My Wolf

Howling like a Wolf

I got a dog since some time, who in his youth was set out somehow in Creta near Greece.

It can be at daytime or in his dreams at night, when he starts to howl exactly like a Wolf and be sure, it's terrible.

Most of the time, the sound comes when I or my girl go away from home, and he knows for any reason, we cannot guess, that it will be for some larger time. In fact, this howling shows the whole despair of an animal.

I think that the original Wolfs in all times started to howl, when they were in desperation about their future, about hunger, about having lost part of the pack and felt lost in their present life conditions.

This is exactly what we can see today with the whole of humanity:

The humans have come to the edge of existence in matters of finance, economics. culture, philosophy, politics and ecology and are starting to die, to kick the bucket for all times to come

They do not yet know all the reasons, although they got it in my oeuvre, but still, the end has come and humans are howling like my dog and the flocks of wolfs -  and still don't know why.

This is the end and by 2099 all will be done.

Before around 2020 the financial capitalism will crash and then all nations, currencies and stock exchanges go for all times to hell.

Was about time - I and my dog waited for that great moment, when each idiot will guess that the end of a planet has come

And now - just howl and kick the bucket, Friend.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 3rd, 2015