The real World War

The real 3rd World War

People are dreaming. In everyday life folks believe to know, what reality is, when in fact not one person gets in what world we are living today.

We have not one expert, U.S. president and philosopher to understand what in reality is going on around our planet in times of the year 2000 and the coming end of humanity within the next 100 years.

But let's explain the given problem in short:

What does not exist

It is a difficult theory now following and therefore take all your intellect and try to follow the principles:

1. Nations and States and Congresses

It would get too far to pretend, that nations and States and congresses would not exist. But in fact it's what we have to understand.

Nations are not existent, but only persons living in a given area, called by accident "USA" or others. "The nation" is always the folks living in those areas. And each individual has an individual brain and thus understands something different about the nation.

So if a third atomic world war would be launched by Putin or China, USA would not be destroyed, but the folks living in the area called USA. And if USA would go into bankruptcy due to immense debt towers, the folks would lose any value in dollars, shares, bonds and real estate, and not the nation or State. There is no such thing as a nation.

And congresses are not an accumulation of intellect, but a destruction of the highest brains in that congress. Take the WEF in Davos: It is a factory of neoliberalism of the Jews of Wall Street and Chicago School, to bring by privatisation, deregulation and by help of hedge funds all nations into bankruptcy in very short time and not one judge was there to kill WEF Jew Schwab for his crimes.

Fact is that most of normal everyday matters are not understood by one simple person on this globe.

2. Behaviour and Philosophies and Religions

All philosophers of the globe since 3000 years never got, that behaviourism is of zero importance in our world. All idiots from Plato to Habermas preached a good government of the globe by good behaviour, without understanding that the APE of homo is not able, to behave in other ways than to destroy his planet by the end of time, to say by about the year 2000 after a crook of name Jesus.

Jesus and other Allah idiots just served as religions, to kill in atrocious ways as many "Ungläubige" of the World as ever possible. Not only IS killed people not believing in Sunni or Shia Faith, but all religions killed others, burnt and stoned women by millions and killed any populations not having the same God, for nothing.

Philosophies and Religions are the reason for the greatest crimes given in history in the name of a non-existent God and for the fact, that humans developed systems of technology, arms, killer instinct and cash and stock exchanges ruled by Jews, what by the end will no longer be mastered and kill all humans after the year 2000.

Humans will be killed in totality by systems in finances, technology, economy, religions and ecology in the very near future and not by behaviourism.

3. Persons, VIPs and the Masses

Persons all believe to get the truth of life by films, literature, art, politics, religion and else. This is wrong: Not one person on this globe has the slightest idea about our real reality, dictated by automatisms in systems, humans have created and crashing the future of humans.

VIPs believe to have power over the masses and will be massacred in the near future, since somebody must be responsible for the crimes of self-destruction in areas of finances, economics, geopolitics and else.

VIPs and parties and U.S. presidents and all governments may decide whatever they want in the field of behaviourism: In fact the automatisms in systems of death make it, that such decisions are of zero effect, since some time all VIPs of the globe just administrate the complete breakdown of humanity and of our planet without knowing what they do - and the world media just report the process, without understanding for a second the origin-effects Chain of what is going on, and only explained in the literature of a genius, René Delavy.

Nations, congresses and wise idiots of Popes or "philosophers" have no force or influence in this game of death at all.

4. Economy and Ecology

Politics have nothing more to say, all the more that such idiots in governments and parliaments only want to change behaviour, having no longer any influence on the death of humanity, given by the systems created by humans in the past 200 years.

What we can see is that no banker, Jew, CEO or major shareholder or Hedge fund criminals with ABS, CDO and CDS and zero State Bonds can do whatever to save the world from the coming collapse in world finances and the Crash of USA, China, India, Europe and the rest.

In ecology not one person knows that today we can no longer do whatsoever we wish to reverse the given destruction of our climate, leading to a weather machinery out of order and producing in near future the finest and most gigantic droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans ever seen, making life on this planet Earth impossible for humans. By 2099, all will be ended.

Why a 3rd World War by military?

We are afraid about total supervision as reported by Snowden. But this is big shit of no importance. Not States, that do not exist, would take advantage of what speak folks, and other persons get the content of such speaking. This is just nuts and of no importance.

Assume that Obama would not only supervise what idiots like Merkel, Cameron, Berlusconi, Hollande and other Abe Shit would be talking the whole day long, but hear from his secret service idiots Putin talking:

"Listen dear General: tomorrow we launch our total atomic forces against USA at 16 o'clock precisely...." - what would shit-head Obama do? He would try to send his atomic rockets before the next day afternoon over Russia and perhaps China and this will be the end of normal humanity as we know it today.

The only thing to be done would be to enter in his private plane, fly to Moscow, meet Putin and tell him, that the idiots of rotten USA and Israel and Wall Street and WEF want peace with Russia for all times.

And exactly this would not happen at all and this proves that information by billions got by secret services do not go to "nations", not-existent, but to idiotic persons or VIPs without any brains and nothing will be of advantage on both sides on basis of infotainment for fools without intellect.

It is possible that USA and some idiotic EU bring Putin to the moment, when he will push the Red Button, but there is no need for such action, since the real 3rd World War has started long time ago and there is no need for atomic rockets.

The real 3rd World War - not noticed so far

We have some fine principles and realities not noticed so far:

The automatisms of neoliberalism, of zero value stock exchanges, of currencies like Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen, Yuan, SFR etc. being worthless already now basing on debt towers in States and the deathly actions in Fed, ECB, IMF and all central banks, are now going to kill all finance systems on Earth in the next 10 years.

The economic situation of China, India, USA and the rest is such, that the resources have gone out, the deficits allow no longer to maintain the infrastructures and mega-towns in all States on Earth and technology and mass consumerism comes to an end and death is waiting and thus, the complete bankruptcy of economics is a fact within the next 20 years.

The dullness of Folks, of VIPs and masses and the zero-brains of "experts" are so empty, that even in the top-Universities of USA, whatever is hammered in the brains of human shit is profit thinking, making money, let the dirty Jews have free hand on Wall Street and City of London and WEF - and thus, humanity shall die alone by the effect of general stupidity in the heads of the 99,99 percent.

But worst is the ecologic situation when there is no question when the Climate or our weather-mechanics will kill all life on Earth. The effects of the past, going on today with more force than ever before, have already started a process, where in the near future folks will have no water anymore, no nourishments, no resources and consumerism - but a complete standstill and furthermore one real and immense catastrophe of droughts, floods, storms ever seen on a given planet in our Universe.

And therefore the 3rd World War, the real one, has started since 1975, is being managed without any effect by the Big Heads of Jews and other Shit, and there is no way how to stop the craze and reverse the process of self-destruction in humanity of a rotten nature on this Globe.

And if you have Questions, go to your Nigger in the White House or to the Pope in Rome.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in March 2015