All American Cunts and Whores will die from Zyankali or Zyklon B
All American whores, to say all women of USA, shall soon die from Zyankali or Zyklon B.
The history is simple:
When Eva Braun met Adolf Hitler, she could not know that this gay will never bring his penis in upward position.
But still it is true, she decided to die before him in the Bunker to Berlin in 1945 by Zyankali.
It is known that all German Women wanted to make a fuck with Hitler Adolf from 1933 to 1945. Instead he sent great number of those female skunks under Zyklon B. It is dangerous to let to power some idiots.
Well, here starts the history of USA:
Since 1975 the U.S. Whores, the housewives, the students and the rest fell in love with Republicans, Tea Party, WEF, AIPAC, the Jews of Wall Street, the Mont Pelerin Society and Chicago School of Karl Popper and Milton Friedman, letting get crazy Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher and all females of USA.
Since the worst idiot of USA, Donald TRUMP wants to get U.S. President, you can be sure that the females well let him have his will.
And like Eva Braun, the idiots of females will finally get their Zyankali or their portion of Zyklon B.
And the men?
Well, very easy:
They will be killed by the weapons they will use to kill the rest of the globe by neoliberalism of the dirty Finance-Jews or in the new-built Auschwitz of Donald.
And now - Americans - go to hell....
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written in March 2016