Narzissmus und Hässlichkeit

Trump ist nicht der einzige Narziss

Moderne Hässlichkeit – Sadismus of the best


Einer der dümmsten Menschen das Zeitalters des Zorns darf Präsident eines Mörderlandes werden. 

Er ist sich nur selbst wichtig, ein Narziss der Masterclass – und was bedeutet dies?


Der Beginn des Narzissmus 

Da war dieser Schönling der war so in sich verliebt, dass er niemals Frauen, die für ihn alle hässlich waren, gevögelt hätte. Er wollte lieber in Selbstverliebtheit im eigenen Spiegelbild jämmerlich ersaufen. 

Alle sind Narzissen und jämmerlich 

Zu recht hassen sich heute alle Menschen – weil sie hassenswert sind. 

Nun, dies ist nicht leicht zu verstehen, bei so vielen (durch meine Prämien finanzierten) Schönheits-OPS von Fotzen. 

Statt ihre Natürlichkeit zu bewahren, sind heute alle Weiber nur noch gleichmässige Masken einer Einheit des Volkes. 

Und Männer? Sie lassen sich neu schon in der Jugend Fotzen installieren und bleiben trotzdem hässlich wie die Pest – und ganz klar voller Selbsthass, wie es sich gehört. 

Mit «Ugly Girl» (siehe Beilage) schuf ich einst eine Erzählung vom Drama eines Lebens in voller Hässlichkeit – was erklärt, warum Normalität in der modernden Welt nicht mehr existieren kann. 


Weltumspannender Narzissmus 

Trump ist nicht der einzige Narziss in den USA: 

Die Evangelikalen die an eine flache Erde und Gottes Schaffen des Weltalls vor 6000 Jahren glauben, sind noch narzisstischer. 

Erinnern Sie sich an Cäsar, Napoleon, Hitler, Reagan, Nigger Obama oder Harris? Alle perfekten Narzissen und dümmer als jeder Affe im Zoo. 

Die Apotheose von narzisstischen Arschloch*Innen sind die Granden des Silicon Valley, Las Vegas, Wall Street, WEF in Davos, die Juden des Neoliberalismus und des Judentums in Israel und im Zentralrat der Juden. 



Was glauben die Narzissen? Ihre Tage sind gezählt. 

Im Niedergang der Zivilisation im Sinne meiner Literatur werde in naher Zukunft der Sadismus der Reichen, Mächtigen, Juden sich ins Maximum treiben, wenn die blöden Massen endlich begreifen, dass diese Welt ohne Not der Verdammnis ausgesetzt wurde von den narzisstischsten Tätern. 

Aber ob Opfer oder Täter: Ihr alle seid eigentlich schon lange tot. 

Das Rad lässt sich niemals zurückdrehen, die Vergangenheit frisst die Zukunft. 

Ihr seid am Verrecken? Wann? Noch vor 2099. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on September 13, 2024 


Ugly Girl

Ugly Girl,Mon 2 Apr 2007

Article by Guest Writer René Delavy.

Ugly girl - Silent and lost female Majority

Some parents in the world are rich, good-looking, have a luxurious house, high-paid jobs and they may have profit of highest esteem by persons surrounding them. But most of us are just sons and daughters of normal looking parents, not very rich, in fact most in the world rather poor, the whole life a struggle. And this unbearable situation is not done to improve in coming times.

The ugly girl was not lucky at all. Already as a baby, although she was not aware of the fact, but adult people could see it, there was a difference in approaching the child. And later on in school, the behaviour of teachers and co-pupils was very different if a girl was a beauty or plain ugly. With boys it was quite different since with them, force of muscles, skills in sports and the question what the status of the parents were, could count more than the question of being handsome.

The years went by and the question if one would be chosen as a girl became important. All girls dream of a marvellous marriage, since very ancient times when survival depended on finding a strong man as partner - you may remember your own times in Ice-Ages. Our ugly girl, let us call her Anne, was longing for a boy friend, just as any other girl did too, but she was left aside, not noticed, not even by the less attractive guys. So she knew already when being young that she would not have any advantages in life, the nature was not friendly in respect of her face, of her body. She could perhaps be successful in money-earning later on, in a respected profession, perhaps be recognized in culture or just by making the best out of any situation during all phases of life-time.

The matter become worse when all of a sudden, the whole society started to measure people according to money, beauty, perfect bodies, putting appearance over reality, "Schein over Sein". Superficial thinking and behaving, first in America and going as usual all over the globe, became more and more usual practice on one side - and on the other became of almost no importance: Common-sense and knowledge, reasoning, good hearts, brains, intelligence and best character. All this was more and more drifting in a secondary line - and this is valid for any prospects in daily life. It's true for advertising, for gossip and scrap in newspapers, senseless talks on television, all over the land. Towards the change in the new Century, women's values, sex and corps were measured only and exclusively, starting in the Western and "civilized" world, according to their physical advantages - and this philosophy became normal measure in the rest of World-areas. The "outside" has become in decadent times the major matter that counts, the "inside" would weigh almost nothing.

Anne started to put a lot of make-up on the skin of her face, further she ate almost nothing to get best of optimal body-measures as had thin models in coloured magazines and she tried to walk like Marilyn Monroe. And first, the trick functioned well. Even nice-looking chaps tried to get her, but when they came closer to her face, they remarked the artificial mask, they realized the fundamental error, backed away and were ashamed being forced to excuse themselves. Anne could read her thoughts as she was intelligent, far beyond average, and each time when this happened, it was cutting her to the heart.

So later on, she lowered her ideas about ideal life quality and was happy with any guy of her category that wanted her. And since she had been starving in sex for quite a long time, she made it good in making love as often as ever possible. Lust and sex, she thought, would not be offered any more, when her youth would be gone and only ugliness would be left. And so happened what had to come: She became pregnant - and she wanted by all means to keep this child, possessing something of her own, being loved as mother, and she hoped so much, that the child would be a boy, where beauty is of less importance.

She had several partners during the time when it happened but she felt very strong about the one man who could be the real father. But she did not want to force anyone to live with her and anyway, based an her intelligence, she had a very good job and she thought to be able to arrange working at the same time of being mother, with the help of nurseries and later on with some sort of private schools. When the child was born, Anne was so happy that it was a boy and she did everything that was in her force in order to bring up and produce the best man ever seen on Earth.

But nature has its own rules, the genes of that child were not to her favour, the coming man was, from the start, not gentle, not intelligent, not good looking and not good hearted. The more she tried the less that child wanted to give her respect and the older the boy grew, the less he made life easy for his mother. Very early he took drugs, did not learn at school, wasted his time with criminal youngsters, participated in a gang, and he seemed only interested in money, in play-stations, killing people on the screen, wondering around in bad company, whole nights long - and going more and more on distance to his mother.

Unfortunately, this is how life is organized in most cases. Hollywood-films just show a reality that is here to calm down spirits and to show to people, slowly losing their illusions, how it worked with some miraculous Kennedy-families. No crimes, no drugs, no misery, no girls drowned under bridges, no fucking around with Hollywood-stars, no presidents or coming presidents shot, just lots of happy-ends all over the place. The trick of films is, in Hollywood, in Bollywood, Paris, Rome and any other place that - in a film - any second can be planned with a plot, and so even the worst situations contain some sort of hope, good prospects, happiness and good spirits. And this is why most Americans have an artificial life, not living truly in a given reality, but playing a role of life, from the very first day of consciousness until the day of their passing away.

Anne tried whatever she could to make a success out of her life, but her ugliness was remarked even by her own child when growing older, she became heavy and round and lost all ideal proportions - and finally was no longer interested in men, sex and adventures. She did her job as well as ever possible and she tried hard to be loved by her son. Seeing that he lost himself more and more, she couldn't stand it anymore, left him in this criminal life with whores, drugs and superficial ideas and went away in another town. Based on her unfavourable nature, she had already during her whole life got less salary than women with better genes, and when her company merged with another, she was the first to be thrown out of the firm. Her arguments about her capacities were hardly heard by the new and arrogant "human resources" chief, a youngster with neo-liberal ideas that are taught today at any stupid manager seminar and in all Universities of high rank in the USA and Europe.

Remember the film or the book "Splendor in the Grass"? Okay, that was also some sort of artificial film-life but at least it showed the truth: Wishes are just one thing and the lived reality something completely else. Most folks live in some sort of an aquarium, artificial rooms, like seen with "Death of a Salesman" from Arthur Miller who lied to himself and to his family, the true life having brought him to the edge of what a man can stand when circumstances turn bad.

Therefore, most humans do not reflect too much about true life, not even the successful stars. All is going according to this terrible simple song "Don't worry, be happy" - thus denying that our world and each life could be mastered, if humans would be a little bit more human. Only some favourite ones, try to be real happy, with lots of lies, lots of self-pride without good reasons, having millions in cash or real estate, arranging beauty by easy life or with help of surgery - until they too fall from a chair in a rich room one day, due to the results of a weakening life, governing in each end of existence. No privilege left when it is question about final fundamentals.

Our ugly girl, now has become an elderly lady, but always keeping up her self-respect and good character - and so she accepted her fate and was prepared to live in poverty, no health-care available any more, little pension and no person to look after her. She had been told one day that her son died from drugs under miserable circumstances and she wanted just to finalize her days in pride, good feelings and knowing that there would be a God in heaven to take her, when she would be gone and he would give her all the comfort in her after-life she missed to heavily during real life-time.

That's the way most people in this world have to pass their existence. They do not know it so well because there is no writer analysing a life-time within two pages. But when we become aware where we have arrived, after all times of enlightenment, modern achievements in techniques, planes, cars, electricity - and that poorness in feelings, empathy, overlooking reality without Hollywood-like happy-end attitudes, we are perhaps one day able to say: Let's change the whole philosophy of life. Give the true values of a person of any appearance a fair chance, protect whatever is weak, think of your own deficits and don't look down on those who had from birth only little chances - as is the case with animals, plants, our landscapes, our human future, all folks in poor countries, people with genes that prove not to have been of the best, the planet's nature could have offered.

Anne should have deserved a better life, but the first step in consciousness was already fatal for an entire existence during her time on Earth: She was born as an ugly girl.

René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Sex-Stories of a flail" / "CHAOS" / "State of Towns on Earth" / "The End of Culture of 2000 years" /

Wahrheit und Machterhalt

NZZ + Ulrich-Schmid-Trump über PUTIN 

Diesen Schmid muss man entsorgen und wie alle Juden nach Auschwitz transportieren. 

Statt über die Verbrechen der USA, NATO, Israel, Schweiz – schwadroniert das Arschloch über PUTIN und dessen Machterthalt und versucht ihn fertigzumachen. 

Lausigster Trick: Der Verbrechen der Hamas oder Russland hoch schwatzen – und jene der Amis und Juden nicht einmal erwähnen, die 100 Mio. Ermordeter durch die USA seit 1945. 

Billiger geht nimmer: 

Die grössten Schweine – ausser den Juden – waren nach Hitler some JFK, Nixon, Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, Nigger Obama oder Trump samt Harris. 

Aber hier eine Kritik zu schreiben, übersteigt den Intellekt des debilen Schmid um 1509,300 Prozent. 

Was für eine blöde Sau der ETH, sorry, Handelstiefschule des WEF in Sankt Gallen bei Liechtenstien. 


Jesus Schiesserei AMETI hat einen Fehler gemocht: 

Das Scheissen ist in das Ordnung. 

Der Fehler liegt bei GLP: 

Eine GLP ist entweder Grün oder Liberal, beides geht nicht. 

Die verschissenste Partei der Welt muss ausgerotttett wrerden wie die Juden, sonst gibt es noch 10000 some 7.Oktober. 

Ameti hat als einzige Fotze (dies besser sei als Männer meint der TAGI) kapiert, dass GLP und CDU und Ampel der Bockbär der grösste Scheiss aller Zeiten sein. 


Die gott-verfluchten Araber und Nigger sollen in ihrer Heimat bleiben, wo sie sich zu Tode vögeln und auf Terror machen und Kriege und diesen Scheiss nach Europa tragen - ohne jede Scham - und unsere Sozialkosten aushöhlen in aller Selbstverständlichkeit – Arschloch*Innen.