China - Ein Traum

Lea Sahay – «Das Ende des Chinesischen Traums» 

Seit 2006 hatte ich auf den Zusammenbruch von China hingewiesen in viel ausführlicher und intellektueller Art wie die saudumme Sahay. 

Ein Affenbuch der Pro-Westlichkeit, des Pro-Judentums, der Anti-Russland-Hetze und totales Ignorieren der wahren Gefahren in China. 

Sehn wir wo sie spinnt und wo sie nicht spinnt - diese Lea.

Aufstieg China 

Sie erzählt richtig die wesentlichen Elemente, ohne die Gefahren zu sehen, sie erzählt einfach was jede Sau schon weiss, von Tiefblick nie etwa erkannt. 

Es war immer klar, dass nach dem Aufstieg von China mit 100 Billionen Dollar Schulden und Real Estate Kollaps niemals ein Happyend erfolgen konnte - weder mit Diktatur noch Demokratie noch Kapitalismus wie USA noch mit einer anderen Art das Land zu führen. 

In diesem Sine stehen auch USA und die EU vor ihrem Zerfall. 

Die Krise in China ist gewaltig und unlösbar wie in Indien und ganz Afrika, diese Länder sind am Verrecken. 

Ökologische Situation 

Die Lage von China ist rettungslos. Kein Wasser, keine Massnahmen für die Zukunft, die Solarenergie macht keine 10 % aus und verzehrt alle Seltenen Erden auf ewig. 

Kohlekraftwerke - jede Woche ein neues. Diese Kuh hat keine Ahnung vom Klimakollaps. 


Das Geschreibe wegen Tiananmen und 200 Toten – die nur US Verhältnisse wollten, um daran zu verrecken – während die USA in gleicher Zeit Millionen ermordeten und Zehntausende zu Tode folterten in Chile und Argentinien und 20 anderen Ländern. 

Diese Kuh hat keine Ahnung – nur Spleens des Westens. 


Bildung – Health – Soziales 

Es stimmt, dass China wie verrückt baute und Beton verschleuderte, wobei der Sand uns weltweit ausgeht. 

Aber sie konnten nicht Wachstum schaffen – UND – riesige Beträge in diese Bereiche stecken. 

Die Bildung in China ist ein Dreck, so auch die Health Care wie in den USA und Soziales kann sich der Idiotenstaat niemals erlauben bei 1,4 Milliarden – die meisten in totaler Armut, sonst geschieht das Gleiche wie in Deutschland unter Schroeder…. 


Die Wuhan-Verschleierung und dem Virus aus dem Labor – eine Katastrophe. Aber XI hat Millionen Leben gerettet, bis ihn Demonstrationen zwangen, die Lockdowns aufzugeben und da kamen die Toten noch… 

Idioten waren Trump und Bolsonaro und Modi – aber nicht XI…


Uiguren und Tibet 

Die Arschlöcher wollen nicht zu China gehören, was normal ist. Aber was würden die USA und Deutschland tun, wenn riesige Anteile der Bevölkerung den Staat sprengen wollten? Arschlöcher? 

Und Taiwan gehört zu China, wie der Tschang Kai Schek, dieser Drecksjude, das Land geklaut hatte um Mao zu ärgern und am Leben zu bleiben mit seiner Bande von Verbrechern. 

Dasselbe gilt für Hong Kong - wo ich jahrelang arbeitete. Dieser Dreck von Juden Staat gehört eingeschränkt und hat keine Privilegien mehr gegenüber anderen Städten des Grauens, was mehr als gerecht ist. 

Überhaupt hat diese Kuh*In keine Ahnung von China, obschon sie tschinesisch spricht. Sie soll abhauen und die Chinesen verrecken lassen. Wer so viel Erfolg hat wie diese Sauin im Gegensatz zu mir, soll verrecken in China, verhaftet werden und «verschwinden». 

Übrigens ist XI sicher handikapiert im Geist – aber andere Chancen hatte er nie… 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on August 29, 2024  


Wo ich der Lea recht geben muss: 

1. Die Chinesen fressen wie die Sau absolut alles und sie sind ein grausames Volk. 

2. Sie sind grausam zu Tieren und zu Menschen – die nicht zu ihrem CLAN gehören. 

3. Die Intelligenz des Volkes ist völlig deformiert – eine Art neuer Volksblödheit – mit oder ohne Jinping. 

4. Die Gleichgültigkeit zum Ausland und ihre völlig verquere Staatsliebe beweist eine Dekadenz, die Weltrekord ist. 

5. Die Chinesen sind nicht einmal halb-gebildet – alles nur für das Geld, den Beruf und nichts für die Erfassung der Realität in welcher sie leben. 

6. Ihre Gleichgültigkeit gegen alle die nicht zur Familie gehören oder die Firma – ist allumfassend. 

7. Der Patriotismus ist krankhaft und paranoid, ebenso eine dumme Ausländer-Verehrung oder Abscheu. 

8. Der Wahnsinn im Glauben an Wachstum und Fortschritt ist noch gewaltiger als in Japan und USA, wo sie auch daran verrecken. 

9. Chinesen sind wie erwachsene Kinder, naiv, dumm, oberflächlich – keine Ahnung von Gefahren im fundamentalen Bereich. 

Natürlich gilt diese unvollständige Liste auch für andere Staaten – aber so absolut und kollektiv gilt sie nur für China und vielleicht auch noch für Indien.

China ist TOT 

Eigentlich ist China mal überschuldet mit 300 Billionen (trillions of Dollars). 

Doch in China ist nicht nur der Staat tot, sondern auch die Banken, die Konzerne, die Individuen, alle Immobilienbesitzer und daraus folgt der Tod in Import und Export und kurz- China ist tot. Wer sich auf Geld verlässt – ist tot. 

Wenn China tot ist, dann ist auch USA tot.

Beim Tod der USA ist automatisch die EU tot und dann die gesamte Welt. 

Dies alles ist nicht schlimm, denn: 

Am Klimakollaps und Wassermangel wären ohnehin alle Staaten verreckt und so haben die Chinesen und Jinping wenigstens eine gute Ausrede, die USA seien schuld, was ja auch stimmt. Es waren die neoliberalen Juden! 


CHINA - No EXIT in Sight

CHINA - without emergency EXIT 

(published 2009 in WorldNews)

Part I - CHINA - without emergency EXIT

CHINA - short before its downfall? This scenario seems not to be likely.

All republican media are full of praise: China, the only land that could escape downfall of capitalism. Great! Still growth, still consumption, still export increase, still cash and reserves, still rotten rivers and lakes, still exploding deserts, still purchase by trillions of foreign resources and land outside China.

I would be dull to write the contrary - China is great ---- but what is the price?

China imports in all craziness the last reserves of resources, this world still possesses. China purchases lands and acres like hell, as well as shareholder companies for oil and gas and other raw materials in Australia, Africa, Korea and Cambodia, from finance schemes established in New York and Tokyo, Frankfurt or Zurich - in short in all lands and towns on this planet. And all this represents a huge bubble of sheer greed, based on deep despair, short before final collapse and bankruptcy come over China. This is mathematics, not science-fiction.

But all seems to be one big joke: In all of my literature I predicted downfall of finance systems, of capitalism, of stock exchanges and banks, in all nice details, since introduction of Friedmanism and Shock Doctrine without any neo-liberal limits. And not one word was a Lie.

Still, the Credo of the most positive military force, the one of USA, will be: Towards the end of all feasibilities, we try to put our hands on all resources in all lands. This exactly was the intent behind Cheney troop, the real reason for U.S. military power of hegemony, when I wrote: "Equilibrium of Power must be maintained" - to leave some chances to Russia, Europe and some other future super-powers --- and now it is China to start with that game.

History of human mankind is not predictable. Logics and commonsense may not help when we try understanding the fundamental laws of dying systems.

In Capitalism it is the basic rule that each nation, for example USA, can go down the drain in misery - and some other land, say China, can take over hegemony, plus the illusion of the chance for throwing pearls before some pigsty, as did Reaganomics forerunner ideals in the USA, before China times.


All folks in all lands can see reality: China is ecologically speaking in decay. China has no good water left and the air in mega-towns can be cut with a knife. China is sitting on a trillion-heap of zero papers. 1300 millions try to stay at life, with exports, with cheapness, with imports from over-indebted nations, plan exhaustion of the last reserves on this planet, with virtual money, U.S. Treasury Bonds and other U.S. dirt, believed to be a tax-paradise treasury - and still are handled by world media as "heroes".

China in the mist, just as forerunner for all other countries, getting towards future miseries

This exactly is a finance-political scandal - just as the terrors about derivative Junk, short before the orthodox Crash at Wall Street exploded, which for the rest-world will leave an insurmountable heap of trash, accompanied by an endless collapse of "Real Economy". What a genial world, governed by genial democratic governments!

In spite of this truth, investment banks and hedge funds and insurance still show more than 20 trillion Dollars of zero value papers in Balance Sheets at FASB values of Obama and Geithner (based on politics of GW Bush Republicans). In fact, the amount is much higher. Note: The finance world is already today in its final state of bankruptcy - but media write of hope and "We shall overcome soon---"

Naturally, all lands applauding some exploding star, named CHINA, in their greed sell all agriculture and rest-resources for cash and wrong promises - but they will cancel all rights in contracts, once they understand that they need the basic treasuries on and in their grounds, themselves. Mass Idiocy is the highest mercy, humans ever respected.

But China, by the end, will fall in the trap they prepared today themselves, unless they succeed in annexing some parts of Russia, say Siberia, for example and for free----

But - as you will get: CHINA - serves as symbol for the rest of world.

Read in PART II of this positive report, what this theory means to human mankind, taken as a whole - since - as you know - we should think positive to make your media and folks "don't worry - be happy".

Part II - China - Symbol for the whole World

Not the United States of America, in an act of despair will be dictating, one day in the future, to the rest-world all about the use of the rest-reserves on Earth, or else dictate the prices for raw materials or oil, far bellow real values. We can recognise another "great" Nation doing so, during the present Crash of world economy, in fact of capitalism as such - China.

This can't work at length - not for China, not for India, not for USA, not for the World as a whole.

China only is some sort of literary economy-construction, a copy of errors made before on Western lands. Like USA before, China has become a forerunner for ecologic and economic destruction schemes, showing what will happen soon to other countries, to humanity of a whole Globe.

And such a breakdown will go in accelerated manner, during the next 50 years.

When a land is no longer in a position to keep itself at life and must take over the resources of the rest-world, they can recognise normal procedures in the future, touching wide over 99 percent of humans, of media, of governments, of congresses, of science. We face a scenery in all abstractedness, long before commonsense and reasonableness of "Real Being" would correct the errors, showing us already today, how our world will get lost.

Reason for the fall-out of Intellect of Homo non-sapiens

We have to learn, not only for China, that humans will until the year 2050 be totally dependent, in ecology and economy, from outgoing resources, clear water, nourishment, alternatives, replacement for exhausted possibilities, all thinkable rescue packages. Simultaneously, we realize how life-style of the year 2000 shall increase disasters in dryness, water-floods, super-storms, accompanied by the ever same scenarios in matters of finance, politics, philosophy and cultures. Therefore, human must start to ask questions:

Where did this disastrous blindness come from?

The explanation is simple - something went wrong with the construction of brains.

What we had, was a "laisser-faire" construct of a terrible kind: Plundering the whole planet to death, declaring ourselves as God of the universe, creation of facts, leading to logics of decline - not more, not less. All This and much more of it, is valid, but it cannot serve as valid justification.


The child, called reasonability in the Word, has fallen in the well

And it tumbles and tumbles - and the relatives only wait to hear the final crash. And this child has a name - it is called "Humanity". The cannon ball has been shot and gets in direction --- of humanity. The express train accelerating wide over speed of sound, cannot be stopped, only gas foot is on and the Wall at the end of the valley, high up in the mountains, keeping under control the huge lake behind, gets broken from the train and water-floods tumble down in the value, and humanity can see from far the huge waves tumbling down any moment----

Why did I see the wave coming - and not the rest of humans? Not the media, not the governments, not the congresses of dull scientists, not the internet, not the searching-machineries of Google - there is no one, absolutely no-one to see reality of facts.

And in the meantime, all small brains write, after the disastrous regime of GW Bush coming from USA, false theories on the downfall of capitalism. All those scripts are full of nice and positive logics, since USA were the natural forerunners of total misery, we all are living in today when state indebtedness was driven to gigantic heaps, to be covered by future tax charges for Middle Class and Poor and their children.

Stay on this line of odd economics (before going in PART III about Philosophy):

All of us believe in those new bankers on Wall Street, which have stayed the old ones, by taking trillions of our cash, stolen from our savings. And you know that some percentages, some billions of Dollars, are being thrown in traps of bankers' bonuses. How come you and Obama accept?

But all this is only a side-effect of criminal World-Economics: During the tumbling towers of economy, common folks are still believing in the eternal tax-cheating games of the richest VIP who still pay no taxes, individually or by companies, based on Holdings and other Finance vehicles, assisted by a powerful system "made in Switzerland" and other tax paradises. A small number of richest folks are thus allowed to praise a fine parallel-world, with eternal privileges granted to them by all Parliaments on Earth, when trillions, perhaps 100 trillions of Dollars of taxes, had been hidden and put in own pockets, since 1960.

What a nice reality we all are living in, nowadays - dear middle class and poor folks!

In PART III of this CHINA-Letter, you will learn more about true background in view of these problems, based on Marxism, Maoism, Communism and Capitalism.

Part III - CHINA - Let's talk of Maoism and Capitalism

When we talk of Economics, we talk also of Marxism, Maoism, Communism and Capitalism

- and we do so, even if we do not understand, seen from the standpoint of a possible destruction of a Planet, ALL was the same, in all theories and "-isms" ---- There was naked greed, exhaustion, lies spread under folks, we were acting as if we lived in the "Best World of them all" - strongly along the lines of predictions spelt out by Huxley and Orwell - only much, much worse.

There is no longer question of Dictatorship of some odd bad characters, with power and all money taken from ordinary folks. All was a question, since several decenniums, about survival of the "fittest", meant was the richest. Middle and Poor Classes were forced to follow such wrong paths. Thus, all has become a Time-Machine: The richest elite got all treasuries, all life-quality, any real assistance of States in finance and business. They alone became the only profiteers for the longest period in times - before the final collapses tumbled on the species taken as a whole:

And these politics meant: End of ecologic possibilities, end of capitalistic games, the end of religious and philosophical feasibilities. We can see, looking back from the future, nothing else but the End of Humanity - and this will be done before the year 2100 will be reached.

I don't take any risks. All has been double-checked with logics and mass-laws.

All is a mathematical Model governed by missing logics and based on deadly mass-laws, directing us towards an End, based on human short-sightedness. And YOU, who get this text now and can read it, blindly, are now in the TRAP:

Because you all have become perpetrators - by keeping quiet, by denying the real facts, by continuing with crazy models of thinking, by blindness with regard to facts of concreteness, based on rules of abstractedness, dictated by the planet itself.

You wanted really DO something positive for humanity?

Great, just start, just try - and this exactly was the reason why I took the effort to write books and some shortening Editors Letters: Some God in Heaven decided that humanity sees light on this Earth? If intelligent, we would have recognized, long time ago and within some days, how und why wide over 99 percent of folks had crazy ideas about technological life, capitalism, globalisation, science and breaking-down skyscrapers. They all lived in a Hollywood-World, within illusions - during the time the real world did, what the planet based on limits of growth, wanted to do. What has to be done now?


Ethics and Culture are demanding some price from Humanity. I always was clear about one simple theorem: "You only live once. You live in this world around a time called 2000 years after Jesus Christ. You are forced to live in a reality of science and history writing. You can get all about past times - and nothing about future. You live exactly in times of total burnout, turmoil, changes, down to the finals. Soon you will be dead and not have left one little thing behind. God gave you talents to "see" - what other chaps would never see and don't want to see. So write, because never a written word would ever get out of this world, with books, internet and Obama ideals (based on crimes of GW Bush' Republicans). So try to give a lost Species some hints, how and why they tumble on to its free fall into the nowhere----"

But YOU, dear Reader, are still the perpetrators - and, perhaps, the victim - NOW. But at this point, I have to delete some pages of my script, you can see at original length - by visiting my BLOG.

The programming of modernist thinking has taken peculiar ways:

In our past, normal procedures of thinking have be trained away, systematically - and there was gained space for conventions for ideals of growth, of greed, of wrong conventions and conclusions, some illusive humanity of small value, taken over by all GOs and NGOs - and exactly THIS behaviourism, within Maoism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Friedmanism and Capitalism, will bring China and the rest of world insurmountable collapses to come, in ecology, economy, culture and politics. And they will go in accelerated speed, towards a guaranteed and final downfall of Humanity.

Good Bye - beautiful world? Well, for me it was quite beautiful, for sure. But terrifying was, what I was forced to see during a flash of life, during this nano-second in the history of a Species. NO, such a history of humanism just had to reach, God be thanked, a silent End, some moment in Time.

It would have been a nice plan or wish, this End would have become a little bit less final and terrible, as I was forced to explain it to some folks. But for THIS, the responsibility lies now with the perpetrators, having become victims of their system at the same time - without getting the right idea about reality, as it is.

And now - much of luck and benediction may be granted to all folks being concerned.  

Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Out of China - No future for big masses" / "Not concreteness, abstractedness rules the world" / "Criminal Acts in politics - USA" / "Middle Class and Poor have all tax charges" - and some other nice texts

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Published by WorldNews on 2009-10-2

Today under BLOG: World Gazette of René Delavy