weather Machinery, droughts, water-floods, super-storms destroying humanity? Or: How great must the number of the explosion of POPS be, before we understand that we have not a problem of nourishment, of health care, of water and of survival, but a situation when not even God or Allah could reverse a Voyage down to hell of a Planet - producing by automatism some fine Holocausts of Humans, of Animals and of Nature?"

Such questions could be extended to any topic you may wish:

When we take it seriously, any philosophy or theory ever written by any "genius" is of a kind that by means of highest abstract Thinking, such idiocies show how impossible the theory was, would collapse under the correct questions, but worst: Late effects would have been to kill Humanity plus the Planet Earth.

I wrote Critics about the errors in the Theories of Friedman, Popper, Keynes, Marx, Nietzsche, Kant, Derrida, Huntington, Fukuyama, Machiavelli, Habermas, Sloterdijk, Obama etc. and even Einstein and Darwin - but it is quite normal, that those texts were understood by zero of high brains - what I should have guessed from the start - because:

Women can only think in concreteness. They wish to live, to have Sun, Fun and nothing to do and an easy life full of perfect Modes for idiots. And: When the war of Hitler was over, the same as women, 99 percent of German Men adored like hell before (unless they were Jews) such systems and forgot all about the reasons, the origins, the effects and the fact, that Hitler is not an exception, but the rule of the behaviour with Stalin, Mao, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Putin, Murdoch, Thatcher, Pinochet, Greenspan, the Jews on Wall Street and any Craze that cannot work and destroys either humans, or animals, or nature, or finances - or all our savings and pension funds, or the resources in favour of only 6 generations, or the death of a planet, because we have not one excuse or solution to restore a lost paradise, that could have been possible in fact with less than one billion of apes, behaviour of the finest and priority of the planet, water, air and resources against insane technology, science and other rotten stupidities of Men.

Now when wide over 99,999 percent of men cannot think in abstractedness plus not one single woman on Earth, we come down to the 1000 wise and highly intellectual men, that in theory could think in abstractedness on a universal scale of feasibilities.

Now, it gets interesting - just take those idiots of the highest 1000:

- 900 out of them will say: "We have no big problem: Any problem ever in humanity was resolved in the past. We have a situation as thousand times experienced in the past. We just have to look for resolutions and fine coming out of the terrible situation." --- It goes without saying that these 900 are nuts and complete idiots.

- 90 men out of the rest of 100 shall say: "Never before in human history, we had the situation where the climate went down to hell. Never before all nations of the globe went in bankruptcy and all savings and pension funds of the globe went to hell. Never before, the collapse of capitalism destroyed by logics of an economic and industrial world and led to overall unemployment and hopelessness. We have far too many POPS on Earth, Climate and Weather got crazy and will accelerate in doing so, for the next 100 to 1000 years. But we have fine solutions, we have alternatives, we have some possibilities to find a new starter." --- Easy to say that we have some other 90 idiots being nuts.

And there remain the famous 10 geniuses on Earth:

And they shall say: "We have written it in scripts since 1975, that the behaviourism of humans is of a sort, as if we had 100 planets in reserve. The living on debts from 1970 to 2010 on cost of the coming 10 generations was extremely stupid. And we come to the end of oil and gas and have spoilt the totality of Geo-Sphere with such Junk - and alternative are not there, because it would require resources, seldom Earths, clean water in rivers and lakes and Oceans full of fish and no gigantic Climate Collapse with droughts, to eclipse just half of Chinese and Indian POPS within one year. Not talking of the problem that solutions are of an illusionary kind, once capitalism got in bankruptcy, all nations, banks, conglomerates dead - plus humans at the end with their wisdom - with or without any capabilities to think in abstractedness about planetary mechanics, systems and human stupidity under a non-existent God."

There is just one problem in this game:

- Where are the other 9 men to think on this level of highest Abstractedness?

Good question - Friends - because this is the ONE Question that decides over having a future after 2099 - or not.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 8, 2011