Ist die Erde einzigartig?
Meine Theorie ist es, dass trotz einer Million Planeten im Universum,
die Leben entwickeln könnten, die Erde einzigartig ist im Weltall.
Die Chance, Menschen mit Atombomben zu sehen, ist etwa 1 zu 13,7
Auch die Natur, die Tiere, die Landschaften und Kontinente sind kaum ein zweites Mal vorstellbar - was ich anderweitig (unten) nachwies.
Diese Erde mit ihrer Vegetation ist schon unwahrscheinlich und nicht wiederholbar.
Sodann die Evolution:
Die Entstehung eines Menschen ist von Millionen von ausserordentlichen
Faktoren abhängig.
Körper und Geist sind designed von den Lebensumständen über Millionen von
Zuerst muss die Distanz zur Sonne exakt richtig ein - Temperaturen,
Erdanziehung, Mond.
Sodann müssen Meere und Flüsse und Wälder entstehen, der Humus, die
Ernährung, Bienen, Insekten, Fische.
Die exakt richtigen Landschaften mit Erde, Luft, Wasser, Feuer und
Rohstoffen aller ARTEN.
Es braucht Energien und Schutzräume.
Tiere und Pflanzen in der Art der Erde sind zwingend, woraus dann auch
der dümmste Affe - der Mensch - sich herauskristallisieren muss.
Die Existenz als Zwischenstufe des Jägers und Sammlers vor der
Postmoderne eines Irren muss gegeben sein.
Immer zu mit der Aufklärung, Schlachten, Kriege, Religionen, Folter,
Waffen, brennende Hexenfeuer, das ganze Gemetzel.
Irgendwann kamen die Wissenschaften mit Universitäten und die Philosophen
des Behaviourism und die Künstler ohne Hirn, die Literaten der idiotische
Gefühle und Musike von Mozart.
Technik erlaubte die Industrie für Massenproduktion, Städte, Strassen,
Tunnels und Brücken, Autos, Flugzeuge, Armeen, Events, Wahnsinn der Schwachsinnigen,
Smartphones für Weiber und noch AKW etc. - vor deren Zerall, weil alle Staaten in der Pleite sind.
Dann vermehrten sich die Sauen auf 10 Milliarden, erfinden das Geld und
die Staatsverschuldung und anderer Unsinn der Untergangs - und die Massen
verblödeten und die Eliten wurden korrupt.
Das Ende vom Lied
Ist ja klar, dass alles endet, sehr rasch sogar.
Es braucht einen Klimakollaps, Crash der Geldindustrie, Staatskonkurse,
tödlicher Neoliberalismus der Juden, KI, Wassermangel, Wahnsinnshitze, Atomkrieg
- und der blöde Mensch verschwindet in einer Apokalypse - so wie er sich
evolutioniert hatte.
Und damit ist auf der Erde plötzlich wieder herrliche Ruhe.
René Delavy- Côte d'Azur
written on December 26, 2024
How many planets with Humans?
Are there other HUMANS in the Universe?
My Theory was: There are billions of suns in the
Universe. Perhaps, there are also billions of Galaxies in the Universe. Thus
there must be quadrillions of Suns with Planets in the world and therefore
there must be thousands of planets with human like beings in the Universe.
Now I have read the following formula of Frank
Drake of Californian SETI-Institute:
The plausibility of Life in the Universe can be measured by a very interesting formula that will most probably be true - and by all means better understood than E = mc2:
N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x
fc x L
Okay, here comes clear-text: The Number of humans being assumed to live outside our Sun-system and having the capacity of existence, far away outside of our planet Earth, can be explained in clear language according to above formula as follows:
R* = New built Suns
x fp - Number of Suns with Planets
x ne - Distance to sun allowing life
x fl - Part of planets with development of life
x fi - Part having beings with intelligence
x fc - Intelligence wanting to communicate
x L - Laps of time for such Homos existence
(perhaps 1000 years), to say time during which eventual humans are able and
willing to communicate with other systems in our Universe.
All the rest of times can be assumed to have been
gone long time ago - or just be coming in say 2000 billions of years.
Got it? Read it twice, read it ten times, because
it may answer a lot of problems - since we wanted to know if we are ALONE in
the Universe - or could it be that there are millions of planets with
human-like life, on those satellites surrounding their stars?
Here my answer: As I said before, I assumed that
second assumption with millions of planets would be true. Since having read the
formula of Frank Drake, my theory in Intelligence and Earth-building is heavily
shaken: An immense figure for possible planets sees itself reduced by an huge
figure for diminishing the eventuality of this life to happen. Got it?
Well, considering what life is worth nothing on
Earth, because these "intellectual beings" just now go down the
drain, having pushed technology, science and destruction of planet to the
maximum, the question may not be longer of interest for Homo non-sapiens.
But due to eternal wish to know more about our
being, I will extend the question here:
If there is a God (inclusive his Pope as master) or
if there is nothing of such importance, not even a Devil, can here be put
aside: The evolution according to "stealing-ideas" Darwin, evolution
of a Universe, with its galaxies, suns, planets, idiots, animals and plants
would anyway produce some sort of developments, with or without life and -
finally - human beings, with higher ethics, morals, science, brain-scientology,
and other things, like wanting to communicate with other hypocrites, being bluffing
around some thousands of light-years away.
But even if we were alone in the whole Universe, if
Homo sapiens on his planet named Earth would be the only intellectual sapiens,
wanting to communicate with other idiots, we still would have a reality, the
average of people does not at all understand, since the chains of origins and
effects are complex and of a nature, 999 out of 1000 can't grasp what's going
on in town, Earth, Universe, not for one second and not for his or her
And here we better get the sense and reason for the
extension of my formula above.
Actual life exists, of human beings, on Earth, but
it should be multiplied by the heads who could possibly interpret the CHAOS of
the present world, further multiply it by the heads on Earth, being able to put
it in words and make a suitable philosophy out of reality, not understood by
It's quite clear that I write such things always
with a big grin in my face, not wondering, if my saying so is regarded by
others as true or pure shit. Much more interesting is the following:
- You may have as many "Magnum"
photographers as ever possible: With pictures you will never understand the
mass-phenomenon of the killing, torturing, starving, of wars, money-world of
the rich with their stock-exchanges, increasing poverty and loss of nature on
this one planet, where life with intelligence is possible.
- You may believe or not believe in the Theories of
Susan Sontag, that pictures are all and texts in philosophical depth nothing.
What is left is that you will never understand just one percent of what's going
on around you, even if media are trying to explain what's going on.
- NGOs with little intelligence like attac, may
tell you the whole year long that with "very little steps" the mass
destruction of resources, energy stuffs, transformed in deadly poisoned air and
climate and weather unbalancing, can be stopped or cured. You would never
understand that they tell you scrap the whole time - and that you will always
ignore texts that explain the phenomenon of a declining species better and in
all the details.
- CEO and politicians may tell you any stupidity
over mass media they want. You would always creep in their asses and re-elect
the most stupid Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Bush, Putin, Sarkozy, Merkel or Sharon -
without wanting to make a distinction of talking of right-wing or left-wing
governments, in Christian, Islam, Hindu or Buddha areas. It's all the same, in
capitalism and socialism. We are living on Earth, did you forget?
- And you would always drink like Champagne the
Boulevard-Junk of all sorts. It's the media who blind you in relation to
reality. Assisted by Universities with one-eyed education programs and a
casino-world of science, culture and ecology that makes you understand
everything of no importance, except the only relevant matter to know: In which
sort of Future human mankind will run into, just now.
Considering these facts, it may be absolutely
pointless if we have only ONE planet in the Universe with
"intellectual" beings of no intelligence, or thousands of millions -
in distances of 1000 light-years or billions of light-years.
And now come back to the bottom, try to understand
ten percent (instead of one percent) of the overall Chaos on Earth - and all
your friends will tell you, how intelligent you are. And as our civilisation
works, you can be sure to be next candidate of the Prize of Dynamite in
Northern Europe.
More chances, however, are given to become famous,
if you direct some missiles in Eastern Europe against Russia or China. But you
can increase your importance: Try to become candidate for U.S. Presidency, and
then you can govern like George W Bush the hegemonic and intellectual Nation of
the sole planet with intelligent being on its surface - and still have plenty
of shit in brain.
And thus, you would not even need any Pulitzer,
Nobel or Bookers Prize to be someone in our Universe that most probably is
without any common-sense and certainly without real intelligence in it, except
the one of dull Intelligence Services of Hegemonics and their hypocrite
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
Author for and Consultant of NGOs and Universities
written in June 2007, published in Worldnews
Ein Planet ohne Menschen
Ein Planet MIT Menschen ist unerträglich - schon die Erde ist zu viel.
Und eine sonderbare Einmaligkeit - was wie man sieht - zu hoffen ist.
Doch stellen wir uns mal das Paradies vor, wenn es auf der Erde keine
Menschen gäbe:
- Keine Kriege und Folter und Religionen - nirgends.
- Keine verrottende Städte, strahlende AKW, Waffenschmieden
- Keine
stinkenden Autos und Flugzeuge und keine Abfälle.
- Keinen Klimakollaps und kein Artensterben, keine Massentierhaltung und
- Kein dreckiges Wasser überall und noch normalen Regen und Sonne und
- Es gäbe noch Fische im Meer und Flüssen die auch sauber wären.
- Keine stinkenden Fabriken, Massenkonsum, Judenbanken
- Keine Raketen, Olympiaden,
Events, Lärm, Scheisse.
- Keine Nacht, die zum Tag wird.
- Keine Seuchen und Pandemien von Idioten erzeugt.
- Keine Weiber mit ihren Smartphones und Sprachverhunzungen.
- Keine Gen Z in totaler Verblödung und irren Ansprüchen.
Die Liste ist endlos.
Der Mensch als Produkt der Natur hat alles zur Sau gemacht und ist über
sein geschissenes Werk sogar noch stolz.
Es ist zu hoffen, dass sich auf Millionen von Planeten nie ein Mensch
entwickeln wird.
René Delavy