Reading the World

About the capability to "read the World"

This here was written as a record of why it can become a reality how a human can learn to "read the world". How a person could get the capacity to "read" the mechanics and systems of human behaviourism - on a little planet in our universe.

I cannot mention by name any human being, of which I would know that he or she were able to understand the mechanics of this world of humans - to some extent or even in full.

And therefore let's take note of what happened in my life:

As any child, I was wondering about the fact that I was born in this given world around 1940 midst in the Second World War - and wanted to have a broad horizon about the fact, what this could be "our world".

Already at the age of 10, I wondered about the incredible stupidity of all folks, mainly of adult persons, who seemed to know anything about their profession, their arts, their science - and nothing else, nothing about the functioning of all I could see and learn about this planet Earth in future.

People are and were in all times only interested in their daily life, cash, society and the next day to come. The number of folks wanting to know more than pragmatism is extremely low. And geniuses are very seldom born and when it happens, such persons have not the intellect to understand systems as a whole and any craziness of developments into global disasters.

It required about 50 years of life, to understand that all folks who lived ever, all scientists, philosophers, religion leaders, dynamite prize holders, chiefs of States, CEO and literary writers knew all about daily life and nothing about the fundamental mechanics in this world:

Nothing of the past, nothing of the Status quo, nothing of the future, nothing of origins and effects, nothing about developments, nothing of the finance streams on the globe, nothing in economics, nothing about the enfeeblement in mind of wide over 99,99 percent of folks on Earth and the bluff of those, who pretended to know more than the average.

They knew nothing about the real situation of a coming breakdown in ecologic conditions, of a crash in all banks and nations, of getting a "mad Max" world in the 21st century, whereas I could read in full, already around the age of 35, whatever happened on our Earth - and never had to change anything of my literature and predictions about odd developments of humanity, since about 1975.

How come I can pretend what is written here? Wait and read:

When I had reached the age of 15, I really wanted to know how our world functions, what our reality could be, why anything happened as it did.

Therefore, I started to read all important books from philosophers, studied about techniques and geopolitics, development of religions, scientific books and take it. However, whatever I read, there was never any answer about the question why we had the present world of technology, of science, of finances, of economics, nations in wars, masses of torture, of religions with artificial Gods ready to kill in such name some millions of folks, the reason why atom bombs were built, what the deeper sense for literature, music and arts would be and why presidents, leaders of congresses of huge banks or conglomerates should have more intellect that any other stupid and paranoid person in average too.

Afterwards, after the age of 20, I did not have much time to study such overall matters, since I had to learn French and English language and a profession as accountant to be able understanding the functioning of all firms on this globe, be they banks, insurance, factories, services, communes or else in any country of the globe. For the first time, I got in full - and about as the sole accountant ever, the functioning at least of worldwide economics in practice and of finance streams and the incredible injustice of international methods in taxation of rich companies and persons to the damage of the so-called 99 percent, suppressed by bureaucracy.

But still, the world of science and of politics and of arts was outside of my reach, except for the fact, that I discovered that everything was a lie, some bluff, idiocy in totality - in fact, not one person ever in history got, what was going to happen on this planet in the past, at present and in future.

After having studied and been writing in books about 100 critics on the theories of philosophers, thinkers and literature idiots, further the idiocies about economics by Keynes, Smith, Marx, Friedman, Stiglitz and Krugman and Chomsky and Harvey plus other convincing stupids, I wondered how it was possible, how "the World" could not see, as we all without one exception were living in a House of Cards, where under normal terms, not in a long-away future we could all be dead, having no real nature anymore, no resources left, nature and geosphere being a mess - but standing in front of an explosion of pops, killing whatever we had on Earth and accepting a financial disaster, never seen in history of humans before the year 2000.

This was the moment I began to write my own books, basing on an intellectual fundamentalism, to say, not accepting anything on this globe from other persons or VIPs, only being convinced that no VIP and any other person, except I myself could know, to some extent, the origins and effects in our Status quo, in the presence and the future, of most of the achievements other humans were so proud about, in a world going fast in direction of self-annihilation.

I started to build my own picture of reality as follows:

1. The universe, the existence of a God, time and space, life and death, the existence of a brain or an animal, could not be understood by any human until all humans would be dead some time in future.

2. The Earth is just a very little thing in an unknown universe with millions of galaxies, being in the galaxy of the Milky Way, in the sun-system, getting in one year around his sun and producing the seasons, turning once in 24 hours creating day and night, having had some given development of life as given by history and science, humans being some higher animal, not knowing more than a snake about the deeper things of existence and going down the drain by own idiocy of making, what could never be possible.

3. All science without any exception, was and is made to destroy our Earth at length: A car, a plane, an atom plant, highways and infrastructure are not here to bring us growth or progress, on the contrary, by mass-laws and laws of the great figure, following the explosion of pops even by measure of medicine and pharmaceutics, there was no other way as to see by mass and craziness all oceans destroyed, mega-towns getting rotten, resources used up for nothing, having armies costing trillions in State deficits of USA and Russia and China - for nothing but self-destruction.

4. Whatever there is about cash, money, currencies and capital, all is a bluff, some artificial figures on paper or in the computer, one huge casino for crazy and eager idiots, matters having no value at all in itself, but being capable to sell and destroy the whole real nature of the planet, create immense debts never to be paid back and creating a state of bankruptcy in 200 artificial nations, existing in such way for no reason at all, governments having wars and economics battles against each other in the attempt, to be killing the globe faster than any other nation first, than anyone else.

5. Science and computers and internet and Silicon Valley only served as bluff to make idiots believe, we needed only some infotainment, some cash, some growth, some progress, to build for 500 trillions of worthless Dollars some mega-towns and infrastructures, resulting in some dead oceans and lands and animals used up for nothing, and all would be fine and humans would be finding a paradise, a splendid future ahead with plenty of luxuries.

Already at the age of 20, I knew about these facts, but could not explain the reasons therefore.

6. Later on, by the critics in my books of all philosophies, religions, scientific developments, craze of geopolitics, stupidity of science and literature, humans only interested of professions, fights between systems, creating some richest tax-free idiots having under slavery some 99 percent of exploding poor and dull masses - and a finance system got completely out of control.

I knew since 1975, that this world was condemned in matters of economics, arts, science, geopolitics, religion, wars and torture, the highest criminals never seeing a judge, human rights and democrazy only for the rich class, poverty exploding soon in the 21st Century.

7. And there was not one single human, except Delavy, to understand the reasons therefore, since all systems, be they communist, socialist, neoliberal, technologic, scientific, basing on beliefs in some invented God, exhaustion of a planet, producing some holocaust of animals or humans, some terrifying ecologic disaster to come was inevitable.

8. It was very clear from the start and then understandable after the year 1975 to me, that there was in our civilisation not one master-mind or power-person living to take responsibility of a world gone completely out of control, no VIP of value nowhere in sight, except cripples like Thatcher, Ronald, Bush, Greenspan, Escobar, the Jews of Wall Street and WEF and Dynamite Prize Shit and literature writers with small brains and only understanding some human feelings, rules of behaviourism, knowing nothing but small matters in their profession and nothing of the total-streams of finances, economics, natural catastrophes to come and the end of a functioning world for humans.

And there was an increase and acceleration of this state of affairs after the year 1900, and not a chance to come, to build a "better world could be possible" - as written by incredible stupid persons from egoistic NGOs.

And so I continued to study all developments on Earth, knowing about the incredible distances in the universe in light years, the isolation of our very stupid folks on Earth, a development in direction of self-extinction and a very low intellect allowing the presence of such low characters like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, JFK, Greenspan, WEF Schwab, Joe Ackerman, Donald Trump, Einstein and his atom bomb, all idiots of blind science and economics, building infrastructures and huge towns condemned to death, mass of humans wanting to live in luxury, soon no water, air, resources, nature  and future left to survive and still of the opinion, to rule, control and having solutions, in midst of a fine debacle of human mind - out of which only one person could read the whole world theatre in full -

- some stupid guy with name of René Delavy.

A solution, a Plan B, a real good future basing on the systems as written here - in order to end our disaster?

I told you, just rely on the usual suspects, our formal idiots, you have elected yourself and given all power to banking Yews or CEO idiots of world conglomerates and elect the most stupid presidents and prime ministers ever and wait for the end of humanity - and you get my horizon: There is nothing else you could ever do.

Now, soon my death is coming and I will have been the sole human ever, to have written the texts about the final outcome of the experiment of human society, ending with the most criminal and stupid being ever seen on any planet - to say: human life.

A paradise was possible, a deathly mess finally was the result of our presence here.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 8, 2016