Christians and Jews

How Christians and Jews killed the whole World

Christians' Triumph in Old Rome

SPIEGEL shows in an article "Wettlauf der Goetter" how it was possible that the Christians won the race of Religions in the Old Rome - against the Roman Myths, against Persian and Egyptian Gods and any other Esoteric Shit from zero to the year 300.

The reason was like with the Islam in Egypt, Iran, Iraq and else: The religion groups were socialists and helping the Poor to survive and give them the eternal feeling of ending with God and Jesus in the Paradise after Death, high above in heaven or tax-free Switzerland.

Further, they were patient and cunning, the Christians. Step by step they won Influence. When finally around 400 AC, the idiots of Jesus got their own Emperor of Rome, who declared all Non-Christians as "Heathers" - the Monks all over the land killed great number of folks and let go up in fire all churches and temples of other Religions - in the name of God, Jesus, Maria and the Holy Ghost.

The Killing of the Globe by Christians

After 400 AC the Christians started to kill all original folks, burnt heathers in any place around the globe, declared normal women as witches, burnt alive in fires, killed all Slaves of Africa and fucked as Popes, monks and priests in the asses of women, whores and children until this very day by millions. And they adored any crook of Dictator or right-wing politician.

Later we saw some Holocausts, the most famous the one of Protestant Adolf Hitler and his fine Christian generals, SS monsters and Angelas.

And they killed in the name of capitalism 3 Mio. of Vietnamese and tortured to death, together with the Wall Street Jews, some 500'000 Socialists and youth in South America and all other continents from 1970 to this day.

The Christians killed China folks, Japanese, Arabs, Islamists and by Bombs and Drones of Obama many children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Syria.

There is not one crime - aside the ones of Islamists, Jews, Buddhists, Chinese Junk and other idiots - the fine Christians would not have left out under order of 500 Popes of Rome, of Tea Party, of crazy Evangelicans and the idiots of bankers and helpers-helper of the Jewish Race in New York and Washington.

The Killing of Humanity by the Jews

USA are governed by AIPAC, the Jews of Wall Street and Tea Party of the rich tax-free Junk, plus the ones who have invented the Chicago School, known too as WEF Ideology, Shock Doctrine, Friedman-Popper philosophy or neoliberalism with deregulation, privatisation, shareholder value, hedge funds, no State Controls and all Cash in the pockets of the rich and mighty Class.

Before they killed the fine Christian Jesus Christ, but this was simply an error and besides, it was the Romans who killed our best Esoteric Tool.

After 1980, the Jews started with help of Ronald, Greenspan, Goldman, Margaret, GW Bush and all the 200 Jewish banks at Wall Street, City of London, Zurich Bahnhofstrass, Joe Ackerman Deutsche Bank and other fine people, of which all masters of universe in IMF, Fed, ECB, Worldbank and finance ministers of USA were Jewish - check it out yourself.

And some sort of Consequence

The Christians, together with Chinese and Indians and other idiots, increased the number of masses from 2 billion to 8 billion in only 100 years. This alone kills our planet.

In addition, they used up all resources and energy of the Globe from 1960 to 2010.

But then they killed the woods, oceans, water reserves, geo-sphere of the globe, the climate and weather-machine, producing with the trillion tons of poison - sent in the air from 1900 to 2013, the gigantic superstorms, droughts, sint-floods and monster-waves in Oceans to come, always greater and higher after 2015.

Together with the Jews, producing one trillion Dollar bubble after the other, since 1990 to 2007 first, which crime and stupidity killed the banks and - under order of JM Keynes - then the States USA, Japan, Europe, BRIC including China and India, humanity has come to his edge of existence.

All banks and States will be bankrupt by 2018, the world economy will be dead by 2025, resources going out by 2035, the stupidity of our children reaching new Peaks, not of Oil but of dullness. And by 2050, half of the world POPS will be killed from the ecologic Time Bomb -

- produced by the Christians and the Jews.

Now you can take whatever other conclusion you want - you have already lost your BET - and now go to your devil - the ones mentioned above.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 23, 2013