1914 - 2014 - Wars no longer feasible
The Principle
The greatest miscreation by evolution, of God or Allah or coincidence in the universe, the human being, is able any time to start any world-war since 5000 years. And so, again this very stupid animal will be going to destroy the world and itself very soon again.
But the measures and possibilities in killing both humanity and the planet Earth have increased all the time and today we are on a level, any world-war, even limited, has become utterly impossible - as it would seem.
But naturally, the stupidity of humans is greater than any sorts of ethics, common sense and intellect - as I shall prove right now.
Comparison 1914 to 2014
Stupid historians and experts tell us on TV and Radio and Newspapers, that the geopolitical situation in the world 2014 is comparable to 1914, when the First World-War was started in Germany and touched Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Osmania, France, Poland, Russia, England, Italy and USA.
The effects of WW I were only surpassed in the effects by the funny Hitler's WW II against the Jews, France, Russia and USA, helped this time by Japan, but this is another story.
In 2014, say VIP idiots of our stupid-gone World, we would be again in the same situation in the Pacific as humanity was around 1914 in Europe, and therefore it might be possible, a fine WW III shall soon start in China, against Japan, Taiwan and most naturally with the involvement of the American dying empire, USA.
Let's study the matter of fools, having no notion of reality at all:
Status quo and European War 1914
Europe was in full era of technology and growth from 1900 to 1914, and all nations were in peace and economically dependent from each other.
Still one simple assault of Princip in Serbia, Sarajevo, was enough to force all emperors, chiefs of states and strategic leaders, to react in a way, some other solution out of silent hatred of nations on each other couldn't be found - than a World-War.
Once started, it was found that material and machinery would decide, how many folks would be killed and who would "win" the war - the first "win-win" situation of the most stupid animal in the world. Unfortunately, today, all we have worldwide, is a "loss-loss" situation on this Planet.
Status quo and Pacific War 2014
It is true that in 2014, our world is in a much worse situation than Europe was around 1914.
Technology has destroyed the planet already today, all nations are in bankruptcy from deficit spending and the crimes of the Jews on Wall Street and finance market, the oceans and geosphere are dead, resources and water and seldom earths gone out, the collapse of capitalism and neoliberalism a fact and China helpless, before the Crash of all Systems in USA, Europe, India, China, Africa and the rest.
The stupidity of governments is by 10 times higher than it was in 1914, when the planet was not yet exhausted and any day millions of animals killed in a daily holocaust. The atom bomb was not yet invented and the Jews around Einstein, Friedman, Popper, Keynes, Schwab, Greenspan, Goldman, Lehman and other criminals did not yet make worthless all currencies and shares of the world, basing on mechanics of idiots without any proper intellect.
To compare 2014 as being better than 1914 is a wanted MYTH, in fact our situation today is 100 times worse than it ever was before.
Wars no longer feasible
Today any world-war would no longer kill some thousand humans a day, but 25 millions at once, in 3 seconds, if a rocket hits Beijing, Tokyo or Los Angeles. And naturally, once the normal CRAZE is started, be it from martial Japan, North Korea, China, Russia, USA or else (not by Europe this time), there again shall be no limits in mutual destruction by any means you may find.
So, from a technical and normal point of view, world-wars have become impossible and not feasible by 2014.
But this is no guarantee for not killing a planet by weapons. On the contrary, it is the true nature of the human idiocy, to do exactly this game, when the nations discover, that they will get in starvation in any case around 2025 and all possibilities of development gone for ever.
The real World-War starting 2018
There is no need for a bellicose development, when our WW III has started a long time ago:
We can see that China as a copy of today rotten Japan, followed a path, where this land will fall in implosion, like the BRICS states, very soon.
The Currency of USA, the Dollar, is today - due to the cash politics of Jews - on a level of State and Bank indebtedness, and for sure and in addition, all currencies of the globe are already worthless today and only the belief in the money keeps the world of capitalism going, short before the final stage of this stupid ideology of economics has entered in conscience of very stupid VIPs, responsible of this catastrophe.
But worse is it that we have no longer any resources and energies on this globe and the last little CRUMBS under the bottom, even in the oceans, Artic and Antarctic, are used for using up the rest, and then economic life of the most stupid animal in the universe will have come to a stop.
Further we have a life quality, an American way of life and an explosion of pops towards 10 billion of idiots, that on pure principles of accounting, mathematics and philosophies, the real and very easy readable developments in the 20th Century have leaded already into a situation, where we should need in the next 1000 years some 25 other planets Earth to survive, but only, if water and climate would not have been destroyed before.
And worse is the fact, that we have created a time-bomb, to say the ECOLOGIC collapse of climate and weather-machine, that cannot be stopped or reversed - and this will soon, in the next 50 years, kill more humans and animals than any World-War III, given by very normal atom bombs, rockets and Wall Street Jews derivatives, like ABS, subprime, derivatives, worthless Dollars or Yen, CDO or CDS - in short, we have today a globalized CRAZE of self-destruction, no way out is given by Junk-Jews like Yellen or Schwab of WEF, even lower in IQ value are Junk-Niggers like Obama, Junk-Chinese like XI and his 3000 idiots in Beijing and from Putin, only expect some Sochi crime.
And there is no need of talking of the downfall of Europe, given by nature from the south with bankrupt Italy, Greece, Spain, England, Ireland, Portugal and soon the rest of Europe.
Japan is dead since many years, USA has no chance of coming out of 250 trillion Dollars of the real indebtedness of this God's own Shit-State, China goes the way of Japan 1990 and India and other overpops idiotic lands without water under the grounds, but mega-towns no longer repairable, will fall into pieces from 2000 to 2050 - and there is no PLAN B or other solution, than a very natural WW III, given by evolution and stupidity of mass and their criminal VIPs
- and who sees some other way of development in our rotten world, has anyhow an IQ of half the one of Delavy and knowledge of a Cow, 10 times below the world-views of this funny guy.
And if you have still questions, go to Xi, Obama, Putin, Berlusconi, WEF Schwab, Yellen, Merkel, Murdoch or any other lower DOG you may find just around the next corner of the streets in your rotten Town.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on Feber 20, 2014