Goldman and other catastrophes

TV ARTE - Goldman Sachs
 and the Illusions of EU

What's all about?

TV ARTE brought on September 24, 2013, a documentary about the criminal behaviour of Goldman Sachs bank in New Yorkand other banks, about their Greed in their will for destroying by force the whole Finance capacities of our Globe. There was not one criminal act - with derivatives, making profits with State rescue Cash and helping cheat some lands like Greece and other nations - those Goldman Jews would have missed, without seeing until today ever any judge or prison just for one god-damned Jew of Goldman companies. being the final  conclusion of zero mercy Clowns pushed by criminal governments, elected by folks. It seems that anything can be a crime, except the destruction of all savings of folks in our world.

This idiotic DOC was followed by some film, to show that EU until 2013 did not achieve, to control the finance industry on their wanted travel to hell, bringing all lands, banks, insurances, rental systems to the edge of existence - and simultaneously producing unemployment by millions, and for good and still increasing in all future.

On the contrary, all what those criminals wanted, was and is still to force banks to be charged with immense future losses themselves, well knowing that this idea is impossible to maintain order on the Globe. All governments of the world were out of power since 1990, to stop the craze of dirty Jewish and other banks, wanting openly kill the world's finance and economic systems. The idiots of politics will never get, that a 100 trillion LOSS is a crime and the end of our system, be it with banks, ECB, Fed or a nation like USA.

But for the little successes the idiotic autocrats of EU achieved, our elected shit of little children of no mercy, believed to have saved the world for all times - when in fact our globe of finance and economics is DEAD since the year 2007 and the bubbles exploding since.

My Scripts on true facts

In all of my books since 1975, I warned that the Finance Industry and the Deficit Spending of the nations would bring the whole world into bankruptcy, due the automatisms in the capitalistic and neo-liberal systems of the Devils of Chicago School, based on absolute idiocies written by Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, JM Keynes and all the rest of Jews - but all editing companies rejected my oeuvre and now the world goes down the Drain.

When finally the Crash at Wall Street came starting 2006, I was convinced that the Governments and Democrazies of USA, EU or Japan etc. would restore order and take power over the idiotic Bankers - WITHIN ONE MONTH, as a last minute action for saving the world from an assured finance disaster.

But nothing happened during long 5 years to come.

With the cash of tax-payers of middle class and the poor (rich do not pay their taxes), all States increased instead by trillions in Dollars, Euro, Yen, Yuan, SFR etc. their indebtedness of nations. They simply transferred the assured bankruptcy of Jewish Banks like Lehman, Merrill, Goldman, Deutsche Bank und Landesbanken, UBS, Societe Generale etc. towards the nations USA, Germany, France, Japan, China etc. - without being aware that this method was leading to the result of letting pay the criminal bankers and Jews for their crimes and bringing all nations to the bottom of their future existence - for all times to come. Principle HOPE of the finest, never having functioned nowhere.

Still today, the sums of crime having exploded since 2007, the States that are virtually in bankruptcy, when the next greater bubble explodes around 2015, when even China will implode, we will all see how idiots try to prevent the Crash of the worldwide Finance Industry, but can't, due to missing reserves out of already dead nations.

And so it is sure that USA, Europe, Japan, China etc. will fall into pieces, followed by a final economic Breakdown of capitalism for eternity - there are no Plan B or C in any drawers - Friends.

ARTE and the Jews

Not once, ARTE did mention that almost all of the criminals were JEWS, in theory of neo-liberalism, Chicago School, and in practice of crimes and stealing all Money from the ordinary folks and then run to the Wall Street and City of London.

Not once, ARTE told that the Jews got minor folks of middle management of other religions in charge, to be save and for the Jews to continue to destroy the savings of the Middle Class of USA, Europe and other countries.

Not once, ARTE said how criminal the idea was, that Goldman Sachs idiots went into politics to make Goldman crimes, and pretended afterwards and in front of congresses and control freaks, they were not in charge of the "right" departments, but got millions for their bank Shares of the Jews, when on the basis of their doing, millions of folks lost jobs, apartments, their savings, rents including their lives sometimes.

This is cowardice in front of the enemy, not to tell WHO are the criminals and perpetrators, be it the Jews, the Israelis, the U.S. government, the System of capitalistic scrap or the media having the brains full of shit and paranoia.

And it is a shame in front of the victims, those who soon might be killing the perpetrators, if not gone complete Nuts as their fine killers in banks, conglomerates and VIPs in USA, China, Japan, Europe and else.

Under such conditions, would be better not to send a DOC when those looking for the crimes, are watching other TV Programs or not understanding on simple rule of the Jewish Crimes, also because of the rotten System of Media, lying and going into their knees in front of Jewish criminals, when telling something about the real Facts.

Reaction around 2007 during Wall Street Crash

As foreseen in my books and Editors Letters, the governments and control systems did nothing except pay by trillions the criminals for their gigantic losses of crime, to keep going the world finance systems, but from now on heading forward into total Crashes to come later with full guarantee by Factor 10 increased. But before, the idiots of governments will lie, they would have got ALL under control, when the contrary is FACT.

The Jews and bankers and idiots in the investment banking of USA, Greece, England, Spain, Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland etc. continued and increased the Las Vegas game, now with help of the State money received, with deadly Derivatives and ABS, CDO and CDS, now even with State bonds and the Rent and Saving Cash of the world POPS, possessing no brains. It's the computers now and the internet of fools, governing the world of childish shit in brains.

The Transfer of the Profits to the Jews and for the Losses in charge of dull folks was finally achieved, as wanted by Friedman, Popper, WEF Schwab, Fuld, Blankfein, Goldman, Paulson, Strauss-Kahn, Greenspan, Geithner, Summers, Krugman, Sachs, Kissinger, Bernanke, Lagarde and 10000 other Jews, helped by all the Presidents of USA and France and the Chancellors of Germany and the Prime Ministers of Japan, England, Italy, Spain etc. including the communist idiots of Beijing and the tax fraud experts in Switzerland and 100 other tax paradise nations.

Hitler was a fool, and since 2025, each idiot of media around Murdoch shall know --- WHY.

Goldman Sachs and other Jew Banks

The aim and wish of the Jewish banks at Wall Street, City of London, Frankfort, Tokyo, Singapore, Zurich and Geneva, Paris etc. was from the start, to out-rule any Governments, any control by Democrazies and to take over the power on the world's finances, in order to destroy the whole economic Systems of the Globe, just to make money for the generations of Jewish and Rich family and clan generations -

- and the whole world was allowing the deals, with help of Deregulations and globalised Privatisation, prepared first in the USA, then Europe, China, Japan, Russia and all the rest - until such times, not even Allah or God could stop the craze down to hell, which is the case - as foreseen in all of my books - by 2013, when all hopes should be dropped and Allah takes the rules - the new Arab Hitler of no mercy, better than the Pope of Rome.

There are no means to stop the complete breakdown and bankruptcy of capitalism from now on - concerning all worldwide banks and nations - nowhere.

The reactions of Governments in USA, EU, Japan, China

As said before, the Dictatorships of dull Majorities, the representatives of democrazies in USA, Europe and else did not react, but paid the criminals for their crimes and thanking them to be maintaining their systems of greed and destruction of 100 trillions of Dollars worldwide and preparing the downfall of all Systems until 2018 by factor 10, when not even a fast reaction in 2007 could have helped anymore.

The reasons are: Complete paranoia in the heads of Bush, Kissinger, Greenspan, Obama, Merkel, Blair and Cameron, Berlusconi and later Monti idiots, including the Japanese Junk of governments and the Chinese Illusions to take over the dirt of neo-liberalism. All Chiefs of State including their famous experts had nothing else, but great Shit in their brains and those idiots took it for Gold or Platinum.

Childish behaviourism of EU and other Governments

Any Child of the age of 6 would immediately understand that the Cash and Bank systems of Jews and other criminals, worldwide, would reach an extent and a destructive power, not even God or Mohammed or Buddha could keep under control.

But the Big Heads of VIPs and their rotten Media, all being full of capitalistic Shit by lessons of Friedman and other Jewish Theories of Nuts, did never understand the simplest rules of "highest Accounting" of Delavy, what are not really my rules, but the ones of how Great Figures must react under schemes of masses in trillions, if simple and well-known accounting rules would be applied in dirty banks and idiotic nations, governed by dull criminals and fools.

EU tried to help a little bit out of the TRAP alone, well knowing that without playing part in the game by USA, Japan, China etc., each great nation could break the neck of the world finance and economy system by simply going into bankruptcy, when idiotic folks of Democrazies would no longer believe in rotten currencies of zero values.

The Death of Democrazy

Democrazy from the start was told in my oeuvre, to be "Dictatorships of dull Majorities" basing on the role "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction" (title of one of my Books).

Democrazy is the worst system of all sorts of governments, worse than autocrazy or Hitler or Stalin dictatorships, because we have a consent of the average of dull folks, who simply want it all at once, the Cash, the profits, the security of jobs, fine salaries, the houses and apartments, the newest cars and travel with planes and ships, a rotten planet and no future for coming generations - plus a fine fuck each day with any whore - and so they elected:

- the worst male and female WHORES they could find with names like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pinochet, Blair, Bush, Obama, Kohl, Merkel, Berlusconi, Narkozy or Hollande, the Tax fraud idiots of Switzerland, the shit around Abe in Japan and China, the fine families of greed in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland - all being under Spell of dirty Jews as finance ministers and central bankers - and now all idiots of folks in these Majorities of Fools (Democrazies) still pretend to have anything under control, when the complete collapse of finance and capitalism happened already in 2006.

Death of nations, banks, USA, Japan, EU and the world

There are many ways for nations to be killed by themselves and by the Dictatorships of dull Majorities:

- World War I or II with types like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Eisenhower and Churchill

- Ideology of Growth with Neoliberalism of Popper and Friedman and other Jews

- Letting all power in Finances to WEF, Goldman, Merrill, UBS and the rest.

- Convince China and India and Russiato take USAas example of death.

- Preparing a Crash at Wall Street, City of London, WEF Davos and else.

- Taking over the trillions of losses from banks and continue with such shit

- Having against "Highest Accounting" some 30 years of highest Deficit Spending

- Not reacting properly, when the House of Cards falls in pieces like predicted.

Worse as simple finance tactics

But worse than the finance CRASH coming, was the idiocy of ideology of Growth of Pops to 10 billion, the mass production of China, the zero controls on Jews and Bankers, the destruction of all resources and energy of the Earth, transformation into killing our Geosphere and all oceans and forests of the Globe for all times to come, believing in making profits on the basis of killing all lands, plants, animals and humans of the world, without seeing the ultimate END, due to having shit in 7 billion of brains and a fine paranoid and schizophrenic idiocy of systems in all nations and companies and heads of VIPs of the World.


To say that with DOC of TV ARTE, anything could be changed, is like a little child pissing in a lake and believing, he would have produced the lake himself.

As I said before:

All Governments from now on, only can "administrate" the full breakdown of all finance, economic, cultural, political and ecologic Systems on Earth and look without any influence, how the Earth is falling into pieces - and by 2025, all governments, bankers and Jews might be massacred by the poor masses and by 2099 the whole Earth and humanity will be dead as dead can be - and this being so sure, as my name is René Delavy - Zero-heads.

Still having some Questions? - Just go to HELL now.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on September 25, 2013