Italia rotto - rotten World
In this text I write about the present situation in Italy - but it is in fact and for sure the overall situation of any land in the world.
All nations are going now to hell and into bankruptcy, even the BRIC States and not only the FISH States .
But I try to go slowly with explanations - in view of average intellect in media.
Bersani for Socialism
Bersani stands for the errors of socialists. They believe all that workers and employees have a right on full-employment, on best salaries, and security from birth to death and a State like old Soviet Union or Mao China, looking as a mother for their children. This is nuts.
We should learn that economics are of a nature that China and not America produces the goods of USA . And not the Italians make the cars, but Germany , Japan , Korea etc. and same goes for other products. In other words, it is impossible for France , USA , Italy , Spain etc. to maintain at length the natural law to have work and profits for all folks, be it in Italia or any other nation.
Because competition makes it that at length some nations win the race and others go to hell - and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop the situation, where the losers go into bankruptcy and the winners get the cash before being bankrupt too, when under globalised rules, "anything goes" has come to a stop.
And so USA, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England etc. are condemned to die and so do, afterwards, the BRIC States by automatisms - and types like Bersani, Hollande, Singh, Xi and other socialists can do nothing against this final downfall in finances, economics and all the rest.
Berlusconi for Capitalism and Neo-liberalism
Berlusconi stands for types like JFK, GW Bush, Ronald, Thatcher and Cameron and other cripples of the right-wing politics of Chicago Boys. In addition, Berlusconi has an immense power in media and never cut short by Italian and European laws, what is the same craze as with Murdoch and the Jewish Lobbies at Wall Street.
Berlusconi depends on the cash of the Mafia, like GW Bush and Ronald on the Cash of Jews and other rich and tax-free Junk of the State. They dictated who becomes prime minister or president and who would be in charge of international banks and have all influence in view of the production of laws and bluffing democracy in a way, that only Middle Class and the Poor see prisons and justice - the VIPs do what they want.
These cripples ignore the fact that we have only one planet to be exhausted, that the concert in world-music is finished when nothing goes anymore, State deficits would let go any State in bankruptcy such as a father of family, a small business, a big conglomerate or a bank too big to fail - this is a Delavy law of "Highest Accounting".
We are in a situation where Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Xi, Singh, Lula and any other right-wing idiots can do what they want - the final dilemma between deathly growth and austerity kills today all 200 Nations of the world. And therefore, there is no harm if Berlusconi can continue destroying Italia Rotto - all other right-wing politicians of the Globe are doing the same with their rotten Nations.
Beppe Grillo for Clownism
Beppe Grillo is a Clown like Obama, Pinochet, Putin, Merkel, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne and some other idiots meant to be in "the middle".
Those types know nothing about economics, limits of growth, feasibilities and would increase the State indebtedness into eternity - without knowing what they are doing.
Some journals in Europe pretend that Beppe Grillo makes sense for Italia, because this land had been governed since 1945 by criminals and by Mafia. This is perfectly true - but Grillo like 90 percent of world politicians - has zero intellect in order to understand in which State of Affairs this international world is. They know nothing about banking, finance Crash, end of WEF economics and the dilemmas to Hell in which all lands of the Globe are running into - just now.
Beppe Grillo and his clownesque idiots in Italy, USA, Germany, Switzerland and all the rest know less than nothing about the sources, the origins and the effects of the present final BIG CHAOS in politics, economics, ecology and culture and therefore are bound to increase the downfall of Italia Rotto - just as much as the one of a Rotten World. There is not ONE nation to be taken out from this final downfall to hell from the year 2000 until 2025.
Delavy for Dictatorship
Well, never I would play Dictator of Italia or USA or Germany or of the World as a total heap of stupid Pirates - although it's the only way to save the planet from tumbling down to hell and humanity kicking the bucket within 100 years since 2000, ending the Spleen by 2099.
Now, as Dictator of Italia (or USA ) I would do the following:
1. Inform the Population about the true situation in finances, banking, State bankruptcy, future prospects and the automatisms in economics and the Rules of "Highest Accounting" - just to get POPS to understand their true state of affairs and rise some will to overcome death of humans and nations.
2. I would dismiss from the place of their rotten banks and firms all Jews, bankers, corrupt politicians and CEO and other WEF dirt, having taking bonus and committed other criminal acts. They all are been put in prison immediately - better would be to shoot them short.
3. Immediately, all rich and tax-free sacks should pay back all tax money stolen to middle class and poor and if they prefer to cheat by Swiss Tax Fraud etc. the State again, the cripples are shot and all fortunes confiscated. Justice in any respects are introduced and changed to treat VIPs and other Junk exactly like any normal person of Middle Class and the Poor. It is a god-damned shame that Greek (for example) can go with fortunes of billions to Switzerland, without being massacred by their folks being forced to pay all taxes.
4. The Planet and its preservation should get all priority, nations are either cancelled and all frontiers gone, or at least are pushed against the deadly laws of globalisation, privatisation, deregulation instead of all sorts of autonomy and independence - in view of water and nourishment from own soil plus trying to be living on the reserve, still being at disposal in little quantities today - the rest having been used in the past to destroy our geo-sphere and all oceans.
5. All States are forced to produce immediately surplus instead of deficits, by force of rich sacks to pay the highest taxes and at the same time, expenses for armies and other crazy costs of States to be cut short or be abolished to zero. The idiotic circus of politicians getting State money like hell, comes to a stop- anyway, there are no politicians anymore under dictatorship.
6. To prevent the complete exhaustion and the coming gigantic catastrophes and collapses in ecology, I would try to convince all governments of the Globe to go down with number of masses in China, India, South America and any land, to reduce folks and reach as fast as ever possible and get down on one billion of folks for the world population - otherwise the planet and humanity have no longer any future.
Of course there are many other things to be done - as written in my Book "10 Maxims for continuation of Humanity" - but for the moment this will do.
Just note - and I bet one million Dollars on it - that today with our systems of Socialism, Capitalism and Clownism there is zero chance to prevent that all of the nations are going into bankruptcy by 2018, the world-economy be dead by 2025, all brains of the 7 to 9 billion of ignorant folks and elites to be paranoid and crazy by 2035 and the planet half-dead in ecology by 2050 and humanity totally dead by 2099.
But who does not even understand the text written above, has no chance to be in a position to well understand this conclusion, before it will have become a true FACT.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on March 2, 2013