Super-Brain OBAMA

The Super-Brain of Negro President OBAMA

Yesterday I saw the Hollywood Film - title "Limitless" with Robert de Niro and Bradley Cooper.

Some idiotic literary Skunk found a PILL that made him super intelligent and this man became on this rotten basis a very USA rich tax-fraud CEO and later a dirty U.S. Senator and finally a criminal U.S. President.

When the film ended, I said to my girl: "This reminds me of the Negro and Jewish asshole with name of OBAMA. This man must have got that wonder-pill, and see what this idiot of lowest intellect possible did to USA and the world…"

And here, what the Friend of Israel did from 2008 to this very day:

1. OBAMA continued the U.S. Politics of Ronald Reagan, of the Jews of Wall Street, of GW Bush and the Tea Party:

- Following up a dirty war in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing as many civilians as ever possible.

- Following up Guantanamo and the Rifle Association, producing some Boston Massacre near the White House.

- Following up the dirty politics of Jews by attacking with atom bombs some 1500 million of Islamists around Israel and building settlements for orthodox bankers in all lands around Palestine.

But this was only the Peak of an Iceberg, because Super-Brain OBAMA did more:

2. He bluffed the whole world with some changes with Gun and War games in the USA, plus a Health Care System of Nuts, for the People made poor by the Jews and the Bankers of Wall Street, City of London, Joe Ackerman Bank and Swiss Tax Fraud banks at Bahnhofstrass.

3. He increased the DEFICITS of USA to trillions of Dollars, when USA was broke already in 2008, grounding in 2018, just as the Nestle gay Super-Mario Corti was taking as CEO the lead of Swissair, being totally bankrupt in 1998, but only grounding in 2001.

4. He produced some other 9-11 with his DRONES falling not on the White House and the Senator idiocy in Washington, but on nice families in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Iran and Switzerland with its Tax Fraud Systems.

5. OBAMA super-brain allowed all Jews on Wall Street to continue their trillion profits stolen from Middle Class and bonuses on cost of the Poor of the Globe paying taxes - and still the Rich Class had all possibilities with 60 Tax Paradises, Switzerland, Singapore, British Islands and Delaware, to produce the State Deficits of USA, Japan, Germany, France, England and Switzerland - breaking the neck of those idiotic nations.

6. OBAMA was behind Ronald and Hillary the most idiotic President of all times, lower than Hitler, Mussolini, Mandela (he sold South Africa to Jews), Gandhi (responsible for the passive Killing of Youth in South America under lead of Friedman, Popper and 5 U.S. Presidents), Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Xi, Mao, Stalin, Putin, Singh, Lula and the dirty 7 Dwarfs of Berne.

7. The Super-Brain of OBAMA listened like Clinton, Bush and any President since 1960 on the neo-liberal advices of Jewish experts, thus killing USA and preparing the implosion of China, India, Europe and the rest of the world - before the year 2020 would have come - the ultimate End of our fine Capitalism.

8. Super-Brain OBAMA is responsible not only for Fracking of GAS, but the total ecologic destruction of the Earth for all times to come - killing all future dead-sworn generations.

Well, the Super-Brain of "No Limits" and the Super-Brain of Washington have about the same level of Shit-in-Brains.

If God or Allah exist, they would have invented a Negro to get in the White House for destroying his land and the rest of the West.

Look out for better times - and take the shit-brain out of the Head of a dead Negro.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 22, 2013