Crimes of IRS and EU Commission

Criminal Incompetence of IRS - Tax Justice - EU Commission

All three idiotic organisations of TAX FRAUD, not only in Switzerland, but in 100 Tax paradises of the World, are under cover with the richest and powerful CLASS.

IRS (International Revenue Service)

This rotten U.S. Office for tax control on USA and international tax evasion, does nothing at all to make the richest class of Americans pay their taxes.

They do as if they would take care of U.S. citizens with accounts in Switzerland and else. They do as if the rich class of USA would be forced not to add, like since 1960, to the miserable Deficit Spending of USA, making this land going into bankruptcy just now - but still living on cost of Middle Class and Poor.

Instead, IRS allow Switzerland, Caribbean Islands, Singapore, Delaware, Florida and all the rest not to pay their taxes, having funds for tax fraud, having constructions hiding for conglomerates and rich persons and banks the bulk of income and fortune.

Therefore, Obama and his officials are criminals of the highest and they know it,

Tax Justice

This organisation of TJN can be thrown in the toilet. These idiots know that for 99 percent of rich folks, still they do not pay their taxes, and what is the result?

Tax Justice is just proclaiming that they would do whatever they can to stop the misery, higher than any Mafia deals on the Globe, but in fact, they do absolutely NOTHING.

They received per Mail all my reports about the dirty tricks of Swiss authorities, Swiss banks, Swiss lawyers, the trillions of taxes Fraud in the Swiss towns of Zug, Schwyz, Geneva, Lugano, Zürich, Vaduz in Liechtenstein and 50 tax paradises, and what did those Skunks do?

They wrote to my address that I should stop with such scrap, they knew better. What a LIE: Fact is that TJN is under cover with the Rich Class and helps them to find ways, how to continue their dirty tricks, by telling them what could be forbidden and what ways are dangerous in the wide field of taxation and what to do to continue their crimes.

EU Commission

Worst are the Tax Experts of the EU. These shit heads know since 1960 about the crimes of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Jersey, London, Monaco and the 100 other tax paradises and kept silent until the great Crash in USA at Wall Street.

But then they did "as if they would be interested" to see the rich class should no longer be assisted by huge armies of lawyers, tax officers and experts, not to pay their taxes like everybody else is forced by nations, who punish any person of middle class and poor and give total freedom to their amours of tax fraud in the richest class.

And nothing happened.

- Switzerland can get on with criminal ways, by offering their "Abgeltungssteuer" which is the dirty trick not do let declare rich Germans, Italians, French, English and all the rest, what income and fortune they hided since 50 years in Switzerland.

- There is no scheme to get the taxes of the PAST for the greatest Crooks of the globe, who transfer the Cash and depots from Swiss to Asian Bankers - EU rotten governments and MPs sign such Scrap of Mind with pleasure.

- EU was knowing that the damage in Tax Fraud is 100 times higher than for any crimes with social expenses, dopes, traffic with women and take what you want. But they never forced any land to stop this craze, on the contrary, all laws of EU allow to let the scheme in favour of the FEW to explode.

- EU knows about the schemes in Zug and other such places resulting  in trillions of Euros of Tax Fraud, but they are totally on the side - like IRS, Tax Justice and other NGO shit in this world - of those who possess all the cash and all the power.

- EU could stop from one minute to the next the crimes with Tax Fraud, the idiotic competition in taxes to allow the Rich Class to pay lower taxes than Middle Class and the Poor, they know about all privileges, given by all governments of all nations, and do nothing at all.

- There is lots of talk about informal "automatic exchange of dates" about all hidden Cash in banks, funds, foundations and Tax Justice - and nothing will be done, because the EU commissioners have - like IRS and Tax Justice - their heads in the assholes of the Rich Class of private persons, conglomerates and banks.


Under these conditions, Middle class and Poor continue saving nations like Greece, Spain, Italy, USA and IRS with their taxes, they lose jobs, houses and rents - and still knowing nothing about the trillion Dollar and Euro crimes worldwide in favour of the RICH - and the total breakdown of the finance System and of capitalism until 2018 can still not be prevented.

And up to the last minute, the rich JUNK will hide their incomes and fortunes from taxes, but by the end, they will lose all their Cash because the bankruptcy of USA and Europe does not allow anymore to have any values in bonds, shares or take what ever you want. The bankruptcy of Nations and Banks is the bankruptcy of the upper Class first.

And this world allowed for more than 60 years the richest Class of the Globe, to live like Kings in infrastructures not paid by them, they allowed the explosion of State indebtedness, they allowed China to bring all other industries to bottom, they allowed the Junk-Jews on Wall Street to commit their Friedman and Popper crimes, not least ABS, CDO and CDS, and with help of all governments and parliaments, they increased the damage with the Shock Doctrine of Neo-Liberalism, with the Tea Party forcing the Republicans still to maintain a system of highest Injustice and the shit in brains of Occupy and Pirates - and today we have the complete breakdown of all systems

- and God and Allah saw the tricks of IRS, Tax Justice and EU Commission and have foreseen the end of the idiocies of humans and shall not only let crash the finance world, but automatically be followed by economic world, cultural world and as the highest of best feelings - the radical collapse of Climate and Weather-Machine on a rotten Globe with rotten humans around rotten IRS, Tax Justice and EU Commission.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on June 20, 2012