The 3 Susans

Susan Neiman is not a Philosopher, but a Jewish Skunk

It is difficult to understand, why Susan Sontag, sorry, Susan George of attac, sorry, Susan Neiman of Jewish School of Tel Aviv, yes, why she could never be what an intellectual man would call a

PHILOSOPHER - or a normal human being.

Now, let's go into the details about the absolute masterpiece of stupidity in the brains of the female Susan Neiman.

The Theory of Susan

Susan Neiman believes in the nature of all about human beings, in freedom after Karl Popper, Kant, Rousseau and Habermas. She likes democrazy, to say "Dictatorship of dull Majorities" and humans in free style of living as adults - as such.

If only some fine persons would become thus "ADULT" in mind like Obama, Osama, Bush, Milton Friedman and her dirty bankers, as the Wall Street Jews or the democratic Tax Fraud believers of Swiss WEF Skunks.

She always would admire some folks having good ideas about to minimize the Vietnam and Chile Crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel and Syria coming from USA philosophy in geopolitics, her land what really brought by neoliberalism the whole world over the Edge of existence.

Susan is a skunk and does not know - and believes to be a Tigress.

To become ADULT

Without ever seeing that SHE herself is not adult at all, but only interested in concrete pragmatisms of Jews, she thinks to be a Philosopher and such can say, how children should become fine adults, to run after cash, growth, destruction of a planet without endless resources transformed into poison, if only they would handle the affair in the way, her little brain would like it in freedom, high spirit and great discussions with "normal folks".

Better to stay a child, says my woman-friend, because at the beginning, the children are normal and believe in nature and the value of whatever they find out there in the woods, in the lakes, around the houses, before learning with Susan, that a decent Jew should consume better matters and fly around in heavens to become acquainted with any shit of fine human habits in 200 nations, by travelling around Israel and Wall Street.

What a shit of a person, of a female, of a philosopher knowing nothing.

The Jew in Susan Neiman

Little Susy with her adult brains is a Yew, having taught big shit at Unis of Tel Aviv and Yale and today at the rotten Einstein Forum at Potsdam near Berlin, where I am living.

Never ever the Susan of shit, Neiman, would say one adult word against Jew WEF Klaus Schwab, Joe Ackerman, Greenspan, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Susan George or any dirty shit of a Wall Street Jew, responsible for the Deficit Spending politics throughout the world with dirty theories by Jew JM Keynes, the Swiss Jew Bankers of Tax Fraud or all the shit of Israelis, at the source of 9-11 and the whole shit coming from Islam und Sharia, what Jew Susan sees as pure gold, when women get under towels and Burqas and other shit before the Islam Queues enter into the Fotzen of girls having no rights at all.

The Jew in Susan forbids any logical thought for those who do not believe in a non-existent God or Allah or other Jesus and Mohammed idiots, responsible for millions of tortured and killed folks, believing in common sense and nature.

The Woman in Susan Neiman

All women of the world are by nature enable to think in abstractedness.

So, whatever the Sow of Susan writes about, is concreteness of daily lives and even the movement 1968 and the dirty fuck-girls of the Hippies in California made some sense, she writes in her books, because at least, those idiots believed in happiness, drugs and fuckings.

Susan Neiman will never learn, that only a theory about the abstractedness of non-existent systems on Earth could save this shit of humans from dying before the year 2099 has come, without the slightest chance that ever any person except Delavy would have become "adult" in our rotten non-sense world.

As woman, Susan is never a philosopher, but a girl talking nonsense the whole day long and not corrected by no intellectual, since all women have shit in brains and men do not know how functions our reality.

The Adultness in Susan Neiman

The little Child Susan thinks to be on the level of Saint-Exupery's "Little Prince", when here philosophy is on the level of shit-in-brains like Popper, Friedman, Joe Ackerman, Jew WEF Schwab, Bush, Ronald, Thatcher and Merkel - and she cannot even understand one word of this philosophical text here.

Susan, go to hell with Sontag, George and other Susan female Shit.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on Feber 14, 2015