Definition of our real World
A. Our real World, as we have it
This here now our World around the year 2000, as humanity believes "we would have it":
We are over 7 billion in numbers. And we have 200 nations, we have many currencies, we have technology all over, much of traffic and mobility, we have machinery and some infrastructures and mega-towns. We have banks, insurance, companies and commerce and economy. We have governments, parliaments, dictatorships, kingdoms, democracy, human rights.
We have oceans with fishes and land on what we get all food of the globe, we have metal, coal, gas, oil and seldom earths under the ground, we have water and air and we have a paradise with plants and animals.
We have congresses, universities, schools, professors, educators, media, culture, literature, music, paintings, geniuses and fools, we have one per cent of tax-free and rich idiots and 99 per cent of folks, being middle-class and poor and we have tax-systems, in favour of the first and paid by the poor.
We have memories, books, encyclopaedias, we have history, biology, natural science and arts and we have our own importance and our own systems, such as: Socialism, capitalism, despotism, oligarchism, religions, esoterics, science-fiction, neo-liberalism and some idiots, preaching us in writing and words and further by philosophy and theories, how our world is and how it could be.
And fact is: Not ONE person out of the over 7 billion just understands about 10 per cent of what's going on in our Chaos of existence and reality - in our world "as we have it".
B. Our real World, how it really is
It is a myth that when we have a congress with 10000 idiots and experts, we would have an accumulation of spirits and intellect. The contrary is the case. A congress like WEF, G-20, social peak, IPCC or of any NGO can by definition not be higher in understanding, than the most intelligent person of those 10000 of idiots. No accumulation - but pure reduction.
And this principle is valid too, for the functioning of our world all together:
All governments, parliaments, universities, "geniuses" and dynamite-prize idiots know about the same - to say, what was written under "Our real world, as we have it" - when no one of the 7 billion understands anything about our reality on Earth, as it really is.
Not in one documentary, book, film, discussion on radio or TV or Congress, any person can tell us the truth about the real State of Affairs of our world, society, systems and future of humanity. All talk of hope, of challenge, of chances, of future bright lights, of the luck to have soon 10 billion of idiots without resources, without water and air, with rotten climate, weather, oceans, lands and mega-towns getting down the drain for all times to come.
How come, our humans are so God-sake stupid as they are?
The Truth lies in the following facts:
1. We have no VIPs or geniuses who would know more than any other person or worker or peasant. The few may be specialists, they may have an insular capacity, they may develop theories and they may talk SCRAP the whole day long. Those VIPs can be sure that the mass of 7 billion will not understand one word, just as he or she himself - as VIP - would know. - They all have SHIT in their brains, and nobody tells him or her, because the rest has not more intellect, sense for reality or common-sense and knowledge, as the most famous VIP and professor.
2. The politicians are dull to the maximum: Although all systems created by our geniuses as written above are lost since some times in the past, no one has the slightest control over what is going on in our times on our planet. They all are solely interested in power and re-election and nothing else. All is behaviourism and therefore, it become without interest, which of the idiotic parties would be elected to manage the downfall of our globe. Politicians, bankers, Jews and other crooks were and have been always the criminals in our system, as given out of million better systems on our planet.
3. The culture industry and media are the same as ordinary folks: They describe solely "What happens today" or what happened yesterday and what may happen tomorrow, and all they write, is on the level of little children without any school, or better, on the basis of rotten schools and universities, as we have them in a dying world of idiots without brains.
4. We have a world with systems that are bound to tumble by automation into the crash of: Finances, economics, ecology, culture and working system or facts on Earth. Like a TGV without brakes, the 7 billion of idiots rushes over the edge of the coast and are today tumbling like lemmings, rushing behind the greatest fools down to hell, and not one brain is "normal" enough, to read the real world, our reality, as we have it created.
Now, some clever stupids of VIPs, of tax-free and rich Jews out of Goldman, Deutsche Bank, USA, Israel, Switzerland, WEF, Fed, IMF, BlackRock and other Hedge funds of a today completely bankrupt finance and technology world - being emptied from all chances for the future, may pretend that this here is nothing but bullshit, when the bullshit is in the heads of the some 10000 VIPs without intellect and ethics - and the rest of the 7 billion anyhow is not interested to know, in what real world those victims of given systems, in free fall to hell, they all are living just now, after the crime of God became our free-will reality, as it is.
Well, we can have different opinions, but never different realities.
We have the reality as created by free will of fools and greedy Jews and stupid religious and philosophical leaders, how all other fools without intellect wanted to see, such a fine Cash and Technology world for nuts, and they got it for free.
The result is the coming tumbling in a chaos in finances, economics, culture, ecology, wars, collapses of all systems, of climate and weather, no water anymore, droughts in addition, plus floods, super-storms and monster-waves, always greater and more terrible from the year 2000 to the year 2099, when this world-theatre we have found to be a paradise, became slowly a final and terrible reality for a society of humans without any brains, reasonableness, knowledge, ethics, understanding and now, don't complain, it was your world and your will and your intentions, in full dictatorships of dull majorities, well, our democrazies, and now we have reached the PEAK - to say "Our real world, as we have it".
Don't count on your dull professors, experts, Chiefs of States and presidents, don't count on internet or books written, not even the ones written by Delavy, since it is too late for understanding and to react, don't count on those who destroyed in their interest all resources and nature and animals and humans of our Planet and transforming it to a hell and their bank accounts, in favour by politics of the ones who possess the Cash finally, before all currencies went down to zero... - but not even count on yourself, because you had your chances and you elected the greatest cripples of mind in your governments and relied on the Jews and Bankers to save our humanity with zero rents and savings and WTC of 9-11 debts - and just don't be astonished with the given End of the Story - any other development has become impossible since 1800 - you know.
But read know "my real World".
C. My real World
Any person has his individual "real World" during the time any person, or genius, or politician or crook or Jew or idiot was living on this Allah-damned world of religious Craze and false philosophies and theories of nuts.
And any person tries to survive for some time, before dying for good and for all eternity and going back in the space of endlessness in times of eternity, without having understood, what world was his planet Earth.
And this goes for cows, for worms, for apes and for all humans that lived ever since millions of years on this bubble, and this goes even more for our present 7 billion of idiots living on this planet, blinded by their own masterpieces, going down the drain just now in front of your eyes.
When I was still a child, very young indeed, I knew about the gone WW II and all atrocities that happened. And all I wanted to know was: What is our world, how does it function, what is relevant and what is nuts, and how are the humans, the females and the males, and what is our planet.
Later I got all about wrong philosophies, the craze of esoterics and religions, the stupidity of the VIPs and the masses, the craze of economic theories, the bluff with arts and culture, the lies in all media, the great stupidity of all politicians without just one exception. Even Mandela, JFK and Gandhi were crooks, not getting in what world they were living, when preaching atom wars and Vietnam and Chile - or passivity for the victims or selling South Africa to the London Jews.
Later I got how all systems could never work and when they got out of control, around 1975 - point of no return, the most stupid and greedy idiots of VIPs and Jews would take over the command and let develop our real World into the final disaster, as we have it now.
And at some give time, I wrote books and Editors Letters like this one here, about all systems, state of affairs and the reality, as it is and as stupid folks believe to see it, when they saw nothing.
And the problem became, how I could end my days in peace, happiness, life quality and writing the truth about the Earth, I had the honour of being for some years, just in the most interesting time of humanity, when it happened that the end of all chances and possibilities were reached, all resources used up for cash, oceans and lands falling in pieces, 7 billion and more idiots living in towns to destroy themselves automatically and all folks becoming dull and duller from year to year.
Well, my contribution were my philosophies and books and texts, my achievement was not to belong to the blind and idiotic 7 billion and having achieved a highest life-quality in full knowledge about the world-theatre at the end of times, around the year 2000 - and the rest is history.
And if you don't like this writing, just send it in the basket as for the rest of my scripts was done, by the most idiotic and foolish Species of this Universe. Any intellect of good feelings could place any reality, when Gods were never seen during all past times - and now go to HELL.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 3, 2014